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Control Tower



PKS Networking Workflow

Control Tower

Control Tower aims to provide a better abstraction over Concourse pipelines so that it's easier to manage and fly. For now, it's used internally in PKS networking team. Thus some commands are only available for a few built-in type of pipelines.


# clone control-tower repo
git clone
# build ct binary
make build-ct

ct will be built under bin. You may want to optionally move it under your $PATH.

Or you can simply do a:

make build



Profile is an encrypted key-value yaml file managed by ct. They are the source of truth when it comes to configure a templated pipeline. You can create a profile from command line:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p c -n test --vars a=b,c=d
profile test is created successfully
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p v -n test
a: b
c: d

Or from a key-value yaml file:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p c -n test-2 --var-file <(ct p v -n test)
profile test-2 is created successfully
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p v -n test-2
a: b
c: d

It's ok to create profile with some fields templated by (( )). For example:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p c -n test-3 --var-file template.yml --template
profile test-3 is created successfully
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p v -n test-3
name: ((name))
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ cat template.yml
name: ((name))

Note: you need to use --template flag to inform ct that it's a templated profile.

When a template profile is used to create a pipeline, you'll be asked for the values by ct and one corresponding concrete profile will be optionally created.

Generally speaking, following practices are recommended:

  • create normal profiles for static shared secrets
  • create template profiles for dynamic configurations that vary from feature to feature, eg: branches, pool-name etc

This profiles are encrypted using a default key which might not suite your use case. To encrypt it using another key:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct s g > secret
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p c -n test-3 --vars a=b,c=d -k $(<secret)
profile test-3 is created successfully
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p v -n test-3
2019/01/28 14:31:17 error: yaml: invalid leading UTF-8 octet
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p v -n test-3 -k $(<secret)
a: b
c: d

Kubo related profiles setup

To setup kubo-related profiles automatically:

make set-kubo

To update kubo related profiles forcefully:

make set-kubo-force

Kubo related profiles will be setup automatically for you. To check them out:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p l -t kubo
| common-secrets            | kubo | false      |
| deploy-kubo               | kubo | false      |
| kubo-fangyuanl            | kubo | false      |
| pks-nsx-t-release-secrets | kubo | false      |

RAAS related profiles setup

To setup raas-related profiles automatically:

make set-raas

To update kubo related profiles forcefully:

make set-raas-force

RAAS related profiles will be setup automatically for you. To check them out:

ct p l -t releng
|        PROFILE NAME        |  TAGS  | ISTEMPLATE |
| nsx-t-secrets              | releng | false      |
| pks-releng-write-locks-bot | releng | false      |
| raas-credentials           | releng | false      |
| vsphere-nsx-variables      | releng | false      |
ct p l -t releng-template
| raas-variables | releng-template | true       |


You can group profiles by applying tags.

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p t -n test -t test,example
tags of profile test are updated to example,test

To view profiles by tags:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p l -t example
| test         | example,test | false      |
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct p l -t test
| test         | example,test | false      |
| test-2       | test         | false      |

Tags are useful when:

  • you want to deploy a pipeline with multiple profiles
  • you want to separate similar configurations based on feature


context is an alias for concourse target, team and pipeline. ct provides a rich set of utilities that are associated with one context.

Let's say you control following pipelines on concourse:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ fly -t npks ps | grep kubo
fangyuanl-kubo-2                                            no   no

Create a context for pipeline fangyuanl-kubo-2 by:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct c c -n test --pipeline-name fangyuanl-kubo-2 -t npks
context test is created
use ct c v -n test to check details

Switch current context to it:

ct c set -n test

See the pipeline in browser:

ct o

Check out other contexts in browser:

ct o [another context name]

Check out jobs in current context:

ct f j
|  ID  |           NAME            |
| 9049 | claim-lock-kubo           |
| 9050 | run-precheck-release-lock |
| 9051 | run-precheck              |
| 9052 | deploy-kubo-release-lock  |
| 9053 | claim-lock-for-outputs    |
| 9054 | outputs                   |
| 9055 | outputs-release-lock      |
| 9056 | deploy-kubo               |
| 9057 | claim-lock-for-deletion   |
| 9058 | delete-kubo               |
| 9059 | delete-kubo-release-lock  |

Check out pipeline status in current context:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct f s
|   ID   | TEAM | NAME |  STATUS   |       JOB       |
| 533232 | nsxt |    1 | succeeded | claim-lock-kubo |
| 539343 | nsxt |    2 | succeeded | claim-lock-kubo |
| 562675 | nsxt |    3 | succeeded | claim-lock-kubo |
| 562858 | nsxt |    4 | succeeded | claim-lock-kubo |
|   ID   | TEAM | NAME |  STATUS   |            JOB            |
| 539080 | nsxt |    1 | succeeded | run-precheck-release-lock |
|   ID   | TEAM | NAME |  STATUS   |     JOB      |
| 573958 | nsxt |   23 | succeeded | run-precheck |
| 574034 | nsxt |   24 | succeeded | run-precheck |
| 574161 | nsxt |   25 | failed    | run-precheck |
| 574171 | nsxt |   26 | failed    | run-precheck |
| 574604 | nsxt |   27 | failed    | run-precheck |
|   ID   | TEAM | NAME |  STATUS   |           JOB            |
| 553764 | nsxt |    1 | succeeded | deploy-kubo-release-lock |
| 562845 | nsxt |    2 | succeeded | deploy-kubo-release-lock |
| 563411 | nsxt |    3 | succeeded | deploy-kubo-release-lock |
|   ID   | TEAM | NAME |  STATUS   |     JOB     |
| 563232 | nsxt |   13 | succeeded | deploy-kubo |
| 567257 | nsxt |   14 | succeeded | deploy-kubo |
| 567721 | nsxt |   15 | failed    | deploy-kubo |
| 573968 | nsxt |   16 | errored   | deploy-kubo |
| 574036 | nsxt |   17 | errored   | deploy-kubo |

Check out logs for a specific build:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct f logs -i 533232
acquiring lock on: fangyuanl
Cloning into '/tmp/build/get'...
5478c9162c fangyuanl-kubo-2/claim-lock-kubo build 1 claiming: nsx2

You can also provide customized outputs for built-in type pipelines:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct c set kubo
current context is set to kubo
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct c v
target: npks
team: nsxt
pipeline: fangyuanl-kubo-2
type: kubo
inuse: true
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct f o
build-id: "567257"
kubeconfig-path: fangyuanl/kubeconfig-0.270.0.tgz
lock-name: nsx3

The outputs for type kubo pipeline is defined to be a key-value yaml file so that it can be directly piped into another command's input. See examples below.


To deploy a pipeline, basically there are three kinds of information needed:

  1. pipeline yaml file which can be specified by either --template or --template-type. --template accepts a filepath, whereas --template-type accepts a list of reserved static types. See more details below; 2.(optional) fly target and pipeline name. If not provided, values in current context are used; 3.(optional) profiles that used to populate pipeline template yaml file. Three flags are available: --profile-name, --profile-path and --profile-tag.

To login the context:

ct f login

pks-nsx-t-release Pipeline

Deploy the pipeline:

pushd $GOPATH/src/
  # ci/pks-nsx-t-release.yml is templated using erb semantics
  ct d --profile-tag kubo -m <(erb ci/pks-nsx-t-release.yml) -n [pipeline name]

Built-in Pipelines

kubo pipeline

Deploy kubo pipeline

ct d --profile-tag=kubo --template-type kubo -n kubo --target npks

nsx-acceptance-tests Pipeline

If your current context is on a kubo type pipeline and it has run through successfully, then you can deploy a nsx-acceptance-tests pipeline with artifacts from that kubo pipeline.

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct c c -n ntests --pipeline-name nsx-acceptance-tests --target npks
context ntests is created
use ct c v -n ntests to check details
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct c set ntests
current context is set to ntests

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct d --profile-tag=kubo --template-type nsx-acceptance-tests --profile-path=<(ct f outputs) 

In above example, we use the outputs from a kubo type pipeline to configure a nsx-acceptance-tests type pipeline so that the latter will use the exact versions of kubeconfig and lock generated by the first one.

To check all jobs defined for nsx-acceptance-tests type of pipeline:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct f j
|  ID  |                NAME                |
| 9427 | claim-lock                         |
| 9428 | run-release-tests-release-lock     |
| 9429 | run-release-tests                  |
| 9430 | run-conformance-tests-release-lock |
| 9431 | run-conformance-tests-delete-kubo  |
| 9432 | run-conformance-tests              |
| 9433 | run-release-tests-delete-kubo      |

To unpause the pipeline:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct f p -u
pipeline fangyuanl-kubo-2 is unpaused.

To trigger the first job:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct f trigger -j claim-lock
started nsx-acceptance-tests/claim-lock #1

To pause the pipeline:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct f p
pipeline nsx-acceptance-tests is paused.

To get pipeline configuration yaml:

ct f c

To get job configuration:

ct f c -j [job-name]

To delete the pipeline:

➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct f d
pipeline nsx-acceptance-tests is deleted. now ntests is a dangling context%
➜  control-tower git:(master) ✗ ct c d -n ntests
context ntests is deleted successfully

build-tile Pipeline

This pipeline will build a PKS tile based on your configuration

ct d --profile-tag=releng --profile-tag=releng-template --template-type build-tile -n fangyuanl-kubo-2 --target npks

install-tile Pipeline

This pipeline will install a PKS tile to the specified Nimbus testbed

ct d --profile-tag=releng --profile-tag=releng-template --template-type install-tile -n fangyuanl-kubo-2 --target npks

releng-acceptance-tests pipeline

This pipeline will deploy a k8s cluster in given PKS deployment and run acceptance-tests

ct d --profile-path <(echo "releng-tests-lock-name: nsx1") -p common-secrets --profile-tag releng --profile-tag nodes_dns --template-type releng-acceptance-tests

PKS Networking Workflow

check out doc