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Spring Boot Wrapper for Netflix Conductor Server

With Embedded persistent Security(OAuth2), Database(MariaDB) and Elasticsearch(V5.5.2)

With External Security(OAuth2 & ADFS), Database(MariaDB & MySQL) and Elasticsearch support

With Docker and ELK Logs aggregation through Docker Compose / Kubernetes


Before starting, for details on Netflix Conductor, refer to Conductor Documentation

The README covers on the operational part of Conductor Boot. For more details on the code level walkthrough / developer point of view, please refer to NETFLIX CONDUCTOR — SPRING BOOT WRAPPER
  • Only MySQL (Till version 5.7) is supported as external Database
  • Embedded MariaDB4j is supported, which is persistent and data is not lost, thus eliminating the need for external

For a production ready, pre-configured / packaged environment visit


The idea is to build a single production grade Spring Boot Jar with the following

  • Micro Services Orchestration - by Integrated Conductor Server
  • Spring Cloud - OAuth2 Authentication & Authorization - by Auth & Resource Servers / External OAuth2 provider or ADFS provider
  • Zuul Gateway - by Netflix Zuul Proxy for acting as proxy to Conductor Server APIs
  • Optional Embedded Persistent MariaDB4j

  • Optional Embedded Persistent Elasticsearch


To avoid the pain points of

  • Hosting OAuth2 Server for securing Conductor Server APIs
  • Housing external database engine for Conductor Server persistence unit

  • Housing external elasticsearch engine for Conductor Server persistence unit

Tech / Framework used

  --> Docker Image to host the Jar. (Will be added soon - with pre built jar inside docker image)
  --> Spring Boot Wrapper
        • Spring Cloud OAuth2
        • MariaDB4j
        • Flyway Initialiser
        • Liquibase Initialiser
        • Netflix Conductor Server with MySQL as persistence option (with pre-existing flyway migration).
        • Netflix Zuul Proxy Server

        • Elasticsearch

Code coverage

CodeQL: CodeQL

Code quality

SonarQube: Quality Gate Status

Build using maven

	cd <to project root folder>
	mvn clean install
The maven build should place the conductor-boot-${conductor.version}.jar inside the target folder.

Build CI (Continuous Integration)

CI Provider Status
Circle CI maheshyaddanapudi
Java CI Java CI with Maven
Travis CI Build Status

Containerization CI (Continuous Integration)

CI Provider Status
Docker Docker
Docker Image CI Docker Image CI

Docker Image published to DockerHub here

Image is equipped with basic tools like vim, curl, wget, net-tools(telnet), iputils-ping

To pull the image :

docker pull zzzmahesh/conductorboot

Run Conductor Boot : Java

	cd <to project root folder>/target
Below command will start the Conductor Boot Wrapper with Embedded MariaDB4J as Database and Embedded OAuth2 security as well as persistent Embedded Elasticsearch
	java -jar conductor-boot-${conductor.version}.jar

The profiles included by default are
    - basic
    - conductor
    - mariadb4j
    - embedded-elasticsearch
    - embedded-oauth2
    - security

Available Profiles

1) basic
    This profile holds the basic startup configuration needed for the Spring Boot Wrapper.

2) conductor
    This profile enables the Integrated Conductor Server startup.
    Most of it is pre configured and will not require changes. For more details refer to application-conductor.yml file.

3) mariadb4j
    This profile configures and startsup Embedded MariaDB4J and the database details are passed on to Integrated Conductor Server.
    By default, the database is non-persistent. Set MARIADB4J_DIR parameter for enabling a persistent database. More details are discussed in confgirations section.
    Configurations available are as below. Shown are default values.
        MYSQL_DATABASE: conductor
        MYSQL_USER: conductor
        MYSQL_PASSWORD: conductor
        # This directory has to be explicitly set to let Embedded MariaDB know the master persistence location.
        # Use embedded/persistence/mariadb4j to have a common persistence location for all embedded components.
        # Default is NONE

4) mysql
    This profile configures the external MySQL database details passed on to Integrated Conductor Server.
    Configurations available are as below. Shown are default values.
        MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST: localhost
        MYSQL_DATABASE: conductor
        MYSQL_USER: conductor
        MYSQL_PASSWORD: conductor

5) embedded-elasticsearch
    This profile configures and startsup Embedded Elasticsearch and the connection details are passed on to Integrated Conductor Server.
    By default, the elasticsearch is non-persistent. Set ELASTICSEARCH_DATA_DIR parameter for enabling a persistent elasticsearch. 
    Configurations available are as below. Shown are default values.
        ELASTICSEARCH_HOST: localhost
        # Use embedded/persistence to have a common persistence location for all embedded components.
        # Default is NONE
        # Use embedded/resources to have a common resources location for all embedded components.
        # Default is NONE

6) external-elasticsearch
    This profile configures the external Elasticsearch details passed on to Integrated Conductor Server.
    Configurations available are as below. Shown are default values.
        ELASTICSEARCH_HOST: localhost

7) embedded-oauth2 (cannot be selected alone, will need security & mariadb4j/mysql profiles as well)
    This profile configures and startsup Embedded OAuth2 and the Integrated Conductor Server API's are protected / secure.
    By default, the roles, users and credentials mentioned below in Roles section are configured. Change them using APIs. 
    No configurations to expose.

8) external-oauth2 (cannot be selected alone, will need security profile as well)
    This profile configures the external OAuth2 and the Integrated Conductor Server API's are protected / secure.
    The roles specified below, in the Roles section, need to be configured in the corresponding OAUTH2 provider system.
    Configurations available are as below. Shown are default values.

9) external-adfs (cannot be selected alone, will need security profile as well)
    This profile configures the external OAuth2 and the Integrated Conductor Server API's are protected / secure.
    The roles specified below, in the Roles section, need to be configured in the corresponding ADFS provider system.
    Configurations available are as below. Shown are default values.

10) security (useless be selected alone, will need either embedded-oauth2 or external-oauth2 or external-adfs)
    No configurations to expose.
    If the Roles specified below cannot be configured, refer application-security.yml and edit security.oauth2.resource.mapping JSON property accordingly. Its self explanatory.

Default Startup will include - basic, conductor, mariadb4j (without-persistent-storage), embedded-elasticsearch (without-persistent storage), embedded-oauth2 & security.
    This necessarily just overrides the in memory database and integrated elasticsearch pre-existing in conductor server and will essentially be useless unless persistence is configured.

For more detailed properties, refer to application-{profile}.yml file as per the required profile properties.

Application URLs

		a) https://localhost:8080/openapi-ui - To access the Swagger pertaining to APIs for OAUTH
		b) https://localhost:8080/index.html - To access the Swagger pertaining to APIs for Conductor, as https redirection doesn't work to index.html
	2) HTTP
		a) http://localhost:8080/openapi-ui - To access the Swagger pertaining to APIs for OAUTH
		b) http://localhost:8080/ - To access the Swagger pertaining to APIs for Conductor, as redirection is taken care to index.html

Run Conductor Boot : Docker

To run the container :

docker run --name conductor-boot -p 8080:8080 -d zzzmahesh/conductorboot:latest

Few other examples / ways / configurations to run the container as:

1) Running with external MySQL and Elasticsearch & Embedded OAuth2 - The database and elasticsearch search is decoupled just leaving the OAuth2 feature to be embedded. The OAuth2 data is persistent as it uses MySQL Database.

    docker run --name conductor-boot -p 8080:8080 \
        -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=basic,mysql,external-elasticsearch,embedded-oauth2,security,conductor \
        -e MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST=172.x.x.x \
        -e MYSQL_DATABASE_PORT=3306 \
        -e MYSQL_USER=conductor \
        -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=conductor \
        -e ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=172.x.x.x \
        -e ELASTICSEARCH_PORT=9200 \
        -d zzzmahesh/conductorboot:latest

2) Running with external MySQL, Elasticsearch & External OAuth2

    docker run --name conductor-boot -p 8080:8080 \
        -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=basic,mysql,external-elasticsearch,external-oauth2,security,conductor \
        -e MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST=172.x.x.x \
        -e MYSQL_DATABASE_PORT=3306 \
        -e MYSQL_USER=conductor \
        -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=conductor \
        -e ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=172.x.x.x \
        -e ELASTICSEARCH_PORT=9200 \
        -e \
        -d zzzmahesh/conductorboot:latest

3) Running with external MySQL, Elasticsearch & ADFS

    docker run --name conductor-boot -p 8080:8080 \
        -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=basic,mysql,external-elasticsearch,external-adfs,security,conductor \
        -e MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST=172.x.x.x \
        -e MYSQL_DATABASE_PORT=3306 \
        -e MYSQL_USER=conductor \
        -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=conductor \
        -e ELASTICSEARCH_HOST=172.x.x.x \
        -e ELASTICSEARCH_PORT=9200 \
        -e \
        -d zzzmahesh/conductorboot:latest

4) Changing the default embedded profile configurations

    docker run --name conductor-boot -p 8080:8080 \
        -e SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=basic,mariadb4j,embedded-elasticsearch,embedded-oauth2,security,conductor \
        -e MYSQL_USER=conductor \
        -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=conductor \
        -e ELASTICSEARCH_PORT=9200 \
        -e ELASTICSEARCH_DATA_DIR=/appln/data/elasticsearch
        -e ELASTICSEARCH_RESOURCE_DIR=/appln/bin/elasticsearch
        -e MARIADB4J_DIR=/appln/data/mariadb4j
        -d zzzmahesh/conductorboot:latest        

Similarly any combination of profile and configurations can be used.

All the below mentioned configurables / properties (under Available Profiles section) can be passed as Docker Container environment variables and will be set accordingly.

Available configurables - shown below with default values.

ELASTICSEARCH_DATA_DIR /appln/data/elasticsearch
ELASTICSEARCH_RESOURCE_DIR /appln/bin/elasticsearch
MYSQL_USER conductor
MARIADB4J_DIR /appln/data/mariadb4j
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE basic,mariadb4j,embedded-elasticsearch,embedded-oauth2,security,conductor

Also the below mentioned paths / volumes can be mounted to docker container for persistence, in case of embedded profiles (mariadb4j and embedded-elasticsearch)

ELASTICSEARCH_DATA_DIR /appln/data/elasticsearch
ELASTICSEARCH_RESOURCE_DIR /appln/bin/elasticsearch
MARIADB4J_DIR /appln/data/mariadb4j

Run Conductor Boot : Docker Compose

To run the docker-compose : For externalizing database and elastisearch into different containters, using their corresponding official dockerhub images.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up or docker-compose -d (For deamonizing the processes)

Once all containers are started successfully, the "docker ps" output should look something similar to below.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                   PORTS                                              NAMES
2cc0e92ebf50   conductor-boot:latest   "/bin/bash /appln/sc…"   23 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)>8080/tcp                             conductor-boot_conductor-boot_1
718dea9898f0   elasticsearch:5.6       "/docker-entrypoint.…"   54 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)>9200/tcp,>9300/tcp     conductor-boot_elasticsearch_1
a5f55ff9aacd   mysql:5.7               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   54 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (healthy)>3306/tcp,>33060/tcp   conductor-boot_database_1

For mapping volumes i.e. having persistent container data, follow these steps.

1) Create the following directories (These are custimizable to match docker-compose.yml volumes definitions)


2) Uncomment the volumes section under mysql & elasticsearch and the root volumes section.

Also, the database can be swapped from mysql:5.7 to mariadb:latest if desired (in docker-compose.yml).

Run Conductor Boot : Pivotal Cloud Foundry

1) Deploy basic profile

    cf push -f manifests/manifest.yml

2) Deploy cf-mysql profile : For PCF MySQL as Datasource i.e. binding Database service "cf-mysql-service"

    cf push -f manifests/manifest-cf-mysql.yml

Authentication Process


• HTTPS is NOT enabled by default (with self signed certificate). Change the property to true and HTTPS will be enabled

  		    enabled: true
  		--> To view the Swagger URLs in browser - In Chrome, you can use url chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost to allow insecure localhost. Refer to
  		--> To call APIs in Postman - There is an option in Postman, in the settings, turn off the SSL certificate verification option 
  		NOTE: For accessing Condcutor Swagger on HTTPS https://localhost:8080/index.html should be used as a default redirection doesnt work.

• HTTP only mode (default) - Change the property to false and HTTPS will be disabled

  		    enabled: false

NOTE: For accessing Integrated Condcutor Swagger on HTTPS https://localhost:8080/ will be sufficient as redirection works without https.

Generating a self-signed certificate (Not Recommended - Developer use only)

Certificate for HTTPS

We can store as many numbers of key-pair in the same keystore each identified by a unique alias.

  • For generating our keystore in a JKS format, we can use the following command:
		keytool -genkeypair -alias my -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore my.jks -validity 3650
  • It is recommended to use the PKCS12 format which is an industry standard format. So in case we already have a JKS keystore, we can convert it to PKCS12 format using the following command:
		keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore my.jks -destkeystore my.p12 -deststoretype pkcs12
  Place the generated my.p12 file in src/main/resources/keystore

Certificate for OAUTH2

  • For generating our keystore in a JKS format, we can use the following command:
  	  keytool -genkeypair -alias jwt -keyalg RSA -keypass password -keystore jwt.jks -storepass password
  • It is recommended to use the PKCS12 format which is an industry standard format. So in case we already have a JKS keystore, we can convert it to PKCS12 format using the following command:
  	  keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore jwt.jks -destkeystore jwt.jks -deststoretype pkcs12
  • To view the private and public key generated and to extract the public key, we can use the following command:
	  	  keytool -list -rfc --keystore jwt.jks | openssl x509 -inform pem -pubkey

    	  Copy everything including the tags from, as shown below and paste it into the applications.yml as a property
      	  -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
      	  -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
  Place the generated jwt.jks file in src/main/resources

Integrated Conductor Server Authentication & Authorization - Roles

Category of APIs available at Conductor level.
	☐  Event Services - For Event Handling APIs
	☐  Workflow Management - For workflow executing, rerun, terminate, pause etc. functionalities.
	☐  Metadata Management - Workflow or task creation / updation / deletion etc. functionalities.
	☐  Health Check - Ignore for now
	☐  Admin - Ignore for now
	☐  Workflow Bulk Management - For workflow bulk executing, rerun, terminate, pause etc. functionalities.
	☐  Task Management - For task executing, rerun, terminate, pause etc. functionalities.
Roles that are mapped to APIs
Technical mapping to roles.
	☐  All Manager roles will be able to Create/Update/Delete the mentioned API implemented functionalities.
	☐  All Viewer roles will be able to View existing API implemented functionalities.
	☐  A default user for each role is created while the flyway migration happens and the username is same as the role (example - 'role_conductor_super_manager') and the password is 'password'
		1) role_conductor_super_manager - POST / PUT / DELETE
		    Event Services
		    Workflow Management
		    Metadata Management
		    Health Check
		    Workflow Bulk Management
		    Task Management
		2) role_conductor_super_viewer - GET
		    Event Services
		    Workflow Management
		    Metadata Management
		    Health Check
		    Workflow Bulk Management
		    Task Management
		3) role_conductor_core_manager - POST / PUT / DELETE
		    Event Services
		    Workflow Management
		    Metadata Management
		    Workflow Bulk Management
		    Task Management
		4) role_conductor_core_viewer - GET
		    Event Services
		    Workflow Management
		    Metadata Management
		    Workflow Bulk Management
		    Task Management
		5) role_conductor_execution_manager - POST / PUT / DELETE
		    Event Services
		    Workflow Management
		    Task Management
		6) role_conductor_execution_viewer - GET
		    Event Services
		    Workflow Management
		    Task Management
		7) role_conductor_event_manager - POST / PUT / DELETE
		  	Event Services
		8) role_conductor_event_viewer - GET
		  	Event Services
		9) role_conductor_metadata_manager - POST / PUT / DELETE
		    Metadata Management
		10) role_conductor_metadata_viewer - GET
		    Metadata Management
		11) role_conductor_workflow_manager - POST / PUT / DELETE
		  	Workflow Management
		12) role_conductor_workflow_viewer - GET
		  	Workflow Management
		13) role_conductor_task_manager - POST / PUT / DELETE
		  	Task Management
		14) role_conductor_task_viewer - GET
		  	Task Management

OAuth2 / ADFS Authentication & Authorization - Roles

Category of APIs available at OAuth level.
	☐  Admin Services - For Admin APIs - to onboard new clients and users, update or delete users / clients, reset client secret / user password.
	☐  Client Services - For Client Admin APIs - to onboard new users, update or delete users, reset client secret / user password.
	☐  User Services - For User APIs - to get basic principal, update details / reset password.
Roles that are mapped to APIs
Technical mapping to roles.
	☐  All Manager roles will be able to Create/Update/Delete the mentioned API implemented functionalities.
	☐  All Viewer roles will be able to View existing API implemented functionalities.
	☐  A default user for each role is created while the flyway migration happens and the username is same as the role (example - 'role_conductor_super_manager') and the password is 'password'
		1) role_oauth_super_admin - GET / POST / PUT / PATCH / DELETE
		    Admin Services
		    User Services
		2) role_oauth_client_admin - GET / POST / PUT / PATCH / DELETE
		    Client Services
		    User Services
NOTE: All the User Services will be OPEN for Conductor Roles as well.