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107 lines (101 loc) · 11.8 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (101 loc) · 11.8 KB


Service Principal Names


Application Permissions

Your application runs as a background service or daemon without a signed-in user.

Role Role Id Display Name Description
AdvancedQuery.Read.All 93489bf5-0fbc-4f2d-b901-33f2fe08ff05 Run advanced queries Allows the app to run advanced queries
Alert.Read.All 71fe6b80-7034-4028-9ed8-0f316df9c3ff Read all alerts Allows the app to read any alert
Alert.ReadWrite.All 0f7000ec-157b-497f-b70e-ef0b0584f140 Read and write all alerts Allows the app to create or update any alert
Event.Write 84ddd701-5fac-4c30-b0ad-aa73a67bea1a Write timeline events Allows the app to create events in the machine timeline
File.Read.All 8788f1a9-beca-4e26-ba58-10513f3b896f Read file profiles Allows the app to read all file profiles
IntegrationConfiguration.ReadWrite 7c6f6912-60e9-4fcd-bb2a-c25bc35e8c59 Read and Write Integration settings Allows the app to read and modify integration settings between itself and the service
Ip.Read.All 47bf842d-354b-49ef-b741-3a6dd815bc13 Read IP address profiles Allows the app to read all IP address profiles
Library.Manage 41d209c7-2511-4fc9-b899-8008a3976f09 Manage live response library files Allows the app to manage live response library files
Machine.CollectForensics 15405ab2-2103-4a3c-ad80-e829841cedcc Collect forensics Allows the app to collect forensics from a machine
Machine.Isolate 7e4e1300-e1b9-4102-88ba-f0cb6e6d5974 Isolate machine Allows the app to isolate a machine
Machine.LiveResponse 1629b959-c0af-42a1-92f0-f6162060bdf1 Run live response on a specific machine Allows the app to run a live response on a specific machine
Machine.Offboard 594435bf-36dd-4548-83bd-1bdafe157d7a Offboard machine Allows the app to offboard a machine from the service
Machine.Read.All ea8291d3-4b9a-44b5-bc3a-6cea3026dc79 Read all machine profiles Allows the app to read all machine profiles, including the commands that were sent to each machine
Machine.ReadWrite.All aa027352-232b-4ed4-b963-a705fc4d6d2c Read and write all machine information Allows the app to create machine records and to read or update any machine record
Machine.RestrictExecution 96b6b35d-074d-4e2d-b167-8d68d9269648 Restrict code execution Allows the app to restrict code execution on a machine according to policy
Machine.Scan a86d9824-b2b6-45f8-b042-16bc4922ed4e Scan machine Allows the app to scan a machine
Machine.StopAndQuarantine 96e72b5e-7e68-4171-aad1-3937599e4751 Stop and quarantine file Allows the app to stop a file running on a machine and to quarantine that file
readonly f820e656-f1d1-4cb8-a566-31d18eeecb40 Security Operations - Read Only Users assign to this role will be able to access the Windows Defender ATP portal, view all the data but will not be able to perform any action
RemediationTasks.Read.All 6a33eedf-ba73-4e5a-821b-f057ef63853a Read all remediation tasks Allows the app to read all remediation tasks
Score.Read.All 02b005dd-f804-43b4-8fc7-078460413f74 Read Threat and Vulnerability Management score Allows the app to read any Threat and Vulnerability Management score
secop 2261fd4a-5f23-4b74-9e4d-f4ac92dc86a2 Security Operations - Read & Write Users assign to this role will be able to access the Windows Defender ATP portal, view all the data and be able to perform actions such as change alerts status, apply suppression rules etc.
SecurityBaselinesAssessment.Read.All e870c0c1-c1a2-41ca-948e-a33912d2d3f0 Read all security baselines assessment information Allows the app to read all security baselines assessment information
SecurityConfiguration.Read.All 227f2ea0-c2c2-4428-b7af-9ff40f1a720e Read all security configurations Allows the app to read all security configurations
SecurityConfiguration.ReadWrite.All e5e05709-32a3-4c85-89c8-67596eb94f24 Read and write all security configurations Allows the app to read and write all security configurations
SecurityRecommendation.Read.All 6443965c-7dd2-4cfd-b38f-bb7772bee163 Read Threat and Vulnerability Management security recommendations Allows the app to read any Threat and Vulnerability Management security recommendation
Software.Read.All 37f71c98-d198-41ae-964d-2c49aab74926 Read Threat and Vulnerability Management software information Allows the app to read any Threat and Vulnerability Management software information
Ti.Read.All 528ca142-c849-4a5b-935e-10b8b9c38a84 Read all IOCs Allows the app to read all IOCs
Ti.ReadWrite a8bc2240-f96a-46a1-bad5-6a960b7327a1 Read and write IOCs belonging to the app Allows the app to create IOCs and to read or update IOCs it created
Ti.ReadWrite.All fc511a58-3adf-4d71-af24-00f13e35e479 Read and write all IOCs Allows the app to manage all IOCs of the tenant
Url.Read.All 721af526-ffa8-42d7-9b84-1a56244dd99d Read URL profiles Allows the app to read all URL profiles
User.Read.All a833834a-4cf1-4732-8acf-bbcfa13fb610 Read user profiles Allows the app to read all user profiles
Vulnerability.Read.All 41269fc5-d04d-4bfd-bce7-43a51cea049a Read Threat and Vulnerability Management vulnerability information Allows the app to read any Threat and Vulnerability Management vulnerability information

Delegated Permissions

Your application needs to access the API as the signed-in user.

Role Role Id Display Name Description
AdvancedQuery.Read 1fb6e712-1bd9-4184-b1c0-5e71e759196b Run advanced queries Allows the app to run advanced queries, that the signed-in user can execute.
Alert.Read b2069dc0-9fe9-4e6d-9aca-ccf3dd503819 Read alerts Allows the app to read any alert that the signed in user can access
Alert.ReadWrite cbc3b413-21e6-416d-95a4-af87687efbd0 Read and write alerts Allows the app to create or update any alert that the signed in user can create or update
File.Read.All 8fce64a0-67c8-4e39-8f47-cac9ff7e13bb Read file profiles Allows the app to read all file profiles on
IntegrationConfiguration.ReadWrite 7c6f6912-60e9-4fcd-bb2a-c25bc35e8c59 Read and Write Integration settings Allows the app to read and modify integration settings between itself and the service
Ip.Read.All b65a97e8-c8e8-4908-b19a-f654615de1a9 Read IP address profiles Allows the app to read all IP address profiles on behalf of the signed-in user
Library.Manage 5998a3da-2c9b-4bf3-99bd-44c9fe337ad2 Manage live response library files Allows the app to manage live response library files on behalf of the signed-in user
Machine.CollectForensics 5eb7b9dc-cbce-4c7e-9d73-5be248260ae6 Collect forensics Allows the app to collect forensics data from a machine on behalf of the signed-in user
Machine.Isolate 479231ef-3b86-4933-ae6b-1fa84bba9e31 Isolate machine Allows the app to isolate a machine on behalf of the signed-in user
Machine.LiveResponse 25fb0c21-5877-492a-8d0c-e7893a9585cc Run live response on a specific machine Allows the app to run live response on a specific machine according to policy on behalf of the signed-in user
Machine.Offboard 29d1c73a-07f6-495f-b62b-1554a954d0a3 Offboard machine Allows the app to offboard a machine from the service on behalf of the signed-in user
Machine.Read fbd3d33a-b1f5-4573-906c-51b39682fbcf Read machine information Allows the app to read machine profiles (including the commands that were sent to each machine), that the signed in user can access
Machine.ReadWrite f6846c57-9e3c-4a65-81aa-2f5e09ff4f0b Read and write machine information Allows the app to create machine records and to read or update any machine record that the signed-in user can create, read or update.
Machine.RestrictExecution abddfa88-80bb-4aef-81ff-18cbf29363a9 Restrict code execution Allows the app to restrict code execution on a machine according to policy on behalf of the signed-in user
Machine.Scan b4618115-647e-42a5-bd0d-0ea9878fb376 Scan machine Allows the app to scan a machine on behalf of the signed-in user
Machine.StopAndQuarantine 69e036b7-3f10-4d4c-a85e-82295629eca8 Stop and quarantine file Allows the app to restrict code execution on a machine according to policy on behalf of the signed-in user
RemediationTasks.Read 19956c04-168f-4f44-b471-48c8f50dc0c8 Read remediation tasks Allows the app to read remediation tasks that the signed in user can
Score.Read df4ed126-3a4c-460a-b0fc-67aea84fc332 Read Threat and Vulnerability Management score Allows the app to read Threat and Vulnerability Management score on behalf of the signed-in user
SecurityBaselinesAssessment.Read d42e2aa1-a664-43a9-b7c6-2766d44a6687 Read security baselines assessment information Allows the app to read security baselines assessment information
SecurityConfiguration.Read 4ac83e46-552f-4948-91c2-f7eaff971018 Read security configurations Allows the app to read security configurations that the signed in user can access
SecurityConfiguration.ReadWrite bfc81a3a-4f6d-4bfe-b945-d7fe6747d2a0 Read and write security configurations Allows the app to read and write security configurations that the signed in user can manage
SecurityRecommendation.Read 1ab96238-1253-4059-a32f-4087f20ed65d Read Threat and Vulnerability Management security recommendations Allows the app to read Threat and Vulnerability Management security recommendations on behalf of the signed-in user
Software.Read 5f216ada-3f51-4a22-ace5-06b198328476 Read Threat and Vulnerability Management software information Allows the app to read Threat and Vulnerability Management software information on behalf of the signed-in user
Ti.ReadWrite 650ff1f9-dd5f-48ee-8c58-7beef332c818 Read and write IOCs Allows the app to create IOCs and to read or update IOCs it created, on behalf of the signed-in user
Url.Read.All 42b4777c-6196-49ad-9cfc-207e73f2eb61 Read URL profiles Allows the app to read all URL profiles on behalf of the signed-in user
User.Read.All ffd6563e-842b-4cfc-b349-06006e0473a3 Read user profiles Allows the app to read all user profiles on behalf of the signed-in user
Vulnerability.Read 63a677ce-818c-4409-9d12-5c6d2e2a6bfe Read Threat and Vulnerability Management vulnerability information Allows the app to read Threat and Vulnerability Management vulnerability information on behalf of the signed-in user