Configuration examples can be found in the example config directory. The directory for your configurations is specified by the environment variable ALEPH_CONFIG_PATH
. If this is not set, Aleph will try to find them in /tmp/aleph/configuration
by default.
Configures connection to either Redshift or Snowflake. The database type is specified by the environment variable ANALYTIC_DB_TYPE
. Default is Redshift.
This configures your connection to Redshift. It only holds information about the host, database, and port. Username and password are stored as environment variables on a per role bases (see more about roles below). As you can imagine, this configuration is mandatory.
File - redshift.yml
- Rails env
- host
- database
- port
- statement_timeout
is in milliseconds. This is field optional.
This configures your connection to Snowflake. It only holds information about the ODBC DSN. Username and password are stored as environment variables on a per role bases (see more about roles below). As you can imagine, this configuration is mandatory.
File - snowflake.yml
- Rails env
- dsn
- unload_target
- statement_timeout
- max_file_size
and statement_timeout
are optional. statement_timeout
is in milliseconds. The default max_file_size
is 5 GB.
Snowflake stores identifiers in uppercase by default. To show schema information (schema, table, column names) in lowercase, set lowercase_db_identifiers
to true. This setting affects the Schema tab and autocomplete in the query editor.
File - config.yml
- Rails env
- lowercase_db_identifiers -
- lowercase_db_identifiers -
Connection details to git are in environment variables. This only configures which branch your query versions are maintained on. Configuring Github is optional but highly recommended.
File - config.yml
- Rails env
- github_ref -
- github_ref -
Connection credentials for s3 are in environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
). This configures the location in s3 where your results will be stored. Configuring s3 is optional but highly recommended.
File - config.yml
- Rails env
- s3_bucket -
- s3_folder -
- s3_bucket -
Access control on the query and table level is determined via Roles. For example, a query with role Admin will be only visible to an Admin user. Queries can multiple roles.
Additionally, roles specify a Redshift/Snowflake connection; there is username/password pair per role. E.g, for role Admin you will have to specify ADMIN_REDSHIFT_USERNAME
) in the environment variables.
You can define the hierarchy of your roles which determine roles maybe autofilled. In this example, General is set as one of the child roles of Admin. This means that whenever General is set on a query, Admin will be as well, ensuring that queries made by General will be visible to Admin.
This configuration is optional.
File - role_hierarchy.yml
- list of child roles
role 2
- list of child roles
role N
- list of child roles
There are three types of authorization, saml
, database
, and disabled
- saml - this means you have your own identity service provider (IDP). E.g Okta
- database - this means you will use RailsAdmin to administer user authorization
- disabled - this means anyone can log in as a Guest with role Admin. Use this for development settings ONLY.
File - config.yml
- auth_type (
One quirk: you need to have auth_type set to disabled
to create the first user with role admin. Then you can change to database
and use that first user to create other users and roles.
If you are using SAML authorization you can specify additional configuration file auth-attribute-map.yml
This file used for ingesting IDP provided user attributes into the user record; the most important of these is role
Additionally, you need to configure saml_issuer
, and saml_name_identifier_format
in config.yml and have the SAML_IDP_CERT
env variables set.
You can configure Aleph to email recipients about the status of Alerts or scheduled queries. To do this you have to supply smtp_settings
and a default_url_host
. You will also need to set the SMTP_PASSWORD
environment variable.
This configurational is optional but important if you want to get the most out of Alerts. The below example file provides a pretty good guide.
File - email.yml