
Open Source Java Projects

The mmp-java project provides the following Open Source Java libraries:

- **mmp-application** - contains the Java classes and resources used to develop Spring Boot applications.
- **mmp-application-cache** - contains the Java classes and resources that provide distributed in-memory caching capabilities based on Hazelcast.
- **mmp-application-kafka** - contains the Java classes and resources that support developing applications that make use of Apache Kafka.
- **mmp-application-messaging** - contains the Java classes and resources that provide mobile messaging capabilities.
- **mmp-application-messaging-wicket** - contains the Java classes and resources that add Wicket-based UI capabilities to the mobile messaging capabilities provided by the mmp-application-messaging project.
- **mmp-application-reporting** - contains the Java classes and resources that provide reporting capabilities based on Jasper Reports.
- **mmp-application-reporting-wicket** - contains the Java classes and resources that add Wicket-based UI capabilities to the reporting capabilities provided by the mmp-application-reporting project.
- **mmp-application-rs** - contains the Java classes and resources that support the development of RESTful web services.
- **mmp-application-scheduler** - contains the Java classes and resources that provide job scheduling capabilities.
- **mmp-application-scheduler-wicket** - contains the Java classes and resources that add Wicket-based UI capabilities to the job scheduling capabilities provided by the mmp-application-scheduler project.
- **mmp-application-sms** - contains the Java classes and resources that provide SMS capabilities.
- **mmp-application-wicket** - contains the Java classes and resources that can be used to develop Spring Boot applications that provide a Wicket-based UI.
- **mmp-application-ws** - contains the Java classes and resources that support the development of SOAP-based web services.
- **mmp-common** - contains the Java utility classes and resources that can be used in the development of Spring-based applications.
- **mmp-common-ws** - contains the utility Java classes and resources that support consuming SOAP-based web services.
- **mmp-sample-client** - provides the Sample web service client.
- **mmp-sample-wicket** - provides the Spring Boot Sample application that exposes a Wicket-based UI, RESTful API and SOAP-based web service.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")

You may obtain a copy of the License at