Python library for controlling the Teufel Raumfeld system
Author: Patrick Maier
Based on python-raumfeld by Thomas Feldmann:
##The Lib provides:
- a data structure representing the Zone and room config of Raumfeld
- playback and information functionality
- functions for modifying the zone configuration
- the functionality to register a callback function which gets called as soon as the zone configuration changed
- immediate data update via long-polling of the Raumfeld WEB-API
###Zone objects:
- Name, UDN, Location, Address (read only)
- media_info: returns hash with NrTracks, MediaDuration, CurrentURI, CurrentURIMetaData, NextURI, NextURIMetaData, PlayMedium, RecordMedium, WriteStatus (read only)
- media_info_[above names] as extra functions
- position_info: returns hash with Track, TrackDuration, TrackMetaData, TrackURI, RelTime, AbsTime, RelCount, AbsCount (read only)
- position_info[above names] as extra functions
- transport_info: returns hash with CurrentTransportState, CurrentTransportStatus, CurrentSpeed (read only)
- transport_info[above names] as extra functions
- volume, mute (read/write)
- changeVolume(amount), play(uri(optional), meta(optional)), bend(uri, meta(optional)), next(), previous(), pause(), seek(amount, unit[ABS_TIME|REL_TIME|TRACK_NR]), stop()
- A zone contains a list of Room objects which can be fetched with getRooms() -> returns an array
- You can search for Rooms in a Zone by calling getRoomsByName(name) -> returns array of found rooms ...
- ... or for a specific room by calling getRoomByUDN(udn) -> returns the room (None otherwise)
###Room objects:
- Name, UDN (read only)
- volume, mute (read/write)
- changeVolume(amount), play(uri(optional)), next(), previous(), pause(), seek(amount, unit[ABS_TIME|REL_TIME|TRACK_NR]), stop()
- A room contains a list of Renderer objects which can be fetched with getRenderers() -> returns an array
- You can search for a Renderer in a Room by calling getRenderer(name) -> returns the renderer (None otherwise)
###Renderer objects:
- Name, UDN, Location, Address (read only)
- volume, mute (read/write)
- changeVolume(amount), play(uri(optional)), next(), previous(), pause(), seek(amount, unit[ABS_TIME|REL_TIME|TRACK_NR]), stop()
###MediaServer object:
- UDN, Location (read only)
- browse(object_id, browse_flag(optional), filter(optional), request_count(optional))
- browse_children(object_id, filter(optional), request_count(optional))
- search(container_id, search_criteria, filter(optional), request_count(optional))
- create_queue(desired_name, container_id)
- add_container(queue_id, container_id, source_id(optional), criteria(optional), start_index(optional), end_index(optional), position(optional))
- add_item(queue_id, object_id, position)
- move_in_queue(object_id, new_position)
- remove_from_queue(queue_id, from_position, to_position)
###Global functions are:
- setLogging(level) sets the logging level: logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL
- registerChangeCallback(callback) here you can register your function which should be called when something in the data structure has changed
- init(hostIP(optional)) this initializes the library and searches for the hostIP if none is provided.
- getRoomsByName(name) searches for all rooms containing the string in their name
- getRoomByUDN(udn) returns the Room object defined by the UDN
- getZones() returns the list of Zone objects
- getUnassignedRooms() returns the list of unassigned room objects
- getZonesByName(name) searches for all zones containing the string in their name
- getZoneByUDN(udn) returns the Zone object defined by the UDN
- getZoneWithRoom(room_obj) returns the Zone containing the provided room object
- getZoneWithRoomName(name) returns the Zone containing a room defined by its name
- getZoneWithRoomUDN(udn) returns the Zone containing a room defined by its UDN
- getMediaServer() returns the raumfeld media server
- getMediaServerUDN() returns the udn of the raumfeld media server
###Zone-Configuration-Functions are:
- dropRoomByUDN(udn) drops a room from its Zone
- connectRoomToZone(room_udn, [zone_udn(optional)] puts the room with the given roomUDN in the zone with the zoneUDN. If no zone_udn is provided, a new zone is created
###Global variables:
- hostBaseURL (readonly) the base URL of the host
##Sample Programs:
- Shows the basic usage
- Provides a web-based API to the Raumfeld system
###Known issues:
- Due to a bug in the Raumfeld firmware, the Zone names may be incorrect