Organise your git repositories easily. GitOrg aims to be your git for repositories.
pip install gitorg
GitOrg creates a repository of repositories locally. These repositories are composed of expressions that translate to actual git repositories.
All expressions are composed of a protocol that helps gitorg understand how to retrieve a list of repositories and a pattern to generate those.
Some valid expressions are:
- web: Will clone locally gitorg repository
- github:mariocj89: All repositories belonging to mariocj89 user.
- local:/home/mariocj89/ws/cpyhon: Cpython repository from a local path
Both local and github protocols accept glob expressions. Allowing for patterns like: github:orgname/*python* to express all repositories with python on its name in orgname.
usage: gitorg [-h] {init,add,status} ... CLI tool to interact with list of repositories optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Commands: Commands used in various situations: {init,add,status} init Initializes a folder to work with gitorg add Adds a list to the current gitorg workspace status Show the workspace status
A sample way to clone all repositories in user mariocj89 and organization python:
gitorg init gitorg add github:mariocj89 gitorg add github:python