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145 lines (89 loc) · 4.54 KB

File metadata and controls

145 lines (89 loc) · 4.54 KB

Reproducible Research: Peer Assessment 1

Loading and preprocessing the data

The interval identifiers in the dataset provided seem to be just hours and minutes fused together, so to obtain a meaningful interval time, these identifiers are converted to the overall starting minute of the interval (table column int.minutes). The date factor is converted to a data (column dates) and the weekday for each date extracted to a factor vector (column weekday):

dataset <- read.csv(unz("","activity.csv"))
dataset$dates <- as.Date(dataset$date)
dataset$int.minutes <- dataset$interval %% 100 + 60 * as.integer(dataset$interval/100)
dataset$weekday <- as.factor(weekdays(dataset$dates))

What is the mean total number of steps taken per day? = unlist( by(dataset$steps,dataset$dates, 
                           function(x) sum(x,na.rm=TRUE),simplify=TRUE) )

Mean and median steps per day

Median steps per day: 10400

Mean steps per day: 9354

Histogram of average steps per day

hist(,breaks=25, main="Histogram of average steps per day", ylab = "Frequency [days]", xlab = "steps per day")

What is the average daily activity pattern?

                                      function (x) mean(x,na.rm= TRUE),simplify=TRUE))
max.avg.steps = max(avg.steps.per.interval$avg.steps) = with(avg.steps.per.interval, interval[avg.steps == max.avg.steps])
plot(avg.steps.per.interval,type="l",xaxt="n",xlab="Daytime",ylab="average steps per interval")

Maximum of number of average steps and time of maximum

Maximal number of average steps per interval: 206.1698113

At interval: 515 time: 8:35

Imputing missing values

Get number of rows containing NA values


There are 2304 values missing out of a total of 17568.

Filling NA values with interval mean

For imputing intervals with missing values, the average of steps for each corresponding time interval was taken to replace the NA values. The imputed steps per interval are stored in the dataset in column imp.steps.

indeces = sapply(dataset$int.minutes[na.rows], 
                 function (x) which(avg.steps.per.interval$interval == x))
dataset$imp.steps[na.rows] = avg.steps.per.interval$avg.steps[ indeces] = unlist( by(dataset$imp.steps,dataset$dates, 
                           function(x) sum(x,na.rm=TRUE),simplify=TRUE) )

Histogram of steps per day of the imputed data set

hist(,breaks=25, main="Histogram of imputed average steps per day", ylab = "Frequency [days]", xlab = "steps per day")

Median and mean steps per day of the imputed data set

Median steps per day: 10770

Mean steps per day: 10770

Compared to the raw step data, the imputed set - as is to be expected - is shifted to higher average step values with higher mean and median. The mean and median become identical which could be due to removal of skew resulting from missing data.

Are there differences in activity patterns between weekdays and weekends?

A new factor with levels weekday and weekend is created in the column weekend.

dataset$weekend = as.factor(ifelse( dataset$weekday %in% c("Sunday","Saturday"),
                                    "weekend", "weekday" ) )

Calculating average steps per interval for different values of weekend: = with(dataset,
                                      function (x) mean(x,na.rm= TRUE),simplify=TRUE))
xyplot(avg.steps ~interval | weekend, data =, type="l",
       horizontal = T,layout = c(1,2), ylab = "average number of steps", 
       xlab= "time of day", scales = list(x = list(at=x.ticks*60,labels = x.labs)) 