This example features YAKC's capabilities to create, delete, update, patch and watch Pod resources.
The example will start by creating a namespace yakc-namespace
if it doesn't exist:
Next it will try to delete the Pod yakc-quickstart-pod
if it was created previously and
wait for the Pod to be deleted from the namespace.
Once the namespace is clear, a new Pod will be created. The Pod Watch will wait until the Pod is effectively created in the cluster.
Next, the Pod will be patched and a new label will be added (preserving the previously added ones).
Finally, the Pod will be read and updated to remove all annotations.
In order to run the example you need an active K8s cluster (e.g. Minikube).
In the project quick start directory, run mvn clean package -q
$ mvn clean package -q
Complete POD example:
- Creates a namespace
- Deletes POD if exists
- Creates POD
- Patches POD's labels
- Updates POD removing annotations and adding another label
Namespace with name yakc-namespace is available
++ New Watch Event ADDED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:08Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example, label2=otherlabel, label3=an-extra-one}]
Waiting for pre-existing POD yakc-quickstart-pod to be deleted
++ New Watch Event MODIFIED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:08Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example, label2=otherlabel, label3=an-extra-one}]
++ New Watch Event MODIFIED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:08Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example, label2=otherlabel, label3=an-extra-one}]
++ New Watch Event MODIFIED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:08Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example, label2=otherlabel, label3=an-extra-one}]
Existing POD yakc-quickstart-pod was deleted
++ New Watch Event DELETED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:08Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example, label2=otherlabel, label3=an-extra-one}]
++ New Watch Event ADDED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:25Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example}]
Waiting for POD yakc-quickstart-pod to be created
++ New Watch Event MODIFIED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:25Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example}]
POD yakc-quickstart-pod was created
++ New Watch Event MODIFIED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:25Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example}]
++ New Watch Event MODIFIED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:25Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example, label2=otherlabel}]
POD labels patched [{app=yakc-pod-example, label2=otherlabel}]
POD replaced: annotations removed, labels modified [{app=yakc-pod-example, label2=otherlabel, label3=an-extra-one}]
++ New Watch Event MODIFIED - yakc-namespace/yakc-quickstart-pod (2020-04-26T15:55:25Z) [{app=yakc-pod-example, label2=otherlabel, label3=an-extra-one}]
Pod demo concluded successfully!