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Delete untagged/tagged images from the GitHub Container Registry. Supports multi-architecture and attestation images.
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GitHub Container Registry Image Cleanup Action

GitHub Super-Linter CI Check dist/ CodeQL Coverage

A workflow action that cleans up images in the GitHub Container Registry ( Its focus is on supporting multi-architecture images.

It includes the following features:

  • Automatic GitHub user/organization repository support
  • Deleting images by tag names
  • Deleting untagged images
  • Keeping a number of untagged images
  • Keeping a number of tagged images
  • Untagging of multi-tagged images
  • Multi-architecture image support
  • Referrers/GitHub attestation support (OCIv1 tag approach)
  • Supports wildcard syntax for tag delete/exclude options
  • Retry and throttle support for the GitHub API calls
  • Validation mode, verifying multi-architecture & referrers image contents


Setup token permissions

To allow the injected GITHUB_TOKEN to have access to delete the images it requires its permissions to have been set correctly, either by:

  1. In GitHub project Settings > Actions > General, set the Workflow permissions option to "Read and write permissions"

  2. Set the permissions directly in the workflow by setting the packages value to write.

        name: Delete Untagged Images
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          packages: write

Define the action

The most basic setup with no delete or keep options deletes all untagged images from the repository. Untagged here means a top-level container image, not the underlying parts of a multi-architecture image (which appear as untagged also).

To get started add the action definition to a workflow file.

  - name: cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          dry-run: true
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

The action calls both the registry ( and the GitHub Package APIs to facilitate support for multi-architecture images. This is required to determine the relationships between all the multi-architecture image contents. It downloads the manifest information for all images and maps the contents to the underlying packages, which appear as untagged in GitHub (as seen in the web interface). To safely delete untagged images the action determines first if the untagged package is actually in use by another image/package and skips these. Likewise to delete an image it needs to delete all of the underlying packages.

Do a dry-run first

It's recommended to test the cleanup action first by setting the dry-run: true option on the action and then reviewing the workflow log. This mode will simulate the cleanup action but will not delete any images/packages. This is especially important when using a wildcard syntax or the older-than option to select images.

Action Options

Repository Options

Option Required Defaults Description
token yes Token used to connect with and the Package API
owner no project owner The GitHub repository owner, can be an organization or user type
repository no repository name The GitHub repository name
package no repository name The GitHub repository package name to operate on

If the owner, repository or package options are not set then the values are automatically set from the project environment where the action is running.

Clean-up Options

Option Required Defaults Description
delete-tags no Comma-separated list of tags to delete (supports wildcard syntax), can be abbreviated as tags
exclude-tags no Comma-separated list of tags strictly to be preserved/excluded from deletion (supports wildcard syntax)
delete-untagged no depends* Delete all untagged images
keep-n-untagged no Number of untagged images to keep, sorted by date, keeping the latest
keep-n-tagged no Number of tagged images to keep, sorted by date, keeping the latest
delete-ghost-images no false Delete multi-architecture images where all underlying platform images are missing
delete-partial-images no false Delete multi-architecture images where some (but not all) underlying platform images are missing
older-than no Only include images for processing that are older than this interval (eg 5 days, 6 months or 1 year)

* If no delete or keep options are set on the action then the action defaults the option delete-untagged to "true" and will delete all untagged images.

Other Options

Option Required Defaults Description
dry-run no false Simulate a cleanup action but does not make any changes (true/false)
validate no false Validate all multi-architecture images in the registry after cleanup
log-level no info The log level (error/warn/info/debug)

Delete Options


Comma-separated list of tags to delete (supports a wildcard syntax). Can be abbreviated as tags. Use this option to delete specific tags in the package repository.

  - name: cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          delete-tags: mytag*,dev # same as tags: mytag*,dev
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

If the tag links to an image with multiple tags the action will unlink the tag before is deleted, effectively untagging the image but the underlying image will not be deleted (unless all of its other tags have been deleted also).

The option can make use of a simple wildcard syntax to match multiple images. See the wildcard-match project for its syntax. It supports the ?, * and ** wildcard characters.


This option is the same as the default mode, however, this option can be combined with any of the other options (except for the keep-n-untagged)

  - name: cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          delete-untagged: true
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


This option is used to exclude tagged images from being deleted. Use it to exclude tags when combined with other options. It takes priority over all other options.

The option can make use of a simple wildcard syntax to match multiple images. See the wildcard-match project for its syntax. It supports the ?, * and ** wildcard characters.

  - name: cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          exclude-tags: dev,latest,pr*
          keep-n-tagged: 10
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


To limit the action to images that are older than a certain time this setting can be used. Set this option to a relative date value from now. This option can be used with all of the delete and keep options narrowing their scope to which images they will process.

The syntax supports the following units in the plural and singular forms: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years

The option uses a simple human-interval syntax to match images. See the human-interval project for more information.

  - name: cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          olden-than: 1 year
          keep-n-tagged: 10
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

delete-ghost-images and delete-partial-images

These options clean up invalid multi-architecture images. They are intended for more as a one-time use in cleaning up repositories that have been corrupted.

  - name: cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          delete-ghost-images: true
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Keep Options


Includes for deletion all untagged images but excludes (keeps) a number of them. The value of this option sets the number of untagged images to keep. Untagged images are sorted by date and the most recent untagged images are kept. May be combined with other delete options (except the delete-untagged option).

  - name: ghcr cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          keep-n-untagged: 3
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Setting keep-n-untagged to 0 has the same effect as setting the delete-untagged option to true, deleting all untagged images.


Includes for deletion all tagged images but excludes (keeps) a number of them. The value of this option sets the number of tagged images to keep. Tagged images are sorted by date and the most recent tagged images are kept. May be combined with other delete options.

  - name: ghcr cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          keep-n-tagged: 3
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Samples Action Setups

Complex example keep-n-tagged

Simulates how to keep 10 tagged images as well as the dev image. Additionally deletes all untagged images. Also removes multi-arch containers that are missing some or all underlying packages.

  - name: ghcr cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: 'Clean up docker images'
        uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          dry-run: true
          keep-n-tagged: 10
          exclude-tags: dev
          delete-untagged: true
          delete-partial-images: true
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Delete an image when a pull request is closed

name: Cleanup Pull Request Images
    types: [closed]
    name: ghcr cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Delete image
        uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          tags: pr-${{github.event.pull_request.number}}
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Daily image cleanup of untagged images

name: Daily Image Cleanup
  # every day at 01:30am
    - cron: '30 1 * * *'
  # or manually
    name: ghcr cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Override default owner/repository/package

The default settings will use the current project to determine the owner, repository and package names but for cross-project and multiple package support these can be overridden by setting the owner, repository and package options.

  - name: ghcr cleanup action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dataaxiom/ghcr-cleanup-action@v1
          tags: mytag,mytag2
          owner: dataaxiom
          repository: tiecd
          package: tiecd
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


Effect on image download counts

To ensure the integrity of all images in the package repository all of the image manifests are required to be downloaded and cross referenced each time the action is run. The effect of this is that it will increase the package download count showing in GitHub for all packages by one. The action does not download the underlying package itself, just the manifests. But GitHub uses that event to mark it as a download.


The action is not designed to be run in parallel. Due to the nature of the cleanup process and determining what can be safely deleted it requires that no other package publishing or deleting process is occurring at the same time. It's recommended to use a GitHub concurrency group with this action in complex/busy repositories.

Package Restoration

GitHub has a package restoration API capability. The package IDs are printed in the workflow log where the ghcr-cleanup-action is run.

Restore Organization Package

Restore User Package

Validate Option

Set the validate option to true to enable a full scan of the image repository at the end of the execution to check that all multi-architecture images have no missing platform images. Warnings will be outputted if there are missing packages. Cleanup Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Delete untagged/tagged images from the GitHub Container Registry. Supports multi-architecture and attestation images.
v1.0.9 Cleanup Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.