- Handle (ignore) attribute ct (colortemp) value 0 returned by the Hue API instead of giving an error
- Introduce light device configuration option
to keep UI controls active despite lights being reported as unreachable (needed for e.g. Osram Lightify) - Automatically set ignoreReachability for Osram lights
- Support Pimatic 0.9 auto-discovery features:
- Automatic discovery of the Hue bridge
- Registration (API key) of pimatic-hue-zll with the Hue bridge using the link button
- Automatic discovery of Hue lights and light groups
- Allow device configuration to be edited from the Pimatic GUI in Pimatic 0.9
- Add
plugin configuration option to allow plugin-specific debug messages in Pimatic 0.9
- Allow a space before the K (Kelvin) in the set color temperature action
- Fix bug where pimatic-hue-zll would keep spamming the log and need a restart to work properly again after connection loss in some circumstances (issues #7, #10)
- Resolve erroneous addition of 'name' plugin config property since Pimatic 0.8.103 (issue #8)
- Fix bug with restoration of light state for OnOff and Dimmable lights (rule actions with "for X time")
- Basic support for Hue scene activation with the HueZLLScenes device and "activate hue scene" rule action
- Add optional "transition time" parameter to light state change rule actions as well as the REST API, to control the speed/duration of the change
- Many changes under the hood w.r.t. Hue API error handling: most actions are retried a configurable amount of times on failure and transient errors are hidden
- Restore the full original light state after "... for X time" rule actions
- Fix method invocations on undefined elements in the UI
- Fix scoping bug in color temperature action
- Fix
set ct of
rules with thefor X <time>
suffix - Add CSS rules for better layout on small screen/mobile devices (thanks to Wiebe Nieuwenhuis)
- Catch errors from UI input control methods
- Send only one Pimatic REST API request at a time from the color picker
- Improve behaviour of the color picker
- Implement polling for all lights and all groups in a single Hue API request
- Send all Hue API requests through a FIFO queue with configurable concurrency and maximum queue length
Initial release.