Binaries at various versions for linux, macOs and Windows are available for manual download on the release page.
To do this quickly, run:
curl -s "\
kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/master/hack/" | bash
This script
- attempts to detect your OS,
- downloads and unpacks the release tar file in a temporary directory,
- copies the kustomize binary (and only that file) to your current working directory,
- removes the temporary directory.
This method is more to show off how the go
tool works,
than for any practical purpose. A kustomize developer should
clone the repo (see next section), and CI/CD scripts should
download a specific ready-to-run executable rather than
rely on the go
Install the latest kustomize binary in the v3 series to $GOPATH/bin
go install
Install a specific version:
go get[email protected]
# Need go 1.13 or higher
unset GOPATH
# see
unset GO111MODULES
# clone the repo
git clone [email protected]:kubernetes-sigs/kustomize.git
# get into the repo root
cd kustomize
# Optionally checkout a particular tag if you don't
# want to build at head
git checkout kustomize/v3.2.3
# build the binary
(cd kustomize; go install .)
# run it
~/go/bin/kustomize version
brew install kustomize
choco install kustomize
For support on the chocolatey package and prior releases, see: