Inplace Edit Form is a Django application that allows you to inline edition of some data from the database
It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License <>
Video Demo, of django-inplaceedit, django-inplaceedit-extra-fields and django-inlinetrans (Set full screen mode to view it correctly)

- django-transmeta, django-inplaceedit supports django-transmeta. django-transmeta is an application for translatable content in Django's models
- django-inplace-edit-extra-field, with this egg you can extends the default adaptors of django-inplaceedit
- django-inplace-edit-bootstrap, integration of django-inplaceedit with Bootstrap 3.
You can find more in the documentation at
You can get the bleeding edge version of django-inplaceedit by doing a clone of its git repository:
git clone git://