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GitHub Action

PyLint with dynamic badge


PyLint with dynamic badge


PyLint with dynamic badge

Perform pylint check on one or multiple packages/python files and update badge in


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: PyLint with dynamic badge

uses: Silleellie/pylint-github-action@v1

Learn more about this action in Silleellie/pylint-github-action

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PyLint with badge - GitHub Action

GitHub action that lets you easily lint one or multiple packages of your project and adds a dynamic badge to your that lets you display the obtained score!

Each time the action is run, packages specified will be linted and a badge in the is updated dynamically following one of the below rules:

Range PyLint score Badge
PyLint score $< 5$ pylint-red
$5 \le$ PyLint score $< 8$ pylint-orange
$8 \le$ PyLint score $< 10$ pylint-yellow
PyLint score $= 10$ pylint-green

The action can be triggered by a Pull request, a Push or manually with workflow_dispatch. If the score is changed, the github_action bot will change your badge with an automatic commit

A quick example on how you would typically use this action (more examples in scenario section)

- uses: Silleellie/pylint-github-action@v1
    package-path: src  # lint src package
    python-version: 3.9  # python version which will lint the package

Preliminary steps

To use this action you should perform two simple first-time-only operations:

  1. In order to have a dynamic updated badge, before using for the first time this action, you should put a placeholder badge in your which will be substituted by the actual one as soon as you run this action.
    The placeholder badge should be in one of the following formats:

![pylint]() or [![pylint]()](https://redirect/link)

  1. Be sure to set write permissions to GitHub actions in your repo settings! You can change it in Settings > Actions > General, then go to subsection Workflow Permissions and thick the Read and write permission option


- uses: Silleellie/pylint-github-action@v1
    # Path of the package(s) to lint, relative to the repository root. 
    # If more than one package should be linted, simply specify all of them 
    # with the multi-line notation like so:
    # package-path: |
    #   src
    #   other_src
    #   ...
    # Required
    package-path: src
    # Version of the Python interpreter which will install all requirements of your project 
    # and lint the package(s) specified with the `package-path` argument
    # Required
    python-version: 3.9

    # Path of the requirements of your project, relative to the repository root. 
    # This can be easily changed in case you have `requirements-dev.txt`
    # Optional, Default: requirements.txt
    requirements-path: requirements.txt
    # Path of the to update with the pylint badge, relative to the repository root.
    # Optional, Default:


Single package to lint

- uses: Silleellie/pylint-github-action@v1
    package-path: src
    python-version: 3.11

Multiple packages to lint

- uses: Silleellie/pylint-github-action@v1
    package-path: |
    python-version: 3.11

Different path for requirements file

- uses: Silleellie/pylint-github-action@v1
    package-path: src
    python-version: 3.11
    requirements-path: requirements/requirements-dev.txt

Different path for file

- uses: Silleellie/pylint-github-action@v1
    package-path: src
    python-version: 3.11
    readme-path: models/


This is a composite github action which uses the following godly working actions: