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How Type Classes are Compiled in Coalton

Function Calls

Type class constraints on functions are turned into additional parameters. These additional paramaters are used to pass type class dictionaries. For example the following type f :: (Num :a) (Ord :a) => :a -> :a -> :a would be compiled to the following lisp function definition.

(defun f (G103 G104 A-27 B-28)

Here G103 and G104 will hold the Num and Ord instance dictionaries for whichever :a is chosen by the caller. Variables with constraints are wrapped in a function.


Each class defines a struct with fields for methods and superclasses. For instance Num looks like:

(defstruct CLASS/NUM
  SUPER-0 ; holds CLASS/EQ
  +       ; remaining fields hold methods

Classes also define stub functions for dispatching methods on a dictionary. Each stub function selects the correct field from a dict and forwards the remaining arguments. See the definition of the + stub function below:

(defun + (dict a b)
  (funcall (CLASS/NUM-+ dict) a b))


Instances without constraints are compiled to variables.

   :+ (lambda (a b)
        (cl:+ a b))
   :- (lambda (a b)
        (cl:- a b))
   :* (lambda (a b)
        (cl:* a b))
   :FROMINT (lambda (a)

Instances with constraints such as such as Eq :a => (Eq (Optional :a)) are compiled to functions.

  (make-CLASS/NUM ...))

Each method definion in an instance is also compiled to a seperate function. These functions are used for static method calls. The == method on Eq :a => (Eq (Optional :a)) would be compiled to:

(defun |INSTANCE/EQ OPTIONAL :A-=| (G106 a b)

Static Method Inlining

Coalton maintains a mapping of (method, instance) -> static method. These mappings are used to rewrite method calls on instances known at compile time.

  • (+ |INSTANCE/NUM INTEGER| 1 2) becomes (|INSTANCE/NUM INTEGER-+| 1 2)
  • (== (|INSTANCE/EQ OPTIONAL :A| G106) (Some a) (Some b)) becomes (|INSTANCE/EQ OPTIONAL :A-==| G106 (Some a) (Some b))

Note that in the second example, the context variable G106 become a parameter to |INSTANCE/EQ OPTIONAL :A-==|.