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Meggie Woodfield edited this page Oct 30, 2015 · 4 revisions

Sample Release Checklist: Open Source

Task Notes Assignee Completed
Package new dependencies and update dependency versions This should be happening on an ongoing basis, but we should double-check that nothing needs to be updated when preparing for a release. @dmurphy18
Check committed issues Check that all committed customer issues were merged into the release branch and explicitly tested. Issues committed to customers should be listed here for reference:
- Item 1
- Item 2
@rickh563, @meggiebot, QA
Create the release notes Create and commit the release notes for major releases and the first dot update (`201[5 6].*.[0 1]`). Send notification to reviewers below with link.
Review release notes Review and approve the release notes for major releases and the first dot update. @dmurphy18, @ch3LL, @basepi/ @cachedout, @meggiebot
Create the generated release notes Generate and commit the list of code changes for each major and minor release (currently this consists of just the pull requests). For RCs and dot updates (`201[5 6].*.2-9?), this file is the release notes. For major releases and the first dot update (201[5 6].*.[0
Tag open source release Tag the open source release branch, and push the tag to a private repo. QA
Test and approve code Test code in open source release branch and approve it. QA
Push release to pypi Push the release archive to pypi. @jfindlay
Announce release to packagers Announce the release to community packagers (salt-packagers). This should happen at least 2 days before we announce publicly. @jfindlay
Build and test packages Build open source packages and run unit tests on them. @dmurphy18
Build and test Windows packages Build open source packages for Windows and run unit tests on them. @twangboy
Post packages for testing Post packages to staging for QA to test. @dmurphy18
Post Windows packages for testing Post Windows packages to staging for QA to test. @twangboy
Update installation steps Send details on any changes to installation instructions to Jacob @jfindlay
Create installation instructions 1st draft Create the first draft of the installation instructions for Commit to ss-priv/sse-docs. @jacobhammons
Post draft installation instructions Retrieve first draft installation instructions from ss-priv/sse-docs and post for review to @dmurphy18
Review installation instructions first draft Review the first draft of the installation instructions for @dmurphy18, @jfindlay, @basepi/ @cachedout, @meggiebot
Test and approve packages Test all open source packages and approve them. QA
Make packages live Move open source packages to 1-@dmurphy18
Re-test and approve packages Re-test all open source packages and approve them. QA
Review final installation instructions Review the final draft of the installation instructions for, including all package paths and download instructions. @dmurphy18, @jfindlay, @basepi/ @cachedout, @meggiebot
Create final installation instructions Make final updates to installation instructions based on review, commit to ss-priv/sse-docs. @jacobhammons
Post final installation instructions Retrieve final installation instructions from ss-priv/sse-docs and post to @dmurphy18
Rebuild release docs with new release notes and version numbers Rebuild the open docs to change version numbers and make the open source release notes live. @jacobhammons
Publish release on pypi and github Unhide the release on pypi, and create the release on github. @jfindlay
Announce release internally Announce the release to internal stakeholders: @rickh563, @basepi, Sales, Marketing. @meggiebot
Announce release to community Announce the release to community (salt-announce). @basepi
Clone this wiki locally