- HD map: high definition map, cm level precision.
- ROI: region of interest.
- GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System, GPS is the most popular GNSS.
- GPS: frequency is about 10 Hz, 1-3 meters precision.
- RTK: Real time kinematics positioning.
- IMU: Inertial Measurement Unit.
- is used by survey vehicles to map the environment.
- Accelerometer + gyroscope.
- high frequency update, up to 1000 Hz.
- Motion error increases with time. Need to be combined with GPS.
LiDAR Localization
- ICP (Iterative Closest Point)
- For a point in 1 scan, find another matching point in the other scan.
- Compute average distance error by rotating and translating the point clouds.
- Histogram Filter
- Also called Sum of Squared Difference (SSD).
- Slide the point cloud scan from the sensor across every position on the map.
- Kalman Filter
- Predict our current state based on our past state and new sensor measurements.
- Predict State <-----> Update Measurement
- ICP (Iterative Closest Point)
Visual Localization
- Uses Particle Filter.
- Images are easy to obtain.
- Lack of 3D information and need to rely on 3D maps.
Apollo Localization
Kalman Filter Inertial Navigation prediction | ^ V | update GNSS Localization -> Position, Velocity LiDAR Localization -> Position, Heading
- Inertial Navigation solution is used for the prediction step of the Kalman Filter.
- GNSS and LiDAR are used for the update step of the Kalman Filter.
- Perception task for a self-driving car:
- Detection: where an object is in the environment.
- Classification: what the object is.
- Tracking: observing moving objects across time.
- tracking handles occlusion (fail of detection), preserves identity.
- Semantic Segmentation: match each pixel with a semantic category.
- FCN: fully convolutional network
- Replace the flat layers at the end of a traditional CNN with convolutional layers
- Encoder + Decoder
- FCN: fully convolutional network
- Classification
- Input data
- Preprocessing
- Extract feature
- Classification model
- ML/DL training steps:
- Feed forward
- Error measurement
- Back propagation
- RAdio Detection And Ranging
- Uses Doppler effect to measure speed directly while other sensors calculate speed based on two readings.
- Because Radar waves bounces off hard surfaces, they can provide measurements to objects without direct line of flight.
- Low resolution.
- Not sensitive to weather.
- Light Detection And Ranging
- Uses an infrared laser beam (wave length about 900 nm).
- Has a much higher spatial resolution than Radar.
- Model-based Prediction
- Analytical based on equations.
- Data-driven Prediction
- More data, more accurate.
- Apollo: Lane-sequence-based prediction
- Predict the probability of the obstacle to follow a lane sequence based on RNNs trained from lane sequences and obstacle status.
Overall planning structure
(map, start, goal) --> Route Navigation --> High level route planning (A*) | V Trajectory planning --> A sequence of collision free points
Trajectory generation needs to consider:
- Collision free
- Passenger comfort
- Trajectory physically viable for the car
- Obey laws
Use cost function to choose the best trajectory
- Deviation from the center of lane
- Collisions
- Speed limit
- Passenger comfort
Path-Velocity decoupled planning
- Path planning + speed planning
- Path planning: segment the road into cells, randomly sample points from each of these cells. Connect these points to create candidate paths, evaluate paths using cost functions.
- speed planning: ST-graph, S: longitudinal distance. Use quadratic programming to smooth the path and speed profile.
- Path planning + speed planning
Lattice Planning
- Lateral offset relative to the longitudinal trajectory: S-L graph
- S-T graph
- Generate ST and SL trajectories independently and then combining them
- ending states:
- cruising
- following
- stopping
- Once we have ST and SL trajectories, we can transform them back to the Cartesian coordinate frame. Then we can combine them to construct a 3D trajectory composed of 2D way points and 1D time stamps.
Use variable control inputs to minimize deviation from target trajectory and maximize passenger comfort.
- equation:
- Disadvantages
- Just a linear algorithm, insufficient for complex problems.
- For self driving car, we need different PID controllers for steering and acceleration, it is hard to combine a latitudinal and a longitudinal control.
- PID depends on real-time error measurement, it may fail when it subjects to measurement delays.
- Linear quadratic regulator
- Model-based controller uses the state of the vehicle to minimize error.
- Used for lateral control which has four inputs:
- lateral error
- rate of change of lateral error
- heading error
- rate of change of heading error
- state
- control input
- Model
- Cost
- Objective
- find optimal K
- Build a model of the vehicle.
- Use an optimization engine to calculate control inputs over a finite time horizon.
- Implement the first set of control inputs.
- Need to decide on how far into the future we want MPC to look.
- Need to tradeoff accuracy with how quickly we need to get a result.
(Vehicle state + Control inputs) --> Vehicle model --> Vehicle Trajectory
- Advantage:
- Takes vehicle model, more accurate than PID
- Work with different cost functions
- Disadvantage:
- Complex, slower, harder to implement
is a quaternion that represents the rotation from the IMU coordinate (Right/Forward/Up) to the world coordinate (East/North/Up).heading
is zero when the car is facing East, and positive when facing North.
- What is steer_ratio?
The steering ratio is the ratio of the number of degrees of turn of the steering wheel to the number of degrees the wheel(s) turn as a result. In motorcycles, delta tricycles and bicycles, the steering ratio is always 1:1, because the steering wheel is fixed to the front wheel. A steering ratio of x:y means that a turn of the steering wheel x degree(s) causes the wheel(s) to turn y degree(s). In most passenger cars, the ratio is between 12:1 and 20:1.
- It is the maximum turn of steering wheel, not the maximum turn degree.
- about 470 in apollo configuration file
- Longitudinal controller (PID) + lateral controller (LQR)
- PID outputs throttle and brake
- LQR output steering
- MPC controller
- Build a model of the vehicle
- Use an optimization engine to calculate control inputs over a finite time horizon
- Implement the first set of control inputs