- Alt + 1 : Open project's pane
- Alt + 4 : Open run pane
- Alt + 5 : Open debug pane
- Shift + Esc (While a pane is opened) : To close the panes
- Ctrl + Shift + F12 : To hide all the panes
- or use the Quick Search Double Shift and hide all windows
- Shift + F6 : Rename at all the places, real time
- If you want to replace the current method with the suggestion (don't press enter), press tab.
- Extract Method : Search everywhere + type extract Method (or Alt + Ctrl + M)
- Ctrl + D : Duplicate the line
- Alt + shift + up/down to move a selection/line up and down
- Ctrl + o : Open override window
- Ctrl + Alt + L = Format
Double Tap Shift : Search everywhere
- You can search by camelcase, anytime you have a search window.
- You can use wildcard search *.sql
Ctrl + B : Go inside the defination
Ctrl + Shift + B : Go inside the implementation
Ctrl + Alt + -> or <- Go Back to the place before, or after
Use F2 or shift + F2: To cycle through the errors/ warnings
Ctrl + F12 : Show all the methods in the class
- Press F12 again to show all the methods in the super class.
Ctrl + Left/Right = Move one Word at a time
Ctrl + Backspace = Delete one Word at a time
Almost everywhere where there is a list, you can start typing.
Alt + J = Select Next occurrence (while cloning the cursor(emmet like))
- Ctrl + Space : Basic Completion
- Ctrl + Shift + Space : Smart Completion
- Ctrl + Shift + Enter : To complete the current statement
- Alt+Enter : To show possible solutions.
- **Type "iter" to create a foreach loop**
- "sout" to System.out.println
- "psvm" to expand public static void main
- "ifn" : if null
- "inn" : if not null
- Ctrl + W : To select the word under the cursor.
- Press W again while holding to increase the scope of selection
- pressing Shift+W(holding the ctrl) to decrease the scope of selection
- Step over
- Step into
- Force Step into (JAVA API code)
- Step out
- Show Execution Point
- Add Conditional Breakpoints
- Add Watch
- Add to watches (In Source code)
- Modify Value of variables to change the code execution.
- Mute breakpoints
- Resume
- Run to cursor.
- Jump to Source
- Clicking on stacks to show varibles per scope.
- Selecting and disabling breakpoints
- Grouping breakpoints.
- Adding breakpoints for interface methods.
- Pause the application before the breakpoint.