C# Client for EST Authentication for IoT devices with EZCA Cloud Certificate Authority
This project contains a C# sample that shows how to use EST with EZCA. This assumes you already have preloaded your certificate with the original bootstrap certificate learn about IoT Security Best Practices to learn how to do the original bootstrap certificate in the factory; for that you will probably need our EZCA Client.
To Run This EST Client Run the following command:
ESTClient renew -u YourCaEstUrl -c YourCertificatePathLocaiton -p YourPFXPassword
Here is an example of mine
ESTClient renew -u https://est.ezca.io/EST/1c3c6cea-fcbd-4681-85e1-74fb74b6863e/1d88da89-1f97-4972-a97d-9c316d8fa09a/eastus/.well-known/est -c /Users/igal/Downloads/test.pfx