MIP#: <# to be assigned>
Title: <MIP title>
Author(s): <list of authors' names and/or email addresses and GitHub handles>
Tags: template
Type: MIP Type
Status: <Assigned by MIP Editor>
Date Proposed: <yyyy-mm-dd>
Date Ratified: <yyyy-mm-dd>
Dependencies: <List of dependent MIPs>
Replaces: <List of MIP it is replacing>
- A list of supporting materials referenced by this MIP.
- A description of what the Maker Improvement Proposal (MIP) is focused on. Suggest 30 words max.
- A description of what the Maker Improvement Proposal (MIP) is focused on. Suggest 100 words max.
- A description of the purpose of each component in the MIP . Suggest 30 words max per component.
- A short description of the motivation behind the MIP.
- Proposed process standard details - describes the new process or feature and the problem it is solving.