This file is going to try to explain how the relief design editor is structured, and how it works.
We use D3 & Leaflet for the graphic part.
Angular JS for the application management.
D3 is used to draw svg shapes.
Leaflet is used to manage map & layers.
This software use Angular JS, so we use controller, services, and a filter.
That's all.
The clever part is in service.
We have split the app in routes, localized in app/routes .
Each view is a compilation of one controller, one service (which depends on several others), and one or more templates.
View's service use a lot of sub-services. These differents services are localized in app/services.
## Main use case
The user wants to make a drawing.
For this, he can choose put a map background, or not.
To do this, he can edit the map. Then, add geojson features, search for addresses, add POI, editing the patterns for these features, etc.
We use three overlay layers.
Each layers have a specific behavior.
When a move is triggered on the map, we have to follow these rules
when user has started to draw
- the overlay's layer must move
- the drawing's layer must move
- the geojson's layer must move
when the user has not started to draw
- the overlay's layer must not move
- the drawing's layer must move
- the geojson's layer must move
when the user has started to draw, but decide to insert geojson data (map editing)
- the overlay's layer must move
- the drawing's layer must move
- the geojson's layer must move
when the user has a map, has started to draw, but want to change the overlay
- the overlay's layer must not move
- the drawing's layer must not move ?
- the geojson's layer must move
The behavior of this layer depend on the state of the drawing.
If the 'scale' have been fixed (the drawing has begun), then the fill-pattern must not be redrawn.
If not, then the fill-pattern must be redrawn (or not scaled).