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Introduction to Computer Vision - Aaron F.

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1352 lines (1351 loc) · 66.5 KB

Udacity Course: Introduction to Computer Vision (Prof. Aaron F. Bobick)

Convolution vs Correlation

  • Correlation moves filter straight, convolution flips 180 degree.
  • They are the same when the filter is symmetric

2A-L2 Filtering

  • Moving average
  • Weighted Moving average
  • Correlation filtering

2A-L3 Linearity and convolution

  • Properties of convolution
    • Linear & shift invariant
    • Commutative: $fg = gf$
    • Associative: $(fg) * h = f * (gh)$
    • Identity: Unit pulse: $e = [..., 0,0,1,0,0,...]. f*e = f$
    • Differentiation: $\frac{\partial{}} {\partial{x}}(f*g) = \frac{\partial{f}} {\partial{x}}*g$
  • Convolution separability
    • If $C * R = H$, C is column vector, R is row vector
    • $G = H * F = (C * R) * F = C * (R * F)$
    • Computation drops from NNWW to 2 * N * WW. N is the dim is F, W is the width of H.
  • Sharpening filter
    • Accentuates differences with local average
  • Median filter
    • Remove salt and pepper noise
    • Preserve edges while mean filter doesn't
    • Non linear filter
  • Filter as template
    • normalize correlation to find pattern inside an image, like detecting something

Edge detection: Gradients

  • In real image types of edges:
    • Reflectance change: appearance information, texture
    • Depth: discontinuity, object boundary
    • Cast shows
    • Discontinous change in surface orientation
  • Note: stripe on a sign is not due to shape or illumination, it is color discontinuity.
  • Derivatives and edges: An edge is a place of rapid change in the image intensity function.
  • The gradient points in the direction of most rapid increase in intensity. $\Delta f = [\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}, \frac{\partial f}{\partial y}]$
  • Sobel detector

    • $sx$ 1/8 * $\begin{pmatrix} -1 & 0 & 1\ -2 & 0 & 2\ -1 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$
    • $sy$ 1/8 * $\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & 1\ 0 & 0 & 0\ -1 & -2 & -1 \end{pmatrix}$ here y is up
  • It is better to compute gradients using correlation since it preserves the intended directionality of gradients.
  • For real world images with noise, we need to smooth first before finding edges. Otherwise, there will be lots of high value gradients due to noise.
  • Canny Edge detector

    • Primary edge detection steps
      • Smoothing derivatives to suppress noise and compute gradient
      • Threshold to find regions of "significant" gradient
      • "Thin" to get localized edge pixels
      • Add link or connect edge pixels
    • Canny edge detector
      • Filter image with derivative of Gaussian
      • Find magnitude and orientation of gradients
      • Non-maximum suppression
        • Thin multi-pixel wide "ridges" down to single pixel width
      • Linking and thresholding (hysteresis)
        • define two thresholds: low and high
        • Use the high threshold to start edge curves and the low threshold to continue them.

Hough Transform

  • Rough idea
    • Each edge point votes for compatible lines
    • Look for lines that get many votes
  • Image space -> Hough (parameter) space
    • A line in the image corresponds to a point in hough space
    • A point in the image corresponds to a line in hough space
  • Algorithm
    • Let each edge point in image space vote for a set of possible parameters in Hough space
    • Accumulate votes in discrete set of bins; parameters with the most votes indicate line in image space
  • Use polar representation to avoid undefined parameters for vertical lines. $\ro = x cos(\theta) + y sin(\theta)$
  • Complexity of the Hough transform
    • Space: $k^n$ (n dimensions, k bins each)
    • Time
  • Hough Transform: Circles
    • $(x-a)^2 + (y-a)^2 = r^2$
    • With known r, a point on a circle in x-y space is a circle in a-b space.
    • With unknown r, a point on a circle in x-y space, is a cone in a-b-r 3d space.
    • Pros:
      • All points are processed independently, so can cope with occulsion
      • Some robustness to noise: noise points unlikely to contribute consistently to any single bin
      • Can detect multiple instances of a model in a single pass.
    • Cons:
      • Complexity of search time increases exponentially with the number of model parameters
      • Non-target shapes can produce spurious peaks in parameter space
      • Quantization: hard to pick a good grid size
  • Generalized Hough Transform
    • Non-analytical models
    • Visual code-word based features

Fourier Transform (spatial domain -> frequency domain (w or u or even s)

  • Any periodic function can be rewritten as a weighted sum of sines and cosines of different frequencies.
  • Usually, frequency magnitude is more interesting than the phase for CV because we are not reconstructing the image.
  • Formal definition of FT
    • Represent the signal as an infinite weighted sum of an infinite number of sinusoids
    • $F(u) = \int^\infty_{-\infty} f(x) e^(-2i\pi ux) dx$
    • $e^{ik} = cos k + isin k, i = \sqrt{-1}$
    • $F(u)$ exists if the function is integrable: $ \int^\infty_{-\infty} |f(x)| dx < \infty$
    • Discrete FT:
      • $F(k) = \frac{1}{N} \sum^{x=N-1}_{x=0} f(x) e^{-i \frac{2\pi k x}{N}}$
      • $x$ is discrete and goes from the start of the signal to the end $(N-1)$
      • $k$ is the number of "cycles per period of the signal" or "cycles per image"
  • Spatial domain: convolution <--> Frequency domain: multiplication, vice versa

Camera and images

  • Pinhole camera model
    • Aperture for pinhole camera
      • Too small will have diffraction
      • Too large will have too much light, get a blurred image
  • Thin Lense model
    • $1/||z'|| + 1/||z|| = 1/f$
  • Depth of field
    • Large aperture -> short depth of field
    • Small aperture -> large depth of field
  • Field of view
    • $\phi = tan^{-1}(\frac{d/2}{f})$, d is the "retina" or sensor size, f focal length
    • Larger focal length -> smaller FOV

Perspective Imaging

  • Modeling projection
    • $(X, Y, Z) -&gt; (-d\frac{X}{Z}, -d\frac{Y}{Z}, -d}$
    • When X and Z are very large, the image doesn't change when X and Z change.
  • Homoegeneous Coorindates
    • 2D (x, y) -> (x, y, 1), 3D (x, y, z, 1)
    • Convert back (x, y, w) -> (x/w, y/w)
    • Persepective Projection
       A = [[1 0 0 0],
              [0 1 0 0],
              [0 0 1/f 0]]
       X = [x y z 1]^T
       b = [x y z/f]
       AX = b
       b -> (f*x/z, f*y/z) -> (u, v)
  • Geometric Properties of Projection
    • Points go to points
    • Lines go to lines
    • Polygons go to polygons
  • Vanishing points
    • Sets of parallel lines on the same plane lead to collinear vanishing points
      • The line is called the horizon for that plane.
  • Special case of perspective projection
    • Orthographic: also called parallel projection
      • (x, y, z) -> (x, y)
    • Weak perspective
      • Perspective effects, but not over the scale of individual objects since the object is far away from the camera, we can neglect the difference of z for different parts of the object
      • (x, y, z) -> (fx/z0, fy/z0)

3B-L1 Stereo geometry

  • Why multiple views?
    • Structure and depth are inherently ambiguous from single views
  • Depth and shape cues:
    • Shadows, texture (orientation recover), focus/blur (take several images with different camera parameters), parallel/converging lines, lighting/shading, occlusion, size/scale, depth from moving object in the image
  • Stereo photography and stereo viewers
    • Take two pictures of the same subject from two slightly different viewpoints and display so that each eye sees only one of the images.
  • Human binocular fusion, is not based upon matching large-scale structures, or any individual process of the image, is actually based on the low level process that directly fuses the two images.
  • Estimating depth with stereo
    • Stereo: shape from "motion" between two views
    • We'll need to consider
      • Info on camera pose ("calibration")
      • Image point correspondences
    • If disparity is 0, that means Z is infinity. Disparity is inversely proportional to depth.

3B-L2 Epipolar geometry

  • Stereo correspondence constraints
    • In perspective projection, lines project into lines.
    • The line containing the center of projection and the point P in the left image must project to a line in the right image.
    • Epipolar constraint:
      • Geometry of two views constrain where the corresponding pixel for some image point in the first view must occur in the second view.
      • Baseline: line joining the camera centers
      • Epipolar plane: plane containing baseline and world point
      • Epipolar line: intersection of epipolar plane with the image plane - come in pairs
      • Epipole: point of intersection of baseline with image plane
      • All epipolar lines converge to epipole.
        • Special: for parallel image planes, epipole is at infinity. Epipolar lines are parallel.
    • Epipolar constraint reduces the correspondence problem to a 1D search along an epipolar line

3B-L3 Stereo correspondence

  • Epipolar constraint doesn't solve the correspondence problem and is the hard constraint. Beyond it, we have "soft" constraints to help
    • Similarity
    • Uniqueness
      • No more than one match in right image for every point in left image due to Occlusion.
    • Ordering
      • won't hold for transparent object or a narrow occluding surface.
    • Disparity gradient is limited
  • Dense correspondence search
    • For each pixel / window in the left image
      • compare with every pixel/window on same epipolar line in right image
      • pick position with minimum match cost (e.g. dissimilarity: SSD (sum of squared differences), similarity: normalized correlation)
  • Better solutions
    • Beyond individual correspondences to estimate disparities
      • Optimize correspondence assignments jointly
        • scanline at a time (DP)
          • generates streaking artifacts since it doesn't consider previous line's result
          • can't use dynamic programming to find spatially coherent disparities/correspondence on a 2D grid
        • full 2D grid (graph cuts)
          • Stereo matching as energy minimization
            • Data term and smoothness term
  • What defines a good stereo correspondence?
    • Match quality: want each pixel to find a good correspondence match in the other image
    • Smoothness: of two pixels are adjacent, they should (usually) move about the same amount
  • Challenges
    • Low-contrast; textureless image regions
    • Occlusions
    • Violations of brightness constancy (e.g., specular reflections)
    • Really large baselines (foreshortening and appearance change)
    • Camera calibration errors

3C-L1 Extrinsic camera parameters

  • We need the relationship between coordinates in world and coordinates in camera: geometric camera calibration
    • Composed of 2 tranformations
      • from some (arbitrary) world coordinate system to the camera's 3D coordinate system. Extrinsic parameters (camera pose)
      • from the 3D coodinates in the camera frame to the 2D image plane via projection. Intrinsic parameters.
  • $^B P = ^B_A R ^A P + ^B O_A$

3C-L2 Intrinsic camera parameters

  • Real intrinsic parameters
    • focal length is in "mm", but "Pixels" are in some arbitrary spatial units
    • Maybe pixels are not square (scale factor: $\alpha, \beta$)
    • We don't know the origin of our camera pixel coordinates (u0, v0)
    • Maybe skew between camera pixel axes
    • 5 DOF: focal length and aspect (f, a) [or pixel size (sx, sy)], principle points (x'c, y'c), and skew (s)
  • Whole projection equation:
    • M = intrinsic * projection * rotation * translation
    • DOF: 5 + 0 + 3 + 3 = 11
  • The camera matrix does not account for lens distortion because an ideal pinhole camera does not have a lens. To accurately represent a real camera, the camera model includes the radial and tangential lens distortion.
  • Tangential, p1, p2
    • Tangential distortion occurs when the lens and the image plane are not parallel. The tangential distortion coefficients model this type of distortion.
  • Radial, k1, k2, k3
    • Radial distortion occurs when light rays bend more near the edges of a lens than they do at its optical center. The smaller the lens, the greater the distortion.

3C-L3 Calibrating cameras

  • Calibration using known points
    • Place a known object in the scene
      • Identify correspondence between image and scene
      • compute mapping from scene to image
  • Resectioning
    • Estimating the camera matrix from known 3D points
  • Direct linear calibration - homogeneous
    • since m is only defined up to scale, solve for unit vector m*
      • solution: m* = eigenvector of $A^TA$ with smallest eigenvalues
      • works with 6 or more points, because every point has 2 equations, we have 11 unknowns.
  • SVD (singular value decomposition)
    • A = UDV^T (D diagonal, U and V orthogonal)
  • "Gold standard" algorithm (Hartley and Zisserman)
    • Linear Solution
      • optional: normalization
      • direct linear transformation minimization
    • Minimize geometric error: using the linear estimate as a starting point minimize the geometric error.
  • Finding the 3D camera center from M
    • The center C is the null-space camera of projection matrix. So if find C such that: MC = 0, that will be the center.
    • M = [Q|b], $C = (-Q^{-1} b 1)^T$
  • Multi-plane calibration using checkboard.
    • only requires a plane
    • don't have to know positions/orientations
    • good code available online

3D-L1 Image to image projections

  • Special projective tranformations
    • Translation
      • preserves: lengths/areas, angles, orientation, lines
    • Rotation
      • preserves: lengths/areas, angles, lines
    • Similarity (trans, rot, scale)
      • preserves: angles, lines, scale lengths/areas
      • 4 DOF, 1 rotation, 1 scale, 2 translation
    • Affine transform
      • preserves: parallel lines, ratio of areas, lines
      • 6 DOF
  • General projective transform (or Homography)
    • 8 DOF
    • Preserves: lines, also cross ratios

3D-L2 Homographies and mosaics

  • The projective plan
    • What is the geometric intuition of using homogeneous coordinates
      • A point in the image is a ray in projective space
      • Each point (x, y) on the plane (at z=1) is represented by a ray ( sx, sy, s)
  • Image reprojection
    • Rather than thinking of this as 3D reproduction, think of it as a 2D image warp from one image (plane) to another (plane).
    • Application: image mosaic (panorama)
      • Basic procedure
        • Take a sequence of images from the same position
          • Rotate the camera about its optical center
        • Compute transformation between second image and first
        • Transform the second image to overlap with the first
        • Blend the two together to create a mosaic
        • Repeat for more images
    • Mapping between planes is a homography
    • Whether a plane in the world to the image or between image planes
  • Image rectification
    • Measurements on planes
      • Approach: unwarp then measure
    • If there is a planar rectangular grid in the scene you can map it into a rectangular grid in the image
  • Forward warping
    • Send each pixel f(x,y) to its corresponding location (x', y') = T(x,y) in the second image
    • What if the new location is between pixels?
  • Inverse warping (correct way)
    • For locations between pixels, use bilinear interpolation

3D-L3 Projective geometry

  • Point and Line Duality
    • A line in image is a plane of rays through origin defined by the normal $l = (a, b, c)$, all rays $(x, y, z)$ satisfying $ax + by + cz = 0$.
    • A line is also represented as a homogeneous 3-vector. Like a point.
    • A line l is perpendicular to every point(ray) p on the line: $l^T p = 0$.
    • Points and lines are dual in projective space
      • Given any formula, can switch the meaning of points and lines to get another formula
    • To get intersection point and a line connecting two points, just use cross product.
  • Ideal points and lines
    • Ideal point, p (x, y, 0) - parallel to image plane, has infinite image coordinates
    • Ideal line, l (a, b, 0) - normal is parallel to image plane
      • corresponds to a line in the image (finite coordinates) goes through the image origin (principle point)
  • 3D projective geometry
    • Duality
      • A plane N is also represented by a 4-vector N = (a,b,c,d)
      • Points and planes are dual in 3D: $N^T p = 0$

3D-L4 Essential matrix

  • Use two calibrated cameras
  • From geometry to algebra to help implementation on computers
  • $X'^T E X = 0$, E is the essential matrix, X' and X are world coordinates in two cameras

3D-L5 Fundamental matrix

  • Weak calibration
    • Estimate epipolar geometry from a (redundant) set of point correspondences between two uncalibrated cameras
    • $p_{im} = K_{int} \Phi_{ext} P_{w}$ ----> $p_{im} = K_{int} p_c$
    • $p_c = K_{int}^{-1} p_{im}$ gives us the ray the image point corresponds to
    • $(K^{-1}{int, right} p{im, right})^T E (K^{-1}{int, left} p{im, left}) = 0 $
    • $p^T_{im, right} (K^{-1}{int, right}^T E (K^{-1}{int, left}) p_{im, left}) = 0 $
    • $p^T_{im, right} F p_{im, left} = 0$ F: fundamental matrix
    • simplified $p^T F p' = 0$
  • Properties of F
    • $p^T l = 0$ -> $l = Fp'$ is the epipolar line in the p image associated with p'
    • $l' = F^T p$ is the epipolar line in the prime image associated with p
  • Epipoles can be found by $Fp' = 0$ and $F^Tp = 0$.
  • F is singular (mapping from homogeneous 2D point to 1D family so rank is 2
  • Fundamental matrix
    • Relates pixel coordinates in two views
    • More general form than essential matrix
      • Remove the need to know intrinsics
  • Compute F from correspondences
    • One correspondence, one equation
  • $F = UDV^T$
  • Set last singular value to zero in D, $^F = U ^D V^T$
  • Stereo image rectification
    • Reproject image planes onto a common plane parallel to the line between the optical centers
    • Pixel motion is horizontal after this transformation
  • For 2-views, there is a geometric relationship that defines the relation between rays in one view and rays in the other - epipolar geometry
    • there relationships can be captured algebraically as well
      • calibrated: essential matrix
      • uncalibrated: fundamental matrix
    • This relation can be estimated by point corresondence

4A-L1 Introduction to "features"

  • We want local features
    • Goal: find points in an image that can be
      • found in other images
      • found precisely - well localized
      • found reliably - well matched
    • Why?
      • Want to compute fundamental matrix to recover geometry
      • robotics/vision: see how a bunch of points move from one frame to another, allows computation of how camera moved -> depth -> moving objects
      • Build a panorama
  • Matching with featuress
    • Detect features (feature points) in both images
    • Match features - find corresponding pairs
    • Use these pairs to align images
  • Problems
    • We need a repeatable detector
    • We need a reliable and distinctive descriptor
  • What makes a good feature
    • Repeatability/Precision
      • The same feature can be found in several images despite geometric and photometric transformations
    • Saliency/Matchability
      • Each feature has a distinctive descriptor
    • Compactness and efficiency
      • Many fewer features than image pixels
    • Locality
      • A feature occupies a relatively small area of the image; robust to clutter and occlusion

4A-L2 Finding corners

  • Basic idea
    • "flat" region: no change in all directions
    • "edge": no change along the edge direction
    • "corner": significant change in all directions with small shift
  • Harris Corners
    • Change in appearance for the shift [u, v]
      • $E(u, v) = \sum_{x,y} w(x,y) [I(x+u, y+v) - I(x,y)]^2$
    • We want to find out how this function behaves for small shifts (u, v near 0, 0)
    • Second-order Taylor expansion of E(u,v) about (0,0) (local quadratic approximation for small u, v)
    • Second moment matrix M
    • $E(u,v) = [u v] M [u v]^T$
    • Diagonalization: $M = R^{-1} \begin{pmatrix} \lambda_1 & 0 \ 0 & \lambda_2 \end{pmatrix} R$
      • The axis length of the ellipse are determined by the eignevalues and the orientation is determined by $R$.
      • The eigenvalues are cornerness
    • Harris corner response function $R = det(M) - \alpha trace(M)^2 = \lambda_1 \lambda_2 - \alpha (\lambda_1 + \lambda_2)^2$
      • R < 0, edge
      • R > 0, corner
      • |R| is small, flat region
  • Harris corner detector algorithm
    • Compute gaussian derivatives at each pixel
    • Compute second moment matrix M in a gaussian window around each pixel
    • Compute corner response function R
    • Threshold R
    • Final local maxima of response function (non-maximum suppression)

4A-L3 Scale Invariance

  • Harris detector properties
    • Rotation invariant
    • Mostly invariant to additive and multiplicative intensity changes (threshold issue for multiplicative)
    • Not invariant to image scale!
  • Scale invariant detection solution
    • Design a function on the region (circle), which is "scale invariant" - not affected by the size but will be the same for "corresponding regions", even if they are different size/scales.
    • One method:
      • at a point, compute the scale invariant function over different size neighborhoods (different scales)
      • choose the scale for each image at which the function is a maximum
    • A "good" function for scale detection: has one stable sharp peak, for usual images, a good function would be a one which responds to contrast (sharp local intensity change)
      • Function is just application of a kernel: f = Kernel * Image
        • Laplacian of Gaussian - LOG
        • Difference of Gaussians - DOG
        • both are invariant to scale and rotation
  • Key point localization
    • Find robust extremum (maximum or minimum) both in space and in scale.
    • SIFT: Scale Invariant Feature Transformation
    • Specific suggestions: use DOG pyramid to find maximum values, then eliminates "edges" and pick only corners.
    • SIFT (Lowe): find local maximum of difference of gaussian in space and scale.
    • Harris-Laplacian:
      • Find local maximum of
        • Harris corner detector in space (image coordinates)
        • Laplacian in scale

4B-L1 SIFT descriptor

  • Criteria for point descriptors
    • invariant
    • distinctive
  • Why can't we use harris detector and compare one by one using correlation
    • Correlation is not rotation invariant
    • Correlation is sensitive to photometric changes
    • Normalized correlation is sensitive to non-linear photometric changes and even slight geometric ones.
    • Could be slow - check all features against all features
  • Idea of SIFT: image content is represented by a constellation of local features that are invariant to translation, rotation, scale, and other imaging parameters
  • Overall SIFT procedure
    • Scale-space extreme detection
    • Keypoint localization
    • Orientation assignment
    • Keypoint description

4B-L2 Matching feature points

  • Nearest-neighbor matching to feature database
    • SIFT uses best-bin-first modification to k-d tree algorithm
    • Use heap data structure to identify bins in order by their distance from query point
  • Wavelet-based hashing
    • Compute a short (3-vector) descriptor from the neighborhood using a Haar "wavelet"
  • Locality sensitive hashing
  • 3D object recognition
    • Train
      • extract outlines with background subtraction
      • compute "keypoints" interest points and descriptors
    • Test
      • Find possible matches
      • Search for consistent solution, such as affine (needs 3 points to solve)
    • Affine only need 3 points, can get recognition even with occlusion

4C-L1 Robust error functions

  • Feature-based alignment to find transforms
    • Overall strategy
      • Compute features - detect and describe
      • Find useful matches: kd-tree, best-bin, hashing
      • Compute and apply the best transformation, e.g. affine, translation, homography
    • Algorithm
      • Extract features
      • Compute putative matches e.g. closest descriptor
      • Loop until happy
        • Hypothesize transformation T from some matches
        • Verify transformation (search for other matches consistent with T) - mark best
  • A better match way (Lowe, 1999)
    • 1-NN (nearest neighbor): SSD (sum of squared difference) of the closest match
    • 2-NN: SDD of the second closest match
    • Look at how much better 1-NN is than 2-NN, e.g. 1-NN/2-NN
  • Problem with typical "vertical" least squares which compute difference for y
    • Not rotation-invariant
    • Fails completely for vertical lines
  • Total least squares
    • Distance between point $(x_i, y_i)$ and line $ax + by = d$
    • Find $(a, b, d) to minimize the sum of squared perpendicular distances
  • Least squares as likelihood maximization
    • Generative model
      • line points are corrupted by Gaussian noise in the direction perpendicular to the line
    • Non-robust to (very) non-gaussian noise
      • because squared error heavily penalize outliers
    • Solution:
      • Robust estimator
        • $\rho (u, \sigma) = \frac{u^2} {u^2 + \sigma^2}$
        • The robust function $\rho$ behaves like squared distance for small values of the residual u but saturates for larges values of u


  • RANSAC main idea
    • If we had a proposed model, we could probably guess which points belong to that model: inliers
    • RANdom SAmple Consensus:
      • Randomly pick s points to to form a sample
      • Instatiate the model
      • Get consensus set $C_i$ -- the points within error bounds (distance threshold) of the model
      • If $|C_i| &gt; T$, terminate and return model
      • Repeat for $N$ trials, return model with max $|C_i|$ -Choosing the parameters
    • Initial number of points s
      • Typically minimum number needed to fit the model
    • Distance threshold t
      • Choose t so probability for inlier is high
      • Zero-mean gaussian noise with std. dev. $\sigma$, $t^2 = 3.84 \sigma^2$
    • Number of samples N
      • Choose N so that with probability p, at least one random sample set is free from outliers.
      • Need to set N based upon the outlier ratio e
  • What to do when don't know inlier ratio e?
    • Adaptively determining the number of samples
      • Inlier ratio e is often unknown as a priori
      • Pick worst case, e.g. 50% (e = 0.5) and adapt if more inliers are found
  • RANSAC advantages
    • Simple and general
    • Applicable to many different problems, often works well in practice
    • Robust to large number of outliers
    • Applicable to large number of parameter than though transform
    • Parameters are easier to choose than Hough transform
  • Not-so-good
    • Computational time grows with the number of model parameters
    • Not as good for getting multiple fits
    • Really not good for approximate models

5A-L1 Photometry

  • Photometry: measuring light
  • Surface appearance
    • Image intensity = f ( normal, surface reflectance, illumination)
    • Surface reflection depends on both the viewing and illumination directions
  • Radiometry
    • Radiance (L): Energy carried by a ray
      • Power per unit area perpendicular to direction of travel, per unit solid angle
      • Units: Watss per square meter per steradian $(Wm^{-2}sr{-1})$
    • Irradiance (E): Energy arriving at a surface
      • Incident power in a given direction, per unit area
      • Units: $Wm^{-2}$
  • BRDF: bidirectional reflectance distribution function
    • Helmholtz Reciprocity $(f(\theta_i, \varphi_i; \theta_r, \varphi_r) = f(\theta_r, \varphi_r; \theta_i, \varphi_i)$
    • Rotational symmetry (Isotropy)
  • Reflection models
    • Image intensity = Body reflection (diffuse) + surface reflection
    • Diffuse reflection
      • Lambertian BRDF: appear equally bright from all directions.
        • BRDF is simply a constant - the albedo $\rho_d$
        • Surface radiance: $L = \rho_d I cos \theta_i = \rho_d I(\overrightarrow{n} \cdot \overrightarrow{s})$
    • Specular reflection and mirror BRDF
      • All incident light reflected in a single direction
      • Mirror BRDF is simply a double-delta function
    • Specular reflection and Glossy BRDF
      • $L = I \rho_s (\overrightarrow{m} \cdot \overrightarrow{v})^k$, m source, v view
    • Phong reflection model
      • The BRDF of many surfaces can be approximated by Lambertian + Specular model

5B-L1 Lightness

  • Ambiguity of lighting and reflectance
    • The Mondrian world, Assumptions
      • Light is slowly varying
        • This is reasonable for planar world: nearby image points come from nearby scene points with same surface normal
      • Within an object reflectance is constant
      • Between objects, reflectance varies suddenly.
  • Land's Retinex Theory
    • Goal: remove slow variations from the image
    • Many approaches, one is to take logs of $L(x,y) = R(x,y) * E(x,y)$
      • $log(L(x,y)) = log(R(x,y)) + log(E(x,y))$
      • Hi-pass filter (say with derivative)
      • Threshold to remove small low-frequencies
      • Then invert process, take integral, exponentiate
  • Human color and lightness constancy
    • Color constancy: determine hue and saturation under different colors of lighting
    • Lightness constancy: gray-level reflectance under differing intensity of lighting

5C-L1 Shape from shading

  • Surface normal
  • Gaussian sphere and Gradient space projection
  • Shape from shading: need more information
    • Add more constraints: shape-from-shading, single image
    • Take more images: photometric stereo
      • Input: several images
        • Same object
        • Different lightings
        • Same pose

6A-L1 Introduction to Motion

  • Motion applications
    • Background subtraction
    • Shot boundary detection
    • Motion segmentation
      • Segment the video into multiple coherently moving objects
  • Motion estimation techniques
    • Feature-based methods
      • Extract visual features (corners, textured areas) and track them over multiple frames
      • Spare motion fields, but more robust tracking
      • Suitable when image motion is large (10s of pixels)
    • Direct, dense methods
      • Directly recover image motion at each pixel from spatio-temporal image brightness variations
      • Dense motion fields, but sensitive to appearance variations
      • Suitable for video and when image motion is small

6B-L1 Dense flow: Brightness constraints

  • Optimal flow is the apparent motion of objects or surfaces
  • How to estimate pixel motion from image $I(x,y,t)$ to $I(x,y,t+1)$?
    • Solve pixel correspondence problem
      • Given pixel in $I(x,y,t)$, look for nearby pixels of the same color in $I(x,y,t+1)$.
    • Key assumptions
      • Color constancy: a point in $I(x,y,t)$ looks the same in $I(x',y',t+1)$
        • For grayscale images, this is brightness constancy
      • Small motion: points do not move far away
    • Brightness constancy constraint equation
      • $I_x u + I_y v + I_t = 0$
  • Aperture problem: you can only tell the motion locally in the direction perpendicular to the edge.
  • For each pixel, we have 2 unknowns but only one equation
  • Formulate error in optical flow constraint $e_c$
  • Add more constraints
    • Smoothness constraint (global constraint): motion field tends to vary smoothly over the image, $e_s$
    • Penalized for changes in u and v over the image
    • $ e = e_s + \lambda e_c$

6B-L2 Dense flow: Lucas and Kanade

  • Solving the aperture problem
    • One method (local constraint): pretend the pixel's neighbors have the same (u,v)
      • If we use a 5x5 window, that gives us 25 equations per pixel.
  • RGB version
    • Note RGB alone at a pixel is not enough to disambiguate because R, G & B are correlated.
  • Errors in Lucas-Kanade
    • The motion is large (larger than a pixel) - Taylor doesn't hold
      • Not-linear: iterative refinement
      • Local minima: coarse-to-fine estimation
    • Not tangent: Iterative refinement
      • Iterative algorithm
        • Estimate velocity at each pixel by solving Lucas-Kanade equations
        • Warp $I_t$ towards $I_{t+1}$ using the estimated flow field
          • Use image warping techniques
        • Repeat until convergence.

6B-L3 Hierachical L-K

  • Solve local minima problem
    • Reduce the resolution
    • Use gaussian pyramid of images, start from the very reduced level, run iterative L-K, warp and upsample to next level.
  • Sparse L-K
    • Basically hierarchical L-K applied to good feature locations

6B-L4 Motion models

  • General motion model
    • $\begin{pmatrix} u(x,y) \ v(x,y) \end{pmatrix} = \frac{1} {Z(x,y)} A(x,y) T + B(x,y) \Omega$
    • where $T$ is the translation vector, $\Omega$ is the rotation
    • $A(x,y) = \begin{pmatrix} -f & 0 & x \ 0 & -f & y \end{pmatrix} \quad B(x,y) = \begin{pmatrix} (xy) / f & -(f+x^2) / f & y \ (f + y^2) / f & - (xy) / f & -x \end{pmatrix} $
  • Affine motion: if Z is big, motion in Z can be neglected which simplifies homograhpy motion to affine motion.
  • Layered motion
    • Break image sequence into "layers" each of which has coherent motion
    • Each layer is defined by an alpha mask and an affine motion
  • Motion segmentation

7A-L1 Introduction to tracking

  • Tracking challenges
    • Many places it's hard to compute optical flow
    • There can be large displacements since could be moving rapidly
      • Probably need to take dynamics into account
    • Errors would compound - or drift
    • Occlusions, disocclusions
  • Shi Tomasi feature tracker
    • Only compute motion where you should
    • Find good features using eigenvalues of second-moment matrix
      1. Fom frame to frame, track with Lucas-Kanade and a pure translation model
      1. Check consistency of tracks by affine registration to the first (or earlier) observed instance of the feature
  • Tracking with dynamics
    • Given a model of expected motion, predict where objects will occur in next frame even before seeing the image
      • Restrict search for the object
      • Improved estimates since measurement noices is reduced by trajectory smoothness
    • Assumption - continuous (modeled) motion patterns
      • Objects do not disappear and reappear in different places in the scene
      • Camera is not moving instantaneously to new viewpoint
      • Gradual change in pose between camera and scene

7B-L1 Tracking as inference

  • Hidden state (X): true parameters we care about
  • Measurement (Y): noisy observation of underlying state
  • At each time stp t, state changes (from $X_{t−1}$ to $X_t$) and we get a new observation $Y_t$
  • Out goal: recover (estimate) most likely (distribution of) state $X_t$ given
    • All observations so far
    • Knowledge about dynamics of state transitions
  • Steps of tracking
    • Prediction: what is the next state of the object given past measurements
    • Correction: Compute an updated estimate of the state from prediction and measurements
    • Tracking: The process of propagating this posterior distribution of state given measurements across time.
  • Simplifying assumptions
    • Only the immediate past matters
      • $P(X_t | X_0, ..., X_{t-1}) = P(X_t | X_{t-1})$ Dynamics model
    • Measurements depend only on the current state
      • $P(Y_t | X_0, Y_0, ..., X_{t-1}, Y_{t-1}, X_t) = P(Y_t | X_t)$ Observation model

7B-L2 The Kalman Filter

  • Linear models
    • Linear dynamics model
      • State undergoes linear transformation plus Gaussian noise
        • $x_t \sim N(D_t x_{t-1}, \sum_{d_t})$
    • Linear measurement model
      • observation model: measurement is linearly transformed state plus Gaussian noise
        • $y_t \sim N(M_t x_t, \sum_{m_t})$
  • Measurement will only reduce uncertainty.
  • 1D KF intuition: new mean is the weighted average of prediction and measurement based on variances.
  • KF is a method for tracking linear dynamical models in Gaussian noise contexts (dynamics and measurements).
    • Predicted/corrected state densities are Gaussian
      • You only need to maintain the mean and covariance
      • The calculations are easy. (all integrals can be done in close form)
  • KF pros
    • Simple updates, compact and efficient
  • KF Cons
    • Unimodal distribution, only single hypothesis
    • Restricted class of motions defined by linear model
      • Extensions called "Extended Kalman Filter"

7C-L1 Bayes filters

  • What should we do for non-gaussian distributions? propagation of general densities
  • Particle filters
    • Density is represented by both where the particles are and their weight.
  • Bayes filters: framework
    • Given
      • Prior probability of the system state $p(x)$
      • Action (dynamical system) model: $p(x_t | u_{t-1}, x_{t-1})$
      • Sensor model (likelihood) $p(z|x)$
      • Stream of observations $z$ and action data $u$: $data_i = {u_1, z_2, ..., u_{t-1}, z_t}$
    • Wanted
      • Estimate of the state $X$ at time $t$
      • The posterior of the state is also called belief:
        • $Bel(x_t) = P(x_t | u_1, z_2, ..., u_{t-1}, z_t)$
  • Bayes rule
    • $p(x|z) = \frac{p(z|x) p(x)} {p(z)} = \eta p(z|x) p(x) \propto p(z|x) p(x)$
  • Bayes filter
    • $Bel(x_t) = \eta P(z_t | x_t) \int P(x_t | u_{t-1}, x_{t-1}) Bel(x_{t-1}) dx_{t-1}$
    • z = observation, u = action, x = state

7C-L2 Particle filters

  • Properties of the real world
    • Position of robot is not discrete (a real number)
    • Sensor is noisy, so some readings may be false.
    • As a result, the predicted position given sensor readings is a probability distribution over space.

7C-L3 Particle filters for localization

  • Localization
    • Assume a robot knows a 3D map of its world
    • It has noisy depth sensors but whose sensing uncertainty is known.
    • It moves from frame to frame.
  • Particle filter: practical considerations
    • Resampling
      • Roulette wheel, binary search n logn
      • Stachastic universal sampling
        • systematic resampling
        • Linear time complexity
        • Easy to implement, low variance
    • Resample only when necessary
    • For highly peaked observations
      • add noise to observation and prediction models
      • better proposal distributions - e.g. perform kalman filter step to determine proposal
      • Overestimating noise often reduce the number of required samples - always better to slightly over estimate than under.
    • Recover from failure - resample
      • Selectively add samples from observations
      • Uniformly add some samples

7C-L4 Particle filters for real

7D-L1 Tracking considerations

  • Mean-shift
    • easiest to introduce when doing segmentation
    • The ideas is to find the modes of a distribution, or a probability density
    • The assumption is you have a set of instances drawn from a PDF and you want to find the mode.
  • Mean-shift object tracking
    • Start from the position of the model in the current frame
    • Search neighborhood in next frame
    • Find best by maximizing a similarity function
    • Repeat the same process in the next pair of frames
  • Representation, feature space, quantized color space, histogram
  • Gradient
    • Instead of uniform kernel, we could use a differentiable, isotropic, monotonically decreasing kernel, for example: Gaussian.
    • You can move to the mode without blind search, but use gradient.
  • We could use the similarity function as a sensor model for particle filtering.
  • Tracking issues
    • Initialization
      • manual
      • background subtraction
      • detection
    • Obtaining observation and dynamics model
      • Dynamics model: learn from real data (pretty difficult), learn from "clean data" (easier), or specify using domain knowledge.
      • Generative observation model - some form of ground truth required
    • Prediction vs. Correction
      • If the dynamics model is too strong, will end up ignoring the data.
      • If the observation model is too strong, tracking is reduced to repeated detection.
    • Data association
      • What if we don't know which measurements to associate with which tracks?
      • So far, we've assumed the entire measurement to be relevant to determining the state
      • In reality, multiple objects or clutter (uninformative measurements)
      • Solution:
        • Simple: just pay attention to the closest
        • More sophisticated strategy: keep track of multiple state/observation hypothesis
          • Each particle is a hypothesis about current state.
    • Drift
      • Errors caused by dynamical model, observation model, and data association tend to accumulate over time.
      • All trackers have some sort of model update.

8A-L1 Introduction to recognition

  • Object categorization
    • Given a (small) number of training images of a category, recognize a-priori unknown instances of that category and assign the correct category label.
  • Recognition challenges
    • Robustness
      • Illumination, object pose, clutter, occlusions, intra-class appearance, viewpoint
      • Realistric scenes are crowed, cluttered, have overlapping objects.
    • Importance of context
    • Complexity
      • About half of the cerebral cortex in primates is devoted to processing visual information.

8B-L1 Classifications: generative models

  • Supervised classification
    • Given a collection of labeled examples, come up with a function that will predict the labels of new examples
    • Two general strategies
      • Use the training data to build representative probability model; separately model class-conditional densities and priors (generative)
      • Directly construct a good decision boundary, model the posterior (discriminative)
  • Risk of a classifier strategy $S$ is expected loss.
  • At best decision boundary, either choice of label yields same expected loss.
  • For a given measurement $x$ and set of classes $c_i$ choose $c^*$ by:
    • $c* = arg\ \underset{c}{max}\ p(c|x) = arg\ \underset{c}{max}\ p(c) p(x|c)$
  • Summary of generative models
    • Firm probabilistic grounding
    • Allows inclusion of prior knowledge
    • Parameteric modeling of likelihood permits using small number of examples
    • New classes do not pertub previous models
    • Others
      • Can take advantage of unlabelled data
      • Can be used to generate samples
    • Bads
      • Where did you get those priors?
      • Why are modeling those obviously non-C points?
      • The example hard cases aren't special
      • If you have lots of data, doesn't help.

8B-L2 Principle component analysis

  • Principal components are ll about the directions in a feature space along which points have the greatest variance.
  • Algebraic interpretation
    • Minimizing sum of squares of distances to the line is the same as maximizing the sum of squares of the projections on that line.
    • max $(x^T B^T B x)$, subject to $x^T x = 1$.
    • i.e. maximize $E = x^T M x$, subject to $x^T x = 1$
      • $E' = x^T M x + \lambda (1 - x^T x )$
      • $\frac{\partial E'} {\partial x} = 2 Mx + 2 \lambda x$
      • $\frac{\partial E'} {\partial x} = 0 \rightarrow Mx = \lambda x$ (x is an eigenvector of $B^TB$)
    • $B^TB = \sum xx^T$ if about origin
    • $B^TB = \sum (x - \bar{x}) (x - \bar{x})^T$ otherwise - outer product
    • So the principal components are the orthogonal directions of the covariance matrix of a set points.
  • PCA may not be a good choice if the axis of the most variants for source distributions are not perpendicular. ICA (independent component analslysis) doesn't require the components or basis vectors to be orthgonal.
  • We want to construct a low-dimensional linear subspace that best explains the variation in the set of face images.
  • PCA
    • Given $M$ data points $x_1, ..., x_M$ in $R^d$ where $d$ is big
    • We want some directions in $R^d$ that capture most of the variation of the $x_i$. THe coefficients would be $u(x_i) = u^T (x_i - \mu)$ ($\mu$ mean of data points)
    • Direction that maximizes the variance of the projected data
      • $var(u) = \frac{1}{M} \sum^M_{i=1} u^T (x_i - \mu)(u^T (x_i - \mu))^T\ \quad=u^T\left[ \frac{1}{M} \sum^M_{i=1} (x_i - \mu) (x_i - \mu)^T\right] u \ \quad = u^T \sum u$
    • The direction that captures the maximum covariance of the data is the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the data covariance matrix $\sum$
  • The dimensionality trick
    • $C = AA^T$ huge $dxd$ matrix and $d &gt;&gt; n$,
    • To get eigenvector of $C$, we can compute eigenvector of $A^TA$ which is much smaller $nxn$, then suppose $v_i$ is an eigenvector of $A^TA$
      • $A^TAv_i = \lambda v_i$
      • Premultiply by $A$
        • $AA^TAv_i = \lambda Av_i$
      • So $Av_i$ are the eigenvectors of $C$!
  • How many eigenvectors are there?
    • If $M &gt; d$, that would be d
    • but for $M &lt;&lt; d$, it is $M-1$ because we subtract the mean which removes one DOF
  • Eigenfaces
    • Assume that most of face images lie on a low-dimensional subspace by the first $k (k &lt;&lt;&lt; d)$ directions of maximum variance
    • Use PCA to determine the vetors or "eigenfaces" $u_1, u_2, ..., u_k$ that span that subspace
    • Represent all face images in the dataset as linear combinations of eigenfaces. Find the coefficients by dot product.
  • Recognition with eigenfaces
    • Given novel image $x$:
      • Project onto subspace
        • $[w_1, ...,w_k] = [u_1^T(x - \mu), ..., u_k^T (x - \mu)]$
      • Optinal: check reconstruction error $x - \hat{x}$ to determine whether image is really a face.
      • Classify as closest training face in k-dimensional subspace
      • This is why it's a generative model.
  • PCA limitations
    • Global appearance method: not robust to misalignment, background variation
    • The direction of maximum variance is not always good for classification
  • More examples: eigen-gaits, eigen-bodyshape, non-linear kernel PCA

8B-L3 Appearance-based tracking

  • Appearance-based tracking: Learn something about the possible target, by capturing a low-dimensional space to enable the ability of reconstruction, then you can track the target around by finding the place that you can reconstruct the best.
  • Eigentracking [Black and Jephson 1996]
    • Key insight: separate geometry from appearance - use deformable model
    • But, need to solve nonlinear optimization problem
    • And fixed basis set
  • Incremental visual learning
    • Adaptive visual tracker
      • particle filter: draw samples from distributions of deformation
    • Subspace-based tracking
      • Learn to track the "thing" like the face in eigenfaces
      • Use it to determine the most likely sample
    • Incremental subspace update
      • Does not need to build the model prior to tracking
      • Handles variations in lighting, pose (and expression)
  • State model $L_t$
    • Similarity transform: position $(x_t, y_t)$, rotation $\theta$, scaling $s_t$, 4 parameters
    • Or affine transform with 6 parameters
  • Simple dynamics model: $p(L_t | L_{t-1}$
    • Each parameter is independently Gaussian distributed
  • Observation model: $p(F_t|L_t)$
    • Use probabilistic PCA to model our image observation process
    • Given a location $L_t$, assume the observed frame was generated from the eigenbasis
  • Incremental subspace update
    • Given initial eigenbasis $B_{t-1}$ and new observation $w_{t-1}$, compute a new eigenbasis $B_t$.
    • Why? to account for appearance change due to space, illumination, shape variation
    • Learn an appearance representation while tracking
    • Essentailly, develop an update algorithm with respect to running mean, allowing for decay
  • Occlusion handling
    • An iterative method to compute a weight mask
      • Estimate the probability a pixel being occluded

8C-L1 Disriminative classifiers

  • Model the decision boundaries probabilistically.
  • Asssumptions in discriminative classification
    • There are a fixed number of known classes
    • Ample number of training examples of each class
    • Equal cost of making mistakes - what matters is getting the label right
    • Need to construct a representation of the instance but we don't know a prior what features are diagnostic of the class label.
  • Train
    • Build an object model - a representation describe training instances
    • learn/train a classifier
  • Test
    • Generate candidates in new image
    • Score the candidates
  • Window-based models
    • Simple holistic descriptions of image content
      • grayscale / color histogram
      • vector of pixel intensities
    • Pixel-based representations sensitive to small shifts
    • Color or grayscale-based description can be sensitive to illumination and intra-class appearance variation.
    • Consider edges, contours, and (oriented) intensity gradients
    • Summarize local distribution of gradients with histogram
      • Locally orderless: offers invariance to small shifts and rotations
      • Contrast-normalization: try to correct for variable illumination
  • Distriminative classifier construction
    • Nearest neighbor
    • Neural networks
    • SVMs
    • Boosting
    • Random Forests
  • Nearest neighbor
    • Choose label of nearest training data point
    • KNN
      • for a new point, find the k closest points from the training data
      • vote for the class

8C-L2 Boosting and face detection

  • Boosting
    • Iterative learning method
    • Initially weight each training example equally
    • In each boosting round
      • Find the weak learner that achieves the lowest weighted training error
      • Raise weights of training examples misclassified by current weak learner
    • General: compute final classified as linear combination of all weak learners (weight of each learner is directly proportional to its accuracy)
    • Extract formulas for re-weighting and combining weak learners depend on the particular boosting scheme (e.g. AdaBoost)
  • Integral image: the value at $(x,y)$ is sum of pixels above and to the left of $(x,y)$
    • Computing sum within a rectangle, sum = A - B - C + D. D is the top left corner, A is right bottom corner.
  • Viola-Jones face detector
    • Represent brightness patterns with efficiently computable "rectangular" features within window of interest
    • Choose distriminative features to be weak classifiers/learners.
    • Use boosted combination of them as final classifier
    • Form a cascade of such classifiers, rejecting clear negatives quickly.
  • Cascade
    • Form a cascade with really low false negative rates early
    • At each stage use the false positives from last stage as "difficult negatives"
  • Summary of viola-jones face detector
    • Key ideas:
      • Rectangular features and integral image
      • AdaBoost for feature selection
      • Cascade
    • Training is slow but detection is very fast.
  • Boosting (general) advantages
    • Integrates classification with feature selection
    • Flexibility in the choice of weak learners, boosting scheme
    • Complexity of training is linear in the number of training examples
    • Testing is fast
    • Easy to implement
  • Disadvantages
    • Needs many training examples
    • Often found not work as well as an alternative distriminative classifier, SVM.
      • Especailly for many-class problems.

8C-L3 Support Vector Machine

  • Linear 2D SVM
    • Discriminative classifiers based on optimal separating line (2D case)
    • Maximize the margin between positive and negative training examples
    • $x_i$ positive $(y_i = 1): x_i w + b &gt;= 1$
    • $x_i$ negative $(y_i = -1): x_i w + b &lt;= -1$
    • For support vectors: $x_i w + b = \pm 1$
    • Distance between point and line $\frac{|x_i w + b|} {||w||}$
      • for support vectors: $\frac{|x_i w + b|} {||w||} = \frac{\pm 1} {||w||}$
      • margin $M = \frac{2} {||w||}$
    • Quadratic optimization problem
      • Minimize $\frac{1}{2} w^T w$
      • subject to $y_ (x_i w + b) &gt;= 1$
      • Solution: $w = \sum_i \alpha_i y_i x_i$
        • $\alpha$ learned weights, $x_i$ support vector
  • Non linear SVMs
    • original input space can be mapped to some higher-dimensional space
    • The "kernel" trick
      • We saw linear classifier relies on dot product between vectors
      • Define $K(x_i, x_j) = x_i \cdot x_j = x_i^T x_j$
      • Map $\Phi : x \rightarrow \varphi(x)$
      • the dot product becomes: $K(x_i, x_j) =&gt; \varphi(x_i)^T \varphi(x_j)$
      • A kernel function is a "similarity" function that corresponds to an inner product in some expanded feature space
      • $\sum_i \alpha_i y_i (x_i^T x) + b \rightarrow \sum_i \alpha_i y_i K(x_i^T, x) + b$, $x$ is the new point, $x_i$ is support vector
  • Example of kernels
    • Gaussian RBF: $K(x_i,x_j) = exp\left( - \frac{||x_i-x_j||^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)$
      • Number of dimensions: infinite
      • $exp\left( - \frac{1}{2} ||x-x'||^2_2\right) = \sum^\infty_{j=0} \frac{(x^Tx')^j}{j!} exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} ||x||^2_2\right) exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} ||x'||^2_2\right)$
    • Histogram intersection
      • $K(x_i, x_j) = \sum_k min(x_i(k), x_j(k))$
  • SVMs for recognition:
    • Training
      • Define your representation
      • Select a kernel function
      • Compute pairwise kernel values between labeled examples
      • Use this "kernel matrix" to solve for SVM support vectors & weights
    • Prediction
      • Compute kernel values between new input and support vectors
      • Apply weights
      • Check sign of output
  • Multi-class SVMs
    • Combine a number of binary classifiers
      • one vs. all
        • Traiing: learn an SVM for each class vs. the rest
        • Testing: Apply each SVM to test example and assign it to the class of the SVM that returns the highest decision value
      • one vs. one
        • training: learn an SVM for each pair of classes
        • testing: each learned SVM "votes" for a class to be assigned to the test example
  • SVMs pros
    • many publicly available SVM packages
    • kernel-based framework is very powerful, flexible
    • Often a sparse set of support vectors - compact when testing
    • Works very well in practice, even with very small training sample sizes
  • SVMs cons
    • No "direct" multi-class SVM, must combine two-class SVMs
    • Can be tricky to select best kernel function for a problem
    • Nobody writes their own SVMs
    • Computation, memory
      • during training time, must compute matrix of kernel values for every pair of examples
      • learning can take a very long time for large-scale problem

8C-L4 Bag of visual words

  • Indexing local features
    • Each patch/region has a descriptor,which is a point in some high-dimensional feature space (e.g. SIFT)
    • When we see close points in feature space, we have simliar descriptors, which indicates similar local content.
    • Easily can have millions of features to search
    • For text documents, an efficient way to find all pages on which a word occurs is to use an index
    • We want to find all images in which a feature occurs.
    • To use this idea, we'll need to map our features to "visual words"
  • Bags of visual words
    • Summarize entire image based on its distribution (histogram) of word occurences
    • Analogous to bag of words representation commonly used for documents
  • Comparing bags of words
    • Rank by normalized scalar product between their (possibly weighted) occurrence counts -- nearest neighbor search for similar images.

8D-L1 Introduction to video analysis

  • A video is a sequence of frames captured over time
    • Now our image data is a function space $(x,y)$ and time $(t)$
  • Background subtraction
    • Needs static camera - still hard
    • Simple approach
      • Estimate background for time $t$
      • Subtract estimated background from current input frame
      • Apply a threshold to the absolute difference to get the foreground mask
    • Frame differencing
      • Background is estimated to be the previous frame
      • Has problems for pixels which object that may have no change over time.
  • Mean filtering
    • Background is the mean of previous $n$ frames
    • It will average objects as well into the background
  • Median filtering
    • Assuming that the background is more likely to appear in a scene, we can use the median of previous $n$ frames as the background model
    • Advantages
      • Extremely easy to implement and use
      • All pretty fast
      • Corresponding background need not to be constant, they change over time
    • Disadvantages
      • Accuracy of frame differencing depends on object speed and frame rate
      • Median background model - relatively high memory requirements
      • Setting global threshold is hard
  • Background subtraction with depth, kinect
  • Epipolar plane images
    • EPI gait
      • stack of images give us volume of data
      • can be used to find out background of moving objects by checking the slopes of moving strips

8D-L2 Activity recognition

  • Terminology
    • Event: a single instant in time detection
    • Actions or Movements: atomic motion patterns
      • Often gesture-like
      • Single clear-cut trajectory
      • Single nameable behavior (e.g., sit, wave arms)
    • Activity: Series or composition of actions
      • E.g. interactions between people
  • Model based action recognition
    • Use human body tracking and pose estimation techniques, relate to action descriptions
    • Major challenge: training data from different context than testing
  • Model based activity recognition
    • Given some lower level detection of actions (or events) recognize the activity by comparing to some structural representation of the activity
    • Needs to handle uncertainty
    • Major challenge: accurate tracks in spite of occlusion, ambiguity, low resolution
  • Activity as motion, space-time appearance patterns
  • Activity-recognition from a static image
  • Motion History Images
    • MHIs are a different function of temporal volume
      • Pixel operator is replacement decay
      • if moving:
        • $I_\tau(x,y,t) = \tau$
      • otherwise:
        • $I_\tau(x,y,t) = max(I_\tau(x,y,t-1) - 1, 0)$
    • MHI shows which things moved and also how things moved.
  • MEI motion energy images
    • binary image, roughly locates the area of motions of a given action from a given view
  • Image moments
    • Moments, summarize a shape given image $I(x,y)$
      • $M_{ij} = \sum_x \sum_y x^i y^j I(x,y)$
    • Central Moments are translation invariant
      • $$\mu_{pq} = \sum_x \sum_y (x-\bar{x})^p (y-\bar{y})^q I(x,y)$$
      • $\bar{x} = \frac{M_{10}}{M_{00}}\quad \bar{y} = \frac{M_{01}} {M_{00}}$
  • Hu moments
    • Translation and rotation and scale invariant
    • Compute MEI and MHI based on 7 Hu moments to get feature vector

8D-L3 Hidden Markov Models

  • Possible problems
    • Time series classification
    • Time series prediction/generation
    • Outlier detection
    • Time series segmentation
  • Markov model
    • Probability of moving to a given state depends only on the current state: 1st order Markovian
    • Ingredients of a Markov Model
      • States: ${S_1, S_2, \cdots, S_N}$
      • State transition probabilities: $a_{ji} = P(q_{t+1} = S_i | q_t = S_j)$
      • Initial state distribution: $\pi_i = P[q_1 = S_i]$
  • Hidden Markov Models
    • You can't observe the state, but you can observe observables (evidence)
    • Emission probabilities
      • $b_j(k) = P(o_t = k | q_t = S_i)$
      • probability of an observation given you are in a state
    • Given some sequence of observations, what "model" generated those?
  • 3 computational problems of HMMs
    • Evaluation $P(O|\lambda)$: given the model $\lambda = (A,B,\pi)$ what is the probability of occurrence of a particular observation sequence $O = {o_1, \cdots, o_T}$
      • Classification/recognition problem: I have a trained model for each of a set of classes, which one would most likely generate what I saw.
    • Decoding: optimal state sequence to produce an observation sequence $O = {o_1, \cdots, o_T}$
      • Useful in recognition problems - helps give meaning to states
    • Learning: Determine model $\lambda$, given a training set of observations
      • Find $\lambda$, such that P(O|\lambda) is maximal
  • HMMs general
    • HMMs: generative probabilistic models of time series (with hidden state)
    • Forward-backward: algorithm for computing probabilities over hidden states
      • Given the forward-backward algorithms you can train the models
    • Best known methods in speech, computer vision, robotics, thought for really big data CRFs winning.
  • Good points about HMMs
    • A learning paradigm that acquires spatial and temporal models and does some amount of feature selection
    • Recognition is fast, training is not so fast but not too bad
  • Not so good points
    • Not great for on the fly labeling - e.g. segmentation of input streams. Requires lots of data to train for that - much like language
    • Works well when problem is easy, less clear other times.

9A-L1 Color spaces

  • Retina, Color matching function based on RGB
    • Most spectral color can represented as a positive combination of these primary colors, but some spectral cannot, need to add some red.
  • Color is a Psychological phenomenon
  • Luminance vs color
    • Human is more sensitive to brightness change than to color change.
  • HSL and HSV
    • Hue Saturation Lightness
    • Hue Saturation Value
    • Hue corresponds to color
      • Treat hue as an angle, reds from booths ends of the spectrum now in proximity
      • Better reflects the role of saturation (radius or distance from center)
  • Color gamuts: subspace of color space for monitor/printer/etc...
  • YUV color space make easier to separate colors.
    • Easier clustering of pixels
    • Efficient encoding by choma subsampling
      • Recall that human vision is more sensitive to intensity changes
      • Y channel can now use more bits

9A-L2 Segmentation

  • Segmentation
    • Segementation of coherent regions
    • Figure ground segmentation
      • Separate foreground object (figure) from the background (ground)
    • Grouping of similar neighbors: superpixels
  • Clustering
    • Best cluster centers are those that minimize SSD between all points and their nearest cluster center $c_i$
    • K-means clustering, need to set k before clustering
    • Clustering for an image can be thought of quantization of the feature space
    • Simple clustering for image
      • Intensity-based
      • Color-based
  • Kmeans cons
    • Memory-intensive, need to pick k, sensitive to initialization, sensitive to outliers, only finds "spherical" clusters

9A-L3 Mean shift segmentation

  • The mean shift algorithm seeks modes or local maxima of density in the feature space.
  • Mean shift clustering
    • Cluster: all data points in the attraction basin of a mode
    • Attraction basin: the region for which all trajectories lead to the same mode
    • Steps
      • Find features (color, gradients, texture, Luv space, etc.)
      • Initialize windows at individual feature points (sampled pixels)
      • Perform mean shift for each window (pixel) until convergence
      • Merge windows (pixels) that end up near the same "peak" or mode
  • Pros
    • Automatically find basin of attraction
    • One parameter choice (window size)
    • Does not assume (image) shape on clusters
    • Generic technique
    • Find multiple modes
  • Cons
    • Selection of window size
    • Does not scale well with dimension of feature space
  • Color, brightness, position alone are not enough to distinguish all regions.
    • Grouping pixels based on texture similarity.
    • Feature space: filter bank responses.
  • Texture features
    • Find "textons" by clustering vectors of filter bank outputs
    • Describe texture in a window based on its texton histogram

9A-L4 Segmentation by graph partitioning

  • Images as graphs
    • Fully-connnected graph
      • 1 node (vertex) for every pixel
      • A link between every pair of pixels, $&lt;p, q&gt;$
      • Affinity weight $w_{pq}$ for each link (edge)
        • $w_{pq}$ measures similarity: Inversely proportional to difference (in color and position...)
  • Segmentation by graph partitioning
    • Break graph into segments
      • Delete links that cross between segments
      • Easest to break links with low affinity
  • Graph cut
    • Set of edges whose removal makes a graph disconnected
    • Cost of a cut
      • Sum of weights of cut edges
  • A graph cut gives us a segmentation
  • Find minimum cut
    • problems
      • weight of cut proportional to number of edge in the cut
      • tends to produce small, isolated components
  • Normalized cut
    • Fix bias of min cut by normalizing for size of segments
      • $Ncut(A,B) = \frac{cut(A,B)}{assoc(A,V)} + \frac{cut(A,B)}{assoc(B,V)}$
      • $assoc(A,V)$ = sum of weights of all edges that touch A
  • Pros
    • Generic framework
      • Flexible to choice of function that computes weights ("affinities") between nodes
    • Does not require model of the data distribution
  • Cons
    • Time complexity can be high
      • Dense, highly connected graphs
        • many affinity computations
      • Solving eigenvalue problem
    • Preference for balanced partitions

9B-L1 Binary morphology

  • Useful operations
    • Thresholding a gray-scale image
    • Determining good thresholds
    • Connected components analysis
    • Binary mathematical morphology
    • All sorts of feature extractors, statistics (area, centroid, circularity, ..)
  • Thresholding
    • Automatic thresholding: Otsu's method
      • Assumption: the histogram is bimodal
      • Method: find the threshold $t$ that minimizes the weighted sum of within-group variances for the two groups that result from separating the gray tones at value $t$.
  • Connected components methods
    • Recursive tracking (almost never used)
    • Parrallel growing (needs parallel hardware
    • Row-by-row (most common)
      • Classical algorithm
      • Efficient Run-length algorithm (developed for speed in real industrial applications)
       CC = 0
       Scan across rows:
       	If 1 and connected:
       		Propogate lowest label behind or above(4 or 8 connected)
       		Remember conflicts
       	If 1 and not connected:
       		CC++ and label CC
       	If 0:
       		Label 0
       Relabel based on table (conflicts)
  • Mathematical morphology
    • two basic operations
      • Dilation
        • expands the connected sets of 1s of a binary image, can be used for growing features, filling holes and gaps
      • Erosion
        • shrinks the connected sets of 1s of a binary image, can be used for shrinking features, removing bridges, branches, protrusions
  • Structuring element
    • A shape mask used in basic morphology operations
      • Any shape, size that is digitally representable
      • With a defined origin
    • Given binary B and structuring element S, we can perform dilation using OR and erosion using AND.
  • The two most useful binary morphology operations are opening and closing
    • Opening is the compound operation of erosion followed by dilation (with the same structuring element)
      • Can show that the opening of A by B is the union of all translations of B that fit entirely within A
      • Opening is idempotent: repeated operations has no further effects.
      • Intuitively, the opening is the area we can paint when the brush has a footprint B and we are not allowed to paint outside A.
    • Closing is the compound operation of dilation followed by erosion (with the same structuring element)
      • Can show that the closing of A by B is the complement of union of all translations of B that do not overlap A
      • Closing is idempotent: repeated operations has no further effects.
      • Intuitively, the closing the area we can not paint when the brush has a footprint B and we are not allowed to paint inside A.
  • Boundary extraction
    • Let $A\oplus B$ denote the dilation of A by B and let $A\ominus B$ denote the erosion of A by B.
    • The boundary of A can be computed as
      • $$A - (A\ominus B)$$
      • where B is a 3x3 square structuring element
    • We subtract from A an erosion of it to obtain its boundary

9C-L1 3D perception

  • Sensing
    • Passive 3D sensing
      • Stereo camera to get depth
      • Recover depth from focal length
    • Active 3D Sensing
      • Photometric stereo, control light
      • Time of flight: LIDAR (Laser Range finder), SONAR (Sound transceiver)
      • Structured light: like stereo, but replace one camera with a projector
      • Infrared structured light: RGB-D camera, MS kinect
    • Projected IR vs Natural Light Stereo
      • Projected IR
        • Works in low light conditions
        • Does not rely on having textured objects
        • Not confused by repeated scene textures
        • Can tailor algorithm to produced patterns
      • Natural Light Stereo
        • Work outside, anywhere with sufficient light
        • Resolution limited only by sensors, not projector
      • Difficulties with both
        • Very dark surfaces may not reflect enough light
        • Specular reflection in mirrors or metal causes trouble
  • Depth image vs Point cloud
    • Depth image
      • Advantages
        • Dense representation
        • Gives intuition about occlusion and free space
        • Depth discontinuities are just edges on the image
      • Disadvantages
        • Viewpoint dependent, can't merge
        • Doesn't capture physical geometry
        • Need actual 3D locations of cameras
    • Point clouds: take every depth pixel and put it out in the world
      • Advantages
        • Viewpoint independent
        • Captures surface geometry
        • Points represent physical locations
      • Disadvantages
        • Sparse representation
        • Lost information about free space and unknown space
        • Variable density based on distance from sensor
      • Point clouds are sampled from object surfaces, the concept of volume is inferred, not perceived.
      • Surfaces
        • Tangent plane - defined by normal
        • First-order approximation
      • We can use surface normals of point clouds to find planes

10A-L1 The retina

  • Visual field
    • monocular visual field, each eye $160^\circ$ (horizontal)
    • binocular visual filed, $120^\circ$ (horizontal)
    • Total visual field: $200^\circ $ (horizontal) x $135^\circ$ (vertical)
  • Light detection: rods and cones
    • Rods
      • 120 million rods in the retina
      • 1000x more light sensitive than cones
      • Discriminate between brightness levels, in low illumination
      • Short-wavelength sensitive
    • Cones
      • 6~7 millions cones in the retina
      • Responsible for high-resolution vision
      • Discriminate colords
      • Three types of color sensors (64% red, 32% green, 2% blue)
      • Sensitive to any combination of the three
  • Image capture
    • Huge dynamic range
      • overall:$10^{-6} - 10{+8} cd/m^2$ (candelas: unit of energy)
      • static: at least 100:1 probably more
      • a given scene in the real world: 100,000:1
    • Everyone knows about the pupil, but it's actually the retina's ganglion cells that make this works.

10B-L1 Vision in the brain

  • V1
  • V2 and IT