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Upload artifact

Wrapper around GitHub s official action, with additional archiving before upload This uses version 3.0 internally
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This GitHub Action, named "Upload artifact," is an enhanced wrapper around GitHub's official upload-artifact - version 3.0 action. It includes an additional step for archiving files before uploading them as an artifact.


Input Description Required Default
name The name for the artifact. Yes -
path A file, directory, or wildcard pattern that describes what to upload. Yes -
if-no-files-found Behavior if no files are found using the provided path. Options: warn, error, ignore. No warn
retention-days Duration after which artifact will expire in days (0 for default). Min 1 day, max 90 days. No 0
working-directory Optional working directory to start the path search from. No ./

Action Workflow

Archive Artifacts:

  • It archives the specified files (based on the path input) into a .tar file.
  • If no files are found, it handles the situation based on the if-no-files-found input.

Upload Artifacts:

  • This step is conditional and executes only if the archival process is successful.
  • It uses GitHub's upload-artifact@v3 to upload the created .tar archive.

Remove Archive:

  • After uploading, it removes the temporary .tar file created during the archival step.


To use this action in your workflow, include it as a step in your .yml workflow file with necessary inputs. Ensure to provide values for required inputs name and path.

- uses: echapmanFromBunnings/[email protected]
    name: 'artifact-name'
    path: 'path/to/your/files/**/*'
    if-no-files-found: 'warn' # Optional
    retention-days: 10 # Optional
    working-directory: './path/to/start' # Optional

Upload artifact is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Wrapper around GitHub s official action, with additional archiving before upload This uses version 3.0 internally



Upload artifact is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.