diff --git a/src/messages/id/admin.php b/src/messages/id/admin.php
index 7e490b298..e5c8dac40 100644
--- a/src/messages/id/admin.php
+++ b/src/messages/id/admin.php
@@ -517,52 +517,52 @@
     'crud_exportdata_col_filter' => 'Filter',
 // added translations in version 3.7.0:
-    'menu_system_item_property' => 'Properties',
-    'property_controller_description' => 'Provides a list of all registered properties. Properties are mainly used as [CMS Properties](https://luya.io/guide/app-cmsproperties) but can also be used for other use cases such as record-related properties.',
+    'menu_system_item_property' => 'Properti',
+    'property_controller_description' => 'Menampilkan semua properti yang terdaftar. Properti biasa digunakan sebagai [CMS Properties](https://luya.io/guide/app-cmsproperties) tetapi dapat digunakan sebagai use cases lainya seperti properti terkait perekaman.',
 // added translations in version 4.0.0:
-    'disabled_login_text' => 'The login form is currently disabled due to maintenance work. Please try again later.',
-    'button_save_and_close' => 'Save and close',
-    'button_create_and_close' => 'Create and close',
-    'button_create' => 'Create',
-    'button_cancel' => 'Cancel',
-    'button_create_and_new' => 'Create and new',
+    'disabled_login_text' => 'Formulir login ini dimatikan karena ada perbaikan. Tolong coba kembali nanti.',
+    'button_save_and_close' => 'Simpan dan tutup',
+    'button_create_and_close' => 'Buat dan tutup',
+    'button_create' => 'Buat',
+    'button_cancel' => 'Batalkan',
+    'button_create_and_new' => 'Buat dan baru',
 // added translations in version 4.2.0:
-    'model_ngrestlog_user_id_label' => 'User ID',
-    'model_ngrestlog_timestamp_create_label' => 'Timestamp Create',
-    'model_ngrestlog_route_label' => 'Route',
+    'model_ngrestlog_user_id_label' => 'ID pengguna',
+    'model_ngrestlog_timestamp_create_label' => 'Penanda waktu dibuat',
+    'model_ngrestlog_route_label' => 'rute',
     'model_ngrestlog_api_label' => 'API',
-    'model_ngrestlog_is_update_label' => 'Is Update',
-    'model_ngrestlog_is_insert_label' => 'Is Insert',
-    'model_ngrestlog_attributes_json_label' => 'Attributes Json',
-    'model_ngrestlog_attributes_diff_json_label' => 'Attributes Diff Json',
+    'model_ngrestlog_is_update_label' => 'Apakah perbaharui',
+    'model_ngrestlog_is_insert_label' => 'Apakah memasukan',
+    'model_ngrestlog_attributes_json_label' => 'Attribut Json',
+    'model_ngrestlog_attributes_diff_json_label' => 'Attribut Diff Json',
     'model_ngrestlog_pk_value_label' => 'Pk Value',
-    'model_ngrestlog_table_name_label' => 'Table Name',
-    'model_ngrestlog_is_delete_label' => 'Is Delete',
-    'model_property_module_name_label' => 'Module Name',
-    'model_property_var_name_label' => 'Var Name',
-    'model_property_class_name_label' => 'Class Name',
-    'model_property_sort_index_label' => 'Sort Index',
-    'model_proxy_build_machine_id_label' => 'Machine ID',
-    'model_proxy_build_timestamp_label' => 'Timestamp',
+    'model_ngrestlog_table_name_label' => 'Nama tabel',
+    'model_ngrestlog_is_delete_label' => 'Apakah dihapus',
+    'model_property_module_name_label' => 'Nama modul',
+    'model_property_var_name_label' => 'Nama variabel',
+    'model_property_class_name_label' => 'Nama kelas',
+    'model_property_sort_index_label' => 'Urutkan indeks',
+    'model_proxy_build_machine_id_label' => 'ID mesin',
+    'model_proxy_build_timestamp_label' => 'Penanda waktu',
     'model_proxy_build_build_token_label' => 'Build Token',
-    'model_proxy_build_config_label' => 'Config',
-    'model_proxy_build_is_complete_label' => 'Is Complete',
-    'model_proxy_build_expiration_time_label' => 'Expiration Time',
-    'model_proxy_machine_name_label' => 'Name',
-    'model_proxy_machine_access_token_label' => 'Access Token',
-    'model_proxy_machine_is_deleted_label' => 'Is Deleted',
-    'model_proxy_machine_is_disabled_label' => 'Is Disabled',
-    'model_proxy_machine_identifier_label' => 'Identifier',
-    'model_queuelog_queue_id_label' => 'Queue ID',
-    'model_queuelog_title_label' => 'Title',
-    'model_queuelog_push_timestamp_label' => 'Push Timestamp',
-    'model_queuelog_run_timestamp_label' => 'Run Timestamp',
-    'model_queuelog_end_timestamp_label' => 'End Timestamp',
-    'model_queuelog_is_error_label' => 'Is Error',
-    'model_storageimage_file_id_label' => 'File ID',
-    'model_storageimage_filter_id_label' => 'Filter ID',
-    'model_storageimage_resolution_width_label' => 'Resolution Width',
-    'model_storageimage_resolution_height_label' => 'Resolution Height',
+    'model_proxy_build_config_label' => 'Konfigurasi',
+    'model_proxy_build_is_complete_label' => 'Apakah selesai',
+    'model_proxy_build_expiration_time_label' => 'Waktu kadarluarsa',
+    'model_proxy_machine_name_label' => 'Nama',
+    'model_proxy_machine_access_token_label' => 'Token akses',
+    'model_proxy_machine_is_deleted_label' => 'Apakah dihapus',
+    'model_proxy_machine_is_disabled_label' => 'Apakah dimatikan',
+    'model_proxy_machine_identifier_label' => 'Identifikasi',
+    'model_queuelog_queue_id_label' => 'ID Antrian',
+    'model_queuelog_title_label' => 'Judul',
+    'model_queuelog_push_timestamp_label' => 'Masukan penanda waktu',
+    'model_queuelog_run_timestamp_label' => 'Jalankan penanda waktu',
+    'model_queuelog_end_timestamp_label' => 'Hentikan penanda waktu',
+    'model_queuelog_is_error_label' => 'Apakah galat',
+    'model_storageimage_file_id_label' => 'ID file',
+    'model_storageimage_filter_id_label' => 'Id filter',
+    'model_storageimage_resolution_width_label' => 'Lebar resolusi',
+    'model_storageimage_resolution_height_label' => 'Tinggi resolusi',