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File metadata and controls

68 lines (62 loc) · 2.32 KB

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists cinema (id int, movie varchar(255), description varchar(255), rating float(2, 1));
Truncate table cinema;
insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('1', 'War', 'great 3D', '8.9');
insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('2', 'Science', 'fiction', '8.5');
insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('3', 'irish', 'boring', '6.2');
insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('4', 'Ice song', 'Fantacy', '8.6');
insert into cinema (id, movie, description, rating) values ('5', 'House card', 'Interesting', '9.1');

Table: Cinema

| Column Name    | Type     |
| id             | int      |
| movie          | varchar  |
| description    | varchar  |
| rating         | float    |
id is the primary key for this table.
Each row contains information about the name of a movie, its genre, and its rating.
rating is a 2 decimal places float in the range [0, 10]

Write an SQL query to report the movies with an odd-numbered ID and a description that is not "boring".

Return the result table ordered by rating in descending order.

The query result format is in the following example.

Example 1:

Cinema table:
| id | movie      | description | rating |
| 1  | War        | great 3D    | 8.9    |
| 2  | Science    | fiction     | 8.5    |
| 3  | irish      | boring      | 6.2    |
| 4  | Ice song   | Fantacy     | 8.6    |
| 5  | House card | Interesting | 9.1    |
| id | movie      | description | rating |
| 5  | House card | Interesting | 9.1    |
| 1  | War        | great 3D    | 8.9    |
We have three movies with odd-numbered IDs: 1, 3, and 5. The movie with ID = 3 is boring so we do not include it in 
the answer.


select id,
from cinema
where description not like '%boring%' and mod(id, 2) != 0
order by rating desc