A version of the Lisp programming language for BL602 RISC-V boards.
Read the article...
uLisp was ported to BL602 from ESP32 Arduino...
This firmware calls the BL602 uLisp Library components/3rdparty/ulisp-bl602
This firmware works with blockly-ulisp
, which allows embedded apps to be dragged-and-dropped from Web Browser to BL602...
For more information about uLisp...
We need a space before the first (
because (
is parsed as a command keyword...
List Commands from http://www.ulisp.com/show?1AC5
# Create a list (1 2 3)
( list 1 2 3 )
# Returns 1
( car ( list 1 2 3 ) )
# Returns (2 3)
( cdr ( list 1 2 3 ) )
GPIO Commands from http://www.ulisp.com/show?1AEK
# Configure GPIO Pin 11 (Blue LED) for output (instead of input)
( pinmode 11 :output )
# Set GPIO Pin 11 to High (LED Off)
( digitalwrite 11 :high )
# Set GPIO Pin 11 to Low (LED On)
( digitalwrite 11 :low )
# Sleep 1,000 milliseconds (1 second)
( delay 1000 )
Blinky Commands from http://www.ulisp.com/show?1AEK
# Define the blinky function
( defun blinky () \
( pinmode 11 :output ) \
( loop \
( digitalwrite 11 :high ) \
( delay 1000 ) \
( digitalwrite 11 :low ) \
( delay 1000 )))
# Run the blinky function
( blinky )
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