You should have all the images
- redis-vector-db: redis/redis-stack:7.2.0-v9
- tei_embedding_service:
- embedding: opea/embedding-tei:latest
- retriever: opea/retriever-redis:latest
- tei_xeon_service:
- reranking: opea/reranking-tei:latest
- tgi_service:
- llm: opea/llm-tgi:latest
- chaqna-xeon-backend-server: opea/chatqna:latest
For Gaudi:
- tei-embedding-service: opea/tei-gaudi:latest
- tgi-service:
Please refer README for Xeon and for Gaudi to build the opea images
- Be sure to modify HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN and other important values in qna_configmap_guadi.yaml and qna_configmap_xeon.yaml
- Be sure the node has path /mnt/models to store all the models
# Deploy Services with Xeon
$ cd ${RepoPath}/ChatQnA/kubernetes/manifests/
$ ./
# Remove Services with Xeon
$ ./
[NOTE] Be sure to modify the all the important value in qna_configmap.yaml Be sure the node has path /mnt/models to store all the models
$ cd ${RepoPath}/ChatQnA/kubernetes/manifests/
$ ./
# Remove Services with Xeon
$ ./
$ chaqna_backend_svc_ip=`kubectl get svc|grep '^chaqna-xeon-backend-server-svc'|awk '{print $3}'` && echo ${chaqna_backend_svc_ip}
$ curl http://${chaqna_backend_svc_ip}:8888/v1/chatqna -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"messages": "What is the revenue of Nike in 2023?"