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Using strong types in c++


Bite-sized c++ design patterns

Here is a bite-size c++ design pattern - "Phantom types" or also known as ghost types, strong types, BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF etc.

Introduction: what's it all about?

The easiest way to describe this pattern is by example from basic science. Consider Newton's second law:

F = m * a

Where F is force, m is mass and a is acceleration. All these parameters can be represented by floating point types.

double m = 100.0; // mass
double a = 9.8; // acceleration

double calc_force(double m, double a)
    return m * a;

double F = calc_force(m, a); // unbalanced force

All good and sound as far as relations between these types and units are preserved. This means variable m is representing mass, a is acceleration and so on. This is a simplistic example, but in larger, more complex code the problem arises when operations on unrelated types can lead to hard to spot logical bugs. Think about a nuclear plant and a careless programmer who caused a meltdown by plucking wrong types into equation. There's nothing in the code above tells compiler that m is mass - it's just double. Luckily, c++ being a strongly typed programming language, allows us to be explicit about types involved. When we write c++, compiler is our main target audience!!

mass m = 100.0;
acceleration = 9.8;
force calc_force(mass m, acceleration a)
    return m * a;
force F = calc_force(m, a);

Note that there's no need for comments anymore:). But more importantly we're communicating directly and explicitly to the compiler that to get force we need to multiply mass and acceleration and not anything else. Following code, for example, would result in compile error:

mass m = 100.0;
mass a = 10.0;
force = F = calc_force(m, a); // Compile ERROR!

Jumping into our domain:

struct vector_tile
    // some internal state
    // ...
    bool processed;

vector_tile create_vector_tile(...);

void do_something_with_processed_vector_tile(vector_tile const& tile);
// this method expects `processed' vector tile but there's nothing stopping someone making a mistake

Ok, we can write validation code inside methods body :

void do_something_with_processed_vector_tile(vector_tile const& tile)
    if (!tile.processed) return;
    // Do some stuff with the tile

But c++ provides much better way to enforce correct symantics at COMPILE time!!!

struct vector_tile {};
struct processed_vector_tile {};

processed_vector_tile do_some_processing(vector_tile const& tile);
void do_something_with_processed_vector_tile(processed_vector_tile const& tile);

Note how methods signatures changed ^. It's now a compile error to pass anything but processed_vector_tile to do_something_with_processed_vector_tile.

Now to the main point

Everyone should be convinced by now of the usefulness of this pattern, hopefully.

Strong types in c++ are useful for enforcing correct units, validation, deterministic calculations.

Let's discuss possible implementations. Let's try making using this pattern as easy as possible. Should we use existing BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF ? Or should we implement our own simple header only library. This is the main topic of this workshop.


#include <boost/serialization/strong_typedef.hpp>
#include <iostream>


void print_apples( apples const& v)
    std::cerr << v << std::endl;

int main()

    apples v0 {123};
    oranges v1 {456};

    print_apples(v0); // OK
    //print_apples(v1); // Compile ERROR
    return 0;

Custom implementation


#include <utility>

namespace util {

template <typename BaseType, typename TypeName>
struct phantom_type
    explicit constexpr phantom_type(BaseType const& value) : value(value) {}
    explicit constexpr phantom_type(BaseType&& value) : value(std::move(value)) {}
    operator BaseType& () noexcept { return value; }
    constexpr operator BaseType const& () const noexcept { return value; }
    BaseType value;
} // namespace

#define PHANTOM_TYPE(BASE_TYPE, TYPE_NAME)                   \
struct TYPE_NAME : util::phantom_type<BASE_TYPE, TYPE_NAME>  \
{                                                            \
    using phantom_type::phantom_type;                        \

Using it
#include "phantom_type.hpp"

#include <iostream>

PHANTOM_TYPE(int, apples);
PHANTOM_TYPE(int, oranges);

void print_apples( apples const& v)
    std::cerr << v << std::endl;

int main()

    apples v0{123};
    oranges v1{456};

    print_apples(v0); // OK
    //print_apples(v1); // Compile ERROR
    return 0;

Performance considerations