- https://api.fabric.microsoft.com
- api://app.powerbi.com/botid-61cccd33-6c1a-4329-b091-504c7ddd882f
- api://msit.powerbi.com/botid-7b49e98b-e124-449c-a99f-16894b5572d8
- api://dxt.powerbi.com/botid-4eb9ce96-03c5-42ec-93f8-c6417a473800
- api://daily.powerbi.com/botid-1d8f972c-f346-4130-8eaa-dece10666c2d
- api://daily.powerbi.com/00000009-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
- api://dxt.powerbi.com/00000009-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
- api://msit.powerbi.com/00000009-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
- api://app.powerbi.com/00000009-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
- api://botid-1d8f972c-f346-4130-8eaa-dece10666c2d
- api://botid-4eb9ce96-03c5-42ec-93f8-c6417a473800
- api://botid-7b49e98b-e124-449c-a99f-16894b5572d8
- api://botid-61cccd33-6c1a-4329-b091-504c7ddd882f
- api://embedded.powerbi.com/00000009-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
- api://botid-f433e0e9-d3ff-42fb-abe1-e91e34f5f293
- 00000009-0000-0000-c000-000000000000/analysis.windows.net
- 00000009-0000-0000-c000-000000000000
- https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api-management
- https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api
- api://botid-cbba985a-17bf-4a94-aedd-601b84e47e70
- api://botid-10231bf5-a479-49bd-90bf-3d452fbdd06b
- api://botid-190e2548-e973-438f-904e-75ed471108a8
- api://botid-365f198c-f33d-4b87-b209-62033e2f4d6f
- api://botid-b76e1078-3416-45a9-bb7a-54828299362f
- api://botid-18563b69-42ea-4693-9fe8-32ed3cab102d
Your application runs as a background service or daemon without a signed-in user.
Role | Role Id | Display Name | Description |
Tenant.Read.All | 654b31ae-d941-4e22-8798-7add8fdf049f | View all content in tenant | The app can view all content in the tenant without a signed in user. |
Tenant.ReadWrite.All | 28379fa9-8596-4fd9-869e-cb60a93b5d84 | Read and write all content in tenant | The app can create, edit, view, and delete all content in the tenant without a signed in user. |
Your application needs to access the API as the signed-in user.
Role | Role Id | Display Name | Description |
App.Read.All | 8b01a991-5a5a-47f8-91a2-84d6bfd72c02 | View all Power BI apps | The app can view all Power BI apps the signed in user has access to. |
Capacity.Read.All | 76e2ebd5-0dfb-4a5b-93c7-ed89e0362834 | View all capacities | The app can view all Power BI Premium and Power BI Embedded capacities that the signed in user has access to. |
Capacity.ReadWrite.All | 4eabc3d1-b762-40ff-9da5-0e18fdf11230 | Read and write all capacities | The app can view and edit all Power BI Premium and Power BI Embedded capacities that the signed in user has access to. |
Code.AccessAzureDataExplorer.All | eaf7943f-ddfe-4442-96af-9419cf9522f3 | Access Azure Data Explorer | Allow the application to access Azure Data Explorer on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Code.AccessAzureDataLake.All | c655ab60-056e-4dd8-8cd0-6b5398bf6002 | Have full access to the Azure Data Lake service | Allow the application full access to the Azure Data Lake service on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Code.AccessAzureKeyvault.All | 2049d009-d5d1-4947-85ab-8b727def2427 | Have full access to the Azure Key Vault service | Allow the application full access to the Azure Key Vault service on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Code.AccessFabric.All | a66db2ff-fea7-40f3-8b63-2a35d6c5f753 | Allow API calls to access all Fabric resources on behalf of signed-in user | Allows the app to make API calls to access all Fabric resources, on behalf of signed-in user. |
Code.AccessStorage.All | 3f981b02-4cb2-4226-b4d2-c378f291573c | Access Azure Storage | Allow the application to access Azure Storage on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Connection.Read.All | 9ff18859-b8d5-4a89-9912-448b84dfb097 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all Fabric connections | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all Fabric connections, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Connection.ReadWrite.All | 3be8fe94-2189-4d8b-89c6-dd35c5cea6ef | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Fabric connections | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Fabric connections, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Connection.Reshare.All | 346e63ff-7cb8-4d86-9f6b-c9212f86a719 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all Fabric connections | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all Fabric connections, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Content.Create | f3076109-ca66-412a-be10-d4ee1be95d47 | Create content | App can automatically create content and datasets for a user. |
Dashboard.Execute.All | bcd38192-b0a2-4c40-bc0e-5728ec6ee69d | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all dashboards | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all dashboards, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Dashboard.Read.All | 2448370f-f988-42cd-909c-6528efd67c1a | View all dashboards | The app can view all dashboards for the signed in user and any dashboards that the user has access to. |
Dashboard.ReadWrite.All | b271f05e-8329-4b97-baa4-91cf15b99cf1 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all dashboards | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all dashboards, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Dashboard.Reshare.All | c67b16d3-b5b8-4c87-8ca0-a8e00c6d6ff3 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all dashboards | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all dashboards, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Dataflow.Execute.All | 529939f7-18e3-4be4-ba92-b01894a4fadf | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all dataflows | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all dataflows, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Dataflow.Read.All | f9759906-80a4-4f4a-b010-24b832bc6a30 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all dataflows | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all dataflows, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Dataflow.ReadWrite.All | ddd37690-e119-40c5-a821-3746ea6125c4 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all dataflows | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all dataflows, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Dataflow.Reshare.All | ad056abd-4839-4bb1-ba68-ffcf8194a869 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all dataflows | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all dataflows, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Datamart.Execute.All | 17cddc84-5ff7-4b6a-a017-632384c5e063 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all datamarts | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all datamarts, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Datamart.Read.All | 91f75836-b68c-4fff-84db-4372412a2c82 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all datamarts | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all datamarts, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Datamart.ReadWrite.All | 6098cd04-d625-4e1c-91d6-f7888f645256 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all datamarts | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all datamarts, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Datamart.Reshare.All | 44abf802-73c1-42f4-a26f-915b4c27fa8f | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all datamarts | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all datamarts, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
DataPipeline.Execute.All | 7e010a28-f5fa-4e63-b03d-2dc25cba9d2e | Make API calls that require execute permissions all data pipelines | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all data pipelines, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
DataPipeline.Read.All | a61cf2d1-8b81-4518-b2bb-a24e0831c17a | Make API calls that require read permissions on all data pipelines | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all data pipelines, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
DataPipeline.ReadWrite.All | e0c0aef0-3eab-49ca-9662-50cc7bd13bfb | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all data pipelines | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all data pipelines, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
DataPipeline.Reshare.All | 9afd59c7-4e4d-4a5d-b2aa-2777debb5cd9 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all data pipelines | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all data pipelines, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Dataset.Read.All | 7f33e027-4039-419b-938e-2f8ca153e68e | View all datasets | The app can view all datasets for the signed in user and any datasets that the user has access to. |
Dataset.ReadWrite.All | 322b68b2-0804-416e-86a5-d772c567b6e6 | Read and write all datasets | The app can view and write to all datasets for the signed in user and any datasets that the user has access to. |
DevX.ReadWrite.All | b23bb8c4-af74-49b0-91dd-79ffb83cddb9 | Create and Manage Developer Experience functionality | Allows the app to make API calls to register and manage 3rd party Service Fabric workloads, on your behalf. |
Environment.Execute.All | 7a638d43-6e2d-4bf0-bffd-477785a2c721 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all environment items | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all environment items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Environment.Read.All | 80a4f621-10a7-45e5-a961-79e9b81831d0 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all environment items | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all environment items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Environment.ReadWrite.All | 995d4201-6a2d-45c6-bad2-9f2aba89298d | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all environment items | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all environment items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Environment.Reshare.All | 72e814f5-a6b9-4316-b2ca-d07f426c178c | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all environment items | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all environment items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Eventhouse.Execute.All | 0a5f551e-003b-482b-b5fb-7124a9510ba1 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all Eventhouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all Eventhouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Eventhouse.Read.All | cd1718e4-3e09-4381-a6e1-183e245f8613 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all Eventhouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all Eventhouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Eventhouse.ReadWrite.All | b13393d0-9253-4ca8-be5a-be145f337ea3 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Eventhouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Eventhouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Eventhouse.Reshare.All | 1318ed2f-75ad-4748-b33a-d49044214bdb | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all Eventhouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all Eventhouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Eventstream.Execute.All | 110e2f5f-6226-4c3f-8d02-4b30b33e5fd1 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all eventstreams | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all eventstreams, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Eventstream.Read.All | 5ce2a0b7-2512-440d-bf05-d5db590cc4c7 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all eventstreams | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all eventstreams, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Eventstream.ReadWrite.All | bd305576-f504-4e9a-81d4-d16c7eb5334b | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all eventstreams | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all event streams, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Eventstream.Reshare.All | ff4d87c4-a161-49a8-a886-fe14bf6a2203 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all eventstreams | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all eventstreams, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Fabric.Extend | 7ba630b9-8110-4e27-8d17-81e5f2218787 | Extend Fabric with new item types | Allows the app to extend Fabric with new item types and have restricted access to Fabric items, user identifiers and other metadata, on behalf of the signed-in user. Protecting exports with sensitivity labels, enforcement of regional boundaries and some other Fabric capabilities are not available to partner items. |
Gateway.Read.All | d2e42f6b-2baf-4ff4-83ef-51e66321516e | View all gateways | The app can view all gateways that the signed in user is an admin of. |
Gateway.ReadWrite.All | ddb3ca45-a192-477d-acb2-46bf9dc586de | Read and write all gateways | The app can view and edit all gateways that the signed in user is an admin of. |
GraphInstance.Execute.All | d7fd01f6-c485-406a-ad50-27ea1c711589 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all Graph Instances | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all Graph Instances, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
GraphInstance.Read.All | dc55c1dd-468c-4d7f-877a-9414f4c79c61 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all Graph Instances | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all Graph Instances, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
GraphInstance.ReadWrite.All | 6523f613-2a20-4d18-8b05-4d1bce5b7b07 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Graph Instances | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Graph Instances, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
GraphInstance.Reshare.All | ce5cc3da-13ac-4c07-9b8d-f5c5811d91d0 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all Graph Instances | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all Graph Instances, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
GraphQL.Execute.All | fc011432-d782-46d3-8143-f0328911e0a3 | Make API calls that executes requests on all API for GraphQL items | Allows the app to make API calls that executes requests on all API for GraphQL items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
GraphQLApi.execute.All | cece14a0-0fa7-4de3-b458-69bd0cfea634 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all API for GraphQL | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all API for GraphQL, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
GraphQLApi.Read.All | deae611f-920b-422f-805e-f635080c4cfb | Make API calls that require read permissions on all API for GraphQL | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all API for GraphQL, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
GraphQLApi.ReadWrite.All | 73d01b13-cb5e-466e-8752-a50feccb317e | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all API for GraphQL | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all API for GraphQL, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
GraphQLApi.Reshare.All | 88cf9f59-aa53-4386-ae14-3c8263713766 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all API for GraphQL | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all API for GraphQL, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Item.Execute.All | caf40b1a-f10e-4da1-86e4-5fda17eb2b07 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all Fabric items | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all Fabric items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Item.ExternalDataShare.All | bae3e5e0-a78a-4b0f-b3a0-0dc52f365b9d | Make API calls that execute external data share actions on all Fabric items | Allows the app to make API calls that execute external data share actions on all Fabric items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Item.Read.All | d2bc95fc-440e-4b0e-bafd-97182de7aef5 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all Fabric items | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all Fabric items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Item.ReadWrite.All | 7a27a256-301d-4359-b77b-c2b759d2e362 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Fabric items | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Fabric items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Item.Reshare.All | 02e8d710-956c-4760-b996-2e83935c2cf5 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all Fabric items | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all Fabric items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLDatabase.Execute.All | 21b4da43-510a-43ac-afd4-580e1e2c09c8 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all KQL databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all KQL databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLDatabase.ExternalDataShare.All | 3a1af33d-ccfa-4264-998b-348c8c299db1 | Make API calls that execute external data share actions on all KQL databases | Allows the app to make API calls that execute external data share actions on all KQL databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLDatabase.Read.All | 24367f1a-a6d6-410d-b438-378ed19cb875 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all KQL databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all KQL databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLDatabase.ReadWrite.All | 726667b1-01a6-4be4-b04c-e95eae4023a8 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all KQL databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all KQL databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLDatabase.Reshare.All | 83a35b59-6a34-40f4-ac4e-5bf5a6ff9a5d | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all KQL databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all KQL databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLDataConnection.Execute.All | 6872ffe8-d8d4-46f9-9a32-5537dad08dd2 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all KQL data connections | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all KQL data connections, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLDataConnection.Read.All | 59b5791b-482f-4b95-8498-fe078f6bd6fa | Make API calls that require read permissions on all KQL data connections | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all KQL data connections, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLDataConnection.ReadWrite.All | 753e9303-2fd9-496e-aa7c-cf84a133f42a | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on and write all KQL data connections | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all KQL data connections, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLDataConnection.Reshare.All | 8191607d-cbe5-49c6-b480-1aae71f3dce6 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all KQL data connections | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all KQL data connections, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLQueryset.Execute.All | b84b0d8d-9870-4b2b-92d2-9bfa7f940db3 | Make API calls that require execute permissions all KQL querysets | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all KQL querysets, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLQueryset.Read.All | 8826b95a-bc76-4025-97f1-8c89c3d5f210 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all KQL querysets | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all KQL querysets, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLQueryset.ReadWrite.All | 88ba374a-d581-4944-b7c7-1181754eba74 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all KQL querysets | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all KQL querysets, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
KQLQueryset.Reshare.All | 2d3aa07c-d364-4ce0-acbc-b7e151ee161d | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all KQL querysets | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all KQL querysets, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Lakehouse.Execute.All | 565b3968-767c-4100-8771-a827146f38ce | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all lakehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all lakehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Lakehouse.ExternalDataShare.All | 1d1f591a-f469-48d6-8995-a532552ae72c | Make API calls that execute external data share actions on all lakehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that execute external data share actions on all lakehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Lakehouse.Read.All | 13060bfd-9305-4ec6-8388-8916580f4fa9 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all lakehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all lakehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Lakehouse.ReadWrite.All | eee83281-2212-467d-b9e3-2aadfb170f33 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all lakehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all lakehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Lakehouse.Reshare.All | 881e9f00-4e9c-4798-bc50-832fea2cdbe6 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all lakehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all lakehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MirroredDatabase.Execute.All | 67d4aa3f-531f-4db2-a382-7db42788fd35 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all mirrored databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all mirrored databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MirroredDatabase.Read.All | 10051e25-9077-418c-a076-32a2d35132a2 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all mirrored databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all mirrored databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MirroredDatabase.ReadWrite.All | 2eb0ab4e-195e-45ec-9eb3-3b9842bea4f4 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all mirrored databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all mirrored databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MirroredDatabase.Reshare.All | c18991d0-0a42-4567-983a-1993bc79f327 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all mirrored databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all mirrored databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MLExperiment.Execute.All | 3101f5b2-b314-4bbd-a1f6-8a05f94f33ea | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all machine learning experiments | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all machine learning experiments, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MLExperiment.Read.All | 179809f0-8b05-4f65-bdd0-920fb4945c33 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all machine learning experiments | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all machine learning experiments, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MLExperiment.ReadWrite.All | e4f65fe4-b466-4254-89ea-2fcdc8d8ac49 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all machine learning experiments | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all machine learning experiments, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MLExperiment.Reshare.All | 27296d33-1a83-44d6-9665-63f4902781f9 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all machine learning experiments | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all machine learning experiments, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MLModel.Execute.All | 6b03f425-0a8e-4c54-ba35-df73806f1396 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all machine learning models | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all machine learning models, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MLModel.Read.All | 5d9a285a-0847-4aa7-a9db-4991dedc2b53 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all machine learning models | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all machine learning models, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MLModel.ReadWrite.All | 2cb667b2-c449-4f2d-a1ad-e0ffa27b5d75 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all machine learning models | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on to all machine learning models, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
MLModel.Reshare.All | 5a93e9d0-4312-4fad-bbb5-44c74a75083a | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all machine learning models | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all machine learning models, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Notebook.Execute.All | 3e801746-e22a-4fcb-a3f5-315ace8e165a | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all notebooks | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all notebooks, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Notebook.Read.All | 0a25ca24-b130-4a32-affd-29d640b63f14 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all notebooks | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all notebooks, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Notebook.ReadWrite.All | b02aa3b5-6fb3-48b8-803a-57bdef45d20c | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all notebooks | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all notebooks, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Notebook.Reshare.All | 9ff20ed3-e70b-486e-9686-006be349a5d6 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all notebooks | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all notebooks, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
OneLake.Read.All | 547211ef-7223-404f-8519-fee52fda6402 | Make API calls that read OneLake metadata | Allows the app to make API calls that read OneLake metadata on your behalf. |
OneLake.ReadWrite.All | ada1b44b-4474-40ed-b32c-e3543dccec0e | Make API calls that read and write OneLake metadata | Allows the app to make API calls that read and write OneLake metadata, on your behalf. |
PaginatedReport.Execute.All | 4aaafe5b-1b27-4403-88f2-e3ebbb8bccc5 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all paginated reports | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all paginated reports, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
PaginatedReport.Read.All | e93694df-fa72-4011-aad8-f3648588c762 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all paginated reports | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all paginated reports, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
PaginatedReport.ReadWrite.All | a405c0f7-5d2f-4e19-8db7-7323bae0b3c3 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all paginated reports | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all paginated reports, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
PaginatedReport.Reshare.All | b510092a-d399-45f3-b1d5-4e2d34c87997 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all paginated reports | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all paginated reports, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Pipeline.Deploy | 652d7d02-6ff0-4cf7-9516-cf77d33a3ae4 | Deploy in all pipelines | The app can deploy content in all pipelines and pipeline stages in deployment pipelines, which the signed in user has access to. |
Pipeline.Read.All | dbe6434c-63f0-42bb-be8e-122ec1bad4d2 | View all pipelines | The app can view all deployment pipelines that the signed in user has access to. |
Pipeline.ReadWrite.All | 199f155b-cccd-4be4-bbe6-ca9a867b24b4 | Read and write all pipelines | The app can view and edit all deployment pipelines that the signed in user has access to. |
PrincipalDetails.ReadBasic.All | 8eb59948-47ce-4224-8cb1-f2a1ddb35822 | Read Entra ID identities basic properties | Allows the app to read basic properties of Entra ID identities in your organization that are known to Microsoft Fabric, on behalf of the signed-in user. This includes display names and email addresses of users, service principals and security groups. |
Reflex.Read.All | 781c41ac-e316-4a17-b470-cafd75f5c010 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all Reflexes | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all Reflexes, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Reflex.ReadWrite.All | 99cac2a4-5c59-45dc-83bd-5303fda5d49d | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Reflexes | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all Reflexes, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Report.Execute.All | b0a64161-0e6a-4f7c-aa14-a1f9413136f3 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all reports | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all reports, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Report.Read.All | 4ae1bf56-f562-4747-b7bc-2fa0874ed46f | Make API calls that require read permissions on all reports | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all reports, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Report.ReadWrite.All | 7504609f-c495-4c64-8542-686125a5a36f | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all reports | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all reports, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Report.Reshare.All | 54f4913d-63d6-4256-a270-f16a6222e625 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all reports | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all reports, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
RetailDataManager.Execute.All | 5793b2af-bc3b-4f1d-bbb1-9a3e359dd8e1 | Make API calls that require execute permissions for all retail data manager items. | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions for all retail data manager items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
RetailDataManager.Read.All | 1ddcbaa9-c4cf-4684-9048-e04a12739a8c | Make API calls that require read permissions for all retail data manager items. | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions for all retail data manager items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
RetailDataManager.ReadWrite.All | e87305de-874c-4fb9-a7c1-fff664dc5d6e | Make API calls that require read and write permissions for all retail data manager items. | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions for all retail data manager items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
RetailDataManager.Reshare.All | d95f0afe-0ace-431b-9741-b29d7a02e19b | Make API calls that require reshare permissions for all retail data manager items. | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions for all retail data manager items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Scorecard.Execute.All | dc75a12a-fef2-436d-8311-fed5b7e3a9d0 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all scorecards | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all scorecards, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Scorecard.Read.All | a74298d9-12f6-45f5-808d-7907af21179c | Make API calls that require read permissions on all scorecards | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all scorecards, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Scorecard.ReadWrite.All | b13a1be2-e407-47b5-8429-12f4ad4f9fcd | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all scorecards | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all scorecards, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Scorecard.Reshare.All | 62816fca-afaa-44af-abd6-9e8f604d8dbb | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all scorecards | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all scorecards, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SemanticModel.Execute.All | 42b94671-298c-48a0-a55d-077e48186883 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all semantic models | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all semantic models, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SemanticModel.ExternalDataShare.All | 5cf1e703-06da-4688-8f2a-29e77c25489a | Make API calls that execute external data share actions on all semantic models | Allows the app to make API calls that execute external data share actions on all semantic models, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SemanticModel.Read.All | d2090f0b-c876-45ea-b6fa-785e7ef84788 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all semantic models | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all semantic models, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SemanticModel.ReadWrite.All | 9e7c970c-1dc5-482d-b2a1-2a4fed211921 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all semantic models | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all semantic models, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SemanticModel.Reshare.All | 868c9b47-9e35-4c69-bac3-042213ef72a3 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all semantic models | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all semantic models, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SparkJobDefinition.Execute.All | 3492d2fc-251d-4a2b-8be4-97f06fd6d0d4 | Execute all spark job definitions | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all spark job definitions, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SparkJobDefinition.Read.All | beaf3087-05af-4060-a0a5-29779c902004 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all spark job definitions | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all spark job definitions, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SparkJobDefinition.ReadWrite.All | ec20a3e3-8c0b-4d75-8d1b-a9ffdbbe2519 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all spark job definitions | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all spark job definitions, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SparkJobDefinition.Reshare.All | 49dd4a50-f26f-4cc8-b895-227eb620861d | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all spark job definitions | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all spark job definitions, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SQLDatabase.Execute.All | f87561dd-6f31-48ab-bcca-d3cec4564562 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all SQL Databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all SQL Databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SQLDatabase.Read.All | 1cc6e528-a407-4de1-883e-e36b91e09379 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all SQL Databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all SQL Databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SQLDatabase.ReadWrite.All | e4a4166c-b39f-4956-96ee-52ae6f1242e8 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all SQL Databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all SQL Databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SQLDatabase.Reshare.All | 7cbb226f-a463-4f7e-b085-d11f68dac9ee | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all SQL Databases | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all SQL Databases, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SQLEndpoint.Execute.All | aa70d616-e57e-4a5a-84cd-07de4250dd2e | Make API calls that require execute permissions all SQL endpoints | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all SQL endpoints, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SQLEndpoint.Read.All | dbc7f8f6-3822-41e6-aebd-5a79e2ddc72a | Make API calls that require read permissions on all SQL endpoints | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all SQL endpoints, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SQLEndpoint.ReadWrite.All | e5c15c39-f5e8-45b2-b858-edba09abc583 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all SQL endpoints | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all SQL endpoints, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
SQLEndpoint.Reshare.All | 15a808d7-2065-4357-8b76-47f701df3575 | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all SQL endpoints | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all SQL endpoints, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
StorageAccount.Read.All | e677843f-76d8-44d3-bcdb-ec40dea919e7 | View all storage accounts | The app can view all storage accounts registered with Power BI that the signed in user is an admin of. |
StorageAccount.ReadWrite.All | 27789c5b-aca8-4cb6-94b8-bcc8964dd8ad | Read and write all storage accounts | The app can view and edit all storage accounts registered with Power BI that the signed in user is an admin of. |
Tenant.Read.All | 01944dba-21df-426f-bb8c-796488be96ad | View all content in tenant | The app can view all content in the tenant if the signed in user is in the Global administrator or Power BI service administrator role. |
Tenant.ReadWrite.All | d594897b-76e7-4b2b-984b-b4adff35e109 | Read and write all content in tenant | The app can create, edit, view, and delete all content in the tenant if the signed in user is in the Global administrator or Power BI service administrator role. |
UserDataFunction.Execute.All | 2a34e79d-bc8c-40b7-8053-22549c4f8a8d | Make API calls that executes requests on all user data functions items | Allows the app to make API calls that executes requests on all user data functions items and view all historical logs, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
UserDataFunction.Read.All | 64f9ad72-16e9-49c9-b691-1cb7545560c3 | Make API calls that read the user data functions items | Allows the app to make API calls that read all the user data functions items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
UserDataFunction.ReadWrite.All | 9a69fd02-6f0f-4945-bd56-33a4a01f887d | Make API calls that read, edit and deploy your user data functions items | Allows the app to make API calls that read,, edit and deploy all the user data functions items, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
UserState.ReadWrite.All | b43e1ada-25ee-416f-bd5c-512976ddc74b | Read and write user settings and state | The app can view and edit any user settings and the user-specific state associated with content the signed in user has access to. |
VariableLibrary.Execute.All | 2c1729df-8c12-449b-ae71-2e4acea26919 | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all variable libraries | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all variable libraries, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
VariableLibrary.Read.All | ea662897-fca3-4698-84f4-6acc2fb3a7ea | Make API calls that require read permissions on all variable libraries | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all variable libraries, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
VariableLibrary.ReadWrite.All | 43e2cb94-fe45-449d-aa4d-b1f473b98c53 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all variable libraries | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all variable libraries, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
VariableLibrary.Reshare.All | 79649b78-0856-46fa-902e-b634299dbc3c | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all variable libraries | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all variable libraries, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Warehouse.Execute.All | d17eaf78-91ce-4314-9101-868b933996fb | Make API calls that require execute permissions on all warehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require execute permissions on all warehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Warehouse.ExternalDataShare.All | b102c99e-b723-4ac3-beb8-8813448ccfa7 | Make API calls that execute external data share actions on all warehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that execute external data share actions on all warehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Warehouse.Read.All | 6f4dd5b6-1369-4aef-a71b-8a734a9e0a20 | Make API calls that require read permissions on all warehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require read permissions on all warehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Warehouse.ReadWrite.All | 35735863-502b-4a11-8f65-b0bbe7ec8e95 | Make API calls that require read and write permissions on all warehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require read and write permissions on all warehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Warehouse.Reshare.All | d7629fc2-75c0-412f-9c11-052513f055ae | Make API calls that require reshare permissions on all warehouses | Allows the app to make API calls that require reshare permissions on all warehouses, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Workspace.GitCommit.All | a55d4405-a37a-4d41-ad6e-745665a3bbcb | Make API calls that commit workspace content and setting to remote git repository. | Allows the app to make API calls that commit workspace content and setting to remote git repository, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Workspace.GitUpdate.All | 5809ab1d-9154-49e7-a105-d82760eac8cf | Make API calls that update workspace content and setting from remote git repository. | Allows the app to make API calls that update workspace content and setting from remote git repository, on behalf of the signed-in user. |
Workspace.Read.All | b2f1b2fa-f35c-407c-979c-a858a808ba85 | View all workspaces | The app can view all workspaces that the signed in user has access to. |
Workspace.ReadWrite.All | 445002fb-a6f2-4dc1-a81e-4254a111cd29 | Read and write all workspaces | The app can view and edit all workspaces that the signed in user has access to. |