- 01: Integrate Live Camera Preview Stream for the Client.
- 02: Integrate real-time viewing of victim device screens.
- 03: Integrate screen recording for real time viewing of victim device screens.
- 04: Integrate USSD dialing and response view feature for the AhMyth client
- 05: Integrate screenshot for real time viewing of victim device screens.
- 06: Integrate proper storage access for the client.
- 07: Implement notification listening, a feature from L3MON.
- 01: Explore other, more discrete options for the URL payload masker.
- 02: Restyle the AhMyth Server using the following...
- Icons next to Tab Names ✓
- Dark Theme
- Light Theme ✓
- Settings Tab for the AhMyth GUI's Light/Dark Theme preference + a GUI background change option
- Payload Options Tab for when other payload options have been built into AhMyth. ⬅️ This will take a while!
- 03: Integrate a Windows
Builder for an AhMyth Windows client.
- 04. Test AhMyth on Android via the use of apache cordova considering that apache cordova uses a cordova version of electron to produce mobile apps
- 05: Integrate a valid signing certificate to bypass Play Protect.