Firefox Addon Action
(2)This action will publish your addon to the Firefox Addon store.
action-web-ext is a GitHub action that wraps the web-ext
tool from Mozilla, which provides additional features such as lint, build, and signing.
API Keys page to get your api keys.
See action.yml
- uses: trmcnvn/firefox-addon@v1
# uuid is only necessary when updating an existing addon,
# omitting it will create a new addon
uuid: '{7b312f5e-9680-436b-acc1-9b09f60e8aaa}'
xpi: build/my-addon.xpi
manifest: manifest.json
api-key: ${{ secrets.FIREFOX_API_KEY }}
api-secret: ${{ secrets.FIREFOX_API_SECRET }}
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License
Firefox Addon Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.