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At Magnet we use Magnetizer to quickly setup the terminal in local and remote Linux machines. The tasks included are listed in the available commands section.

Magnetizer uses python's Fabric tools to run tasks on remote (and local) machines. Since Fabric works over SSH, Magnetizer is configured to load the settings present in the ssh config file, for instance, hostname aliases.


Run ./


You have a list of commands you can execute in your local machine or a remote one. To print the list of available tasks type:

fab -l.

Each task must be ran as follows:

fab <task>

You can get the description of a task with the -d parameter:

fab -d <task>

You need to specify the target machine, so it will ask you for the host in which you wish to run the task and assume your user is your current terminal user.

You can override this behaviour using the H parameter:

fab -H <user>@<host> <task>

You can also concatenate commands:

fab -H <user>@<host> <task1> <task2>


To get zsh installed and set as the default shell on your local machine, you should run:

fab -H <user>@localhost zsh.install

A concatenation example could be that you want that your current public key is accepted in your own computer (to speed up Magnetizer calls) and install vim configuration:

fab -H <user>@localhost ssh.add_authorized_key vim.install

Server initial configuration

In order to configure a new server (usually a VPS), you must run the following sequence of commands:

  1. Add <user> with sudo as extra group: fab admin.add_user:<user>,sudo -H root@host
  2. Allow sudoers without password: fab admin.sudo_without_password -H root@host
  3. Disable password authentication: fab ssh.disable_password_authentication -H root@host
  4. Disable root login: fab ssh.disable_root_login -H root@host
  5. Add your public ssh key to the authorized keys: fab ssh.add_authorized_key -H <user>@host (Please notice that this command must be run giving the user previously created).
  6. Reloads SSH configuration: fab ssh.reload_configuration root@host

Afterwards, we strongly recommend you to install zsh and vim through the tasks provided.

Available commands

* admin.add_user: Adds user, its group can also be specified.
* admin.add_swap: Adds a swap partition to the system.
* docker.install: Installs Docker.
* nginx.install_passenger: Installs nginx with passenger support.
* node.install: Installs Node.js.
* node.nvm_install: Installs Node.js with NVM.
* postgresql.install: Installs PostgreSQL and its development packages.
* ruby.install: Installs Ruby.
* ruby.install_rails: Installs Ruby on Rails.
* ruby.install_wirble: Improves irb console.
* ssh.add_authorized_key: Adds your local public key to the authorized
* ssh.disable_password_authentication: Disables password authentication.
* ssh.disable_root_login: Disables root login authentication.
* ssh.generate_key: Generates public and private ssh keys.
* tmux.configure: Uploads the tmux configuration file.
* tmux.install: Installs and configure tmux.
* vim.install: Installs vim, fully configured fo maximum programmer
* vim.restore_backup: Restores vim to a pre-magnetizer configuration if
* vim.update: Updates vim with the latest Magnetizer configuration.
* zsh.configure: Deploys the configuration file asking some preferences.
* zsh.install: Installs zsh, fully configured.
* zsh.update: Updates zsh with the latest Magnetizer configuration.