(2)WARNING: This action deletes data. Use with care and at your own risk.
This github action deletes all artifacts generated by a github workflow run. It's intended to be used to delete all artifacts generated by a run at the end of this run.
This can be useful if your workflow temporarily stores artifacts and they're not needed anymore by the end of the run (i.e. because they got uploaded or published as a release by one of the steps). Deleting these redundant artifacts at the end of the run saves storage space (which is limited for private repos).
This action requires a bit more preparation in your repo than most other actions. Because artifacts cannot get deleted during a workflow run (only after a run has completed), we need to spawn a separate workflow run for the deletion by a webhook at the end of the main workflow run.
First, create a personal access token (required to call a webhook):
- in your github user/org settings: Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal access tokens -> generate new token
- Note:
for webhooks
- Scope:
- Note:
- copy the generated token
then store the token as a secret in the repo, so that the workflow can use it:
- in your github repo settings: Settings tab -> Secrets -> add a new secret
- Name:
- Value:
- Name:
then create a file in your repo .github/workflows/webhook_target.yml
name: delete calling job's artifacts
on: repository_dispatch
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Delete artifacts
if: github.event.action == 'delete_all_artifacts'
uses: christian-korneck/delete-run-artifacts-action@v1
parent_runid: ${{ github.event.client_payload.parent_runid }}
parent_repo: ${{ github.event.client_payload.parent_repo }}
and finally add the following cleanup job to your actual workflow (i.e. in .github/workflows/workflow.yml
Make sure that needs:
points to your last job in the workflow, otherwise the cleanup might run too early.
name: your workflow
on: [push]
(... add your stuff here ...)
needs: [your_last_job]
if: always()
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: call webhook to delete artifacts
run: |
echo "::add-mask::$FOR_WEBHOOKS_SECRET"
curl --verbose --fail --show-error --location --request POST "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/dispatches" --header "Authorization: token $FOR_WEBHOOKS_SECRET" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json' --data-raw "{ \"event_type\": \"delete_all_artifacts\", \"client_payload\": {\"parent_runid\": \"$GITHUB_RUN_ID\", \"parent_repo\": \"$GITHUB_REPOSITORY\"} }"
Please note: Due to a github limitation, the file .github/workflows/webhook_target.yml
needs to be always present in your master
or default branch. The action will work with any branch however.
(Check this repo or the .github/workflow
dir for a working example)
The action can also be used without a webhook on any past workflow run:
Required the github repo that hosts the parent github workflow run. Example: "github-user/hello-world"
Required the id of the parent github workflow run whos artifacts should get deleted. Example: "0000000"
none (just succeeds or fails)
delete-run-artifacts is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.