Easy to use web version of all available US, UK stocks & ETFs on https://freetrade.io.
- Search all stocks available and filter by sector, name, currency, etc...
- Mobile friendly / responsive
- Links to costs associated with each stock
- Graphing historical data of each stock (Using TradingView integration)
- Live stock prices next to each stock
- Dividend payment yes / no next to each stock
Please do not use freetrade logo or branding in any development / project that you publish or use (thank you). Ian / Freetrade are allowing us to put this up on github. Hopefully we can develop the project further :) If you haven't already, check out their website:
- Freetrade - Invest. Commission-free.
- Freetrade Universe Web - View all stocks available
You can copy the files to your local and click index.html. I've left in the node modules, so you should be good to go. Feel free to experiment, send pull requests.
Any feedback / thoughts welcome. Email: [email protected] You can also post feedback on the community forum thread (My user tag is @Marky):