A statement used define a titled anchor.
A tag used to identify referencable elements. They can be used to establish hyperlinks among documents. There are global anchors and local anchors.
A statement used to define a text module.
A statement used to instantiate a text module.
A statement used to center the embedded content lines.
A statement emitting the (c)omment (s)tart sequence (/#
) comment.
Directives are dedicated markers used by the generator to influence and structure the generation of a document tree.
A statement used to apply HTML escaping on its content.
A statement used to execute a command and substitute its output.
A statement used add an image to the output.
A statement used to generate a glossary for the defined terms.
Location independent anchor globally unique for the source tree.
Location independent tag globally unique for the complete source tree.
A statement used to include the content of a file.
The name of a directive.
A statement used to add the label of the referenced element to the document.
A statement used add a tagged element with a caption to the output.
A statement used to add a hyperlink to some embedded text.
An anchor locally valid in a generated document.
A tag locally valid in a generated document.
The tool this documentation is for. It maintains consistent hyperlinks among a set of markdown documents.
Part of a source document used as plain markdown text for the generated markdown files.
A number range controlling a slave number range.
A statement emitting a newline character
A statement used to declare and configure number ranges.
A hierarchical labeling mechanism, e.g. used to label sections.
A statement used to add a linked label to the document.
Part of a document, which can be target of a hyperlink (see →3.1).
A statement used to describe a structural element in the final document tree.
A statement used to link the section structure of another source document into the
own section structure. This statement is related to statement section
A statement used to open a new sub level for a number ranges.
A statement used render simple syntax expressions.
A scope is used as namespace to resolve local tags to taggable elements.
A number range controlled by a master number range.
A file used a source for the markdown generator. It consists of
a sequence of directives and markdown text and used the file suffix .mdg
A tree of source files under a common root folder containing source files for the generator, which build an interconnected documentation.
A sequence of one or more directives.
A statement flagging a source document to be omitted from the generation of a markdown file.
A statement used to output a previously defined term.
A statement used to define a term used in the document tree.
A statement used to add the title of the referenced element to the document.
A statement used to add a table of contents.
A short identifier used identify a dedicated element in the source tree. There are three kinds of taggable elements: referencable elements, terms, and text modules.
Composing a tag by substitution of various scope related attributes to explicitly provide unique names for taggable elements in text modules.
Adding additional namespace parts in front of a a tag name.
An identifiable element descibed by a statement of the Markdown Generator in the source tree.
A part of the terminology of the source tree with a dedicated meaning.
Tagged and parameterized reusable block of content, which can be instantiated multiple times all over the document tree.
A statement used access the argument value of a {term textmodule}} parameter.