Follow these instructions to download torchserve based on your OS.
Install torch-model-archiver
as follows:
pip install torch-model-archiver
Install curl
for making requests
pip install pycurl
Now let's cover the details on using the CLI tool: model-archiver
First make a new folder for storing the arhive
mkdir model_store
Then call this to create a model (with .mar extension) inside the folder model_store.
torch-model-archiver --model-name TireAssemblyLSTM --version 1.0 --serialized-file < path-to-model.pth > --export-path torchserve/model_store --handler /torchserve/custom_handler:handle
Default hadnlers (image_classifier, object_detector, text_classifier, image_segmenter) were not suitable for our model, so a custom one was implemeted. The entry point function os called handle
To run the server listening on port 8080 call this in one terminal
torchserve --start --ncs --model-store model_store --models model_store/TireAssemblyLSTM.mar
To make predictions use the following curl request with data, as for example it is provided in example_tensor.txt
curl -T example_tensor.txt
The server is going to reply with the predictions from the model:
"predictions": 0.0381014384329319
When you are done, terminate the server with
torchserve --stop