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Generates, adds updates manually/automatically Lighthouse badges reports from 1,2... URL(s) to 1,2... repo(s) in parallel
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Lighthouse-Badger | GitHub Action

The Lighthouse-Badger GitHub action makes it easy to manually/automatically generate, add and update Lighthouse badges and reports from one/multiple input URL(s) to a selected target repository. If you've it set up, you only need to add the result links to your use case once. Then the Lighthouse-Badger will automatically keep the badges up to date for you. So sit back and let the Badger do the job 😉.

| Credits

I, Sitdisch, created the Lighthouse-Badger because I needed a GitHub action that would automatically update my Lighthouse badges on a regular basis and I haven't found a suitable solution. The badge creation is based on the Lighthouse-Badges repository [License: MIT; Copyright (c) 2018 Emanuele Mazzotta] and the pagespeed badge on the Readme-Pagespeed-Insights repository [License: Apache-2.0; Copyright (c) 2021 Ankur Parihar]. Check out both. They are magnificent and maybe better suited for your use case than the Lighthouse-Badger.

The badger icon is made by Freepik from

| Previews

Pagespeed Badge

Plastic Badges

Single Plastic Badge


The awesome repository makes it easy to show up your Lighthouse reports instantly rendered. Just put this before the URL where you placed your Lighthouse report e. g.

Examples: Main Page | Project Page

| Setup

OK, let's do it.

  1. add the lighthouse-badger.yml workflow file to a repository
    • the path has to be .github/workflows/lighthouse-badger.yml
    • it doesn't have to be the repository where you want to add the Lighthouse results; e. g., you can simply fork the myactionway/lighthouse-badger-workflow repository
      • CONSIDER: with a forked repository, you need to confirm that you want to use a workflow before you can actually use it (repo menu > actions tab > push the button)
  2. create a new encrypted repository secret [procedure]
    • add the secret to the same repository where you added the workflow file
    • give the secret a name e. g. LIGHTHOUSE_BADGER_TOKEN
    • the value of the secret must be the value of the personal access token for the repository where you want to add the Lighthouse results.
  3. adapt your lighthouse-badger.yml file
    • for manual triggers
    • for all other triggers
      • adapt this section
         # TOKEN and INPUTS as environmental variables
         #	Token for all triggers
         	TOKEN: # e.g. ${{ secrets.LIGHTHOUSE_BADGER_TOKEN }}
         #	Inputs for not manually triggered workflows
         	URLS: # URL(s) to be checked e.g. ''
         	REPOSITORY: # target repository e.g. 'dummy/mytargetrepo'
         	BRANCH: # target branch e.g. 'master'
         	BADGES-ARGS: # badge-style '-b {flat,...}', preceding-label '-l "Lighthouse "', output-path '-o lighthouse_results/dummy', save-report '-r', single-badge '-s'
         	RESULTS-TYPE: # 'mobile', 'desktop' or 'both'
         	MOBILE-LIGHTHOUSE-PARAMS: # Lighthouse parameters mobile audit
         	DESKTOP-LIGHTHOUSE-PARAMS: # Lighthouse parameters desktop audit
         	USER-NAME: # user who should commit e.g. 'dummy'
         	USER-EMAIL: # e.g. '[email protected]'
         	COMMIT-MESSAGE: # e.g. 'Lighthouse results added'
         # TRIGGERS
         # page_build:
         # schedule:
         #   - cron: '55 23 * * 0'
      • CONSIDER:
        • token: never enter the actual value of the personal access token
        • inputs:
          • you only have to insert URLS; if any other input is blank, one of these default values will be used instead
             DEFAULT-REPOSITORY: ${{ github.repository }} # repo with this file
             DEFAULT-BRANCH: 'master'
             DEFAULT-BADGES-ARGS: '-b pagespeed -o lighthouse_results -r'
             DEFAULT-RESULTS-TYPE: 'both'
             DEFAULT-MOBILE-LIGHTHOUSE-PARAMS: '--throttling.cpuSlowdownMultiplier=2'
             DEFAULT-DESKTOP-LIGHTHOUSE-PARAMS: '--preset=desktop --throttling.cpuSlowdownMultiplier=1'
             DEFAULT-USER-NAME: 'github-actions[bot]'
             DEFAULT-USER-EMAIL: '41898282+github-actions[bot]'
             DEFAULT-COMMIT-MESSAGE: 'Lighthouse-Badger[bot]: Results Added'
          • badges-args:
            • more information about the optional arguments can be found here
            • in contrast to the Lighthouse-Badges repository
              • do not enter any URL(s) here
              • mobile or/and desktop is/are always added to your output-path
        • triggers:
          • page_build: Lighthouse results are generated every time after the GitHub page is built
          • schedule:
            • e. g. cron: '55 23 * * 0' executes the Lighthouse-Badger every Sunday at 23:55
            • you can check your inputs here

That's it. Happy audits.

| Known issues & possible solutions

  • No scores are displayed in the pagespeed.svg file.
    • They are there, if not, NA is inserted. Try opening the SVG with a browser and the scores will pop up, I promise.
  • The repository size is growing continuously due to the automatic updating of the badges.
    • The Branch-Pruner can help. E. g. put your Lighthouse results on a separate branch and automatically prune that branch with the Pruner, as you like.

Lighthouse-Badger is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Generates, adds updates manually/automatically Lighthouse badges reports from 1,2... URL(s) to 1,2... repo(s) in parallel

Lighthouse-Badger is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.