const AboutMe = {
"Whoami": `I'm an enthusiast of software, interested in the web, mobile, backend, devOps,
you name it when I find the time to learn it I will π`,
"graduation": `West Bengal Board of University in Computer Science and Engineering; 2018`,
"Frontend": {
"ReactJs": true,
"React-Native": true,
"NextJs": "Learning"
"Vue": "Learning",
"Android-Development": true,
"Html": true,
"Css": true,
"Bootstrap": true
"Backend": {
"NodeJs": true,
"Koa": true,
"Strapi": true
"MongoDb": true,
"Sql": "basics",
"Postgresql": true
"Languages": {
"JavaScript": true,
"TypeScript": "Learning",
"Java": "Last time I wrote this was years ago",
"DevOps": {
"Docker": true,
"Jenkins": "Learning",
"AWS": ["IAM", "EC2", "CodeCommit", "Amplify", "S3", "Cognito"],
"Firebase": ["Cloud Messaging", "Cloud Storage", "Authentication", "Realtime Database", "Crashlytics"],
"Others": ["Digital Ocean", "Heroku", "Github Actions", "And a bunch more"]
"Tools": ["Vscode", "Git", "Postman", "Insomnia", "And a bunch more"]
Mainak Shil