Easily convert numbers to formatted currencies with jQuery. If you've ever used Rails' number_to_currency you will find this familiar.
This plugin basically implements two methods:
$.toCurrency(number, [options])
- accepts a number (String or Number) and, optionally, some configuration options. Returns a string containing the number formatted as a currency.$(selector).toCurrency([options])
- called on a jQuery selection, it interprets the element(s)text()
as a number, and applies formatting to it.
$.toCurrency(1000); // returns "€ 1,000.00"
<span class="price">10000</span>
$(".price").toCurrency(); // $(".price").text() will now be "€ 10,000.00"
Both methods accept an object with configuration options as the last argument. The complete list with default values is the following:
precision: 2, // decimal precision
delimiter: ",", // thousands delimiter
separator: ".", // decimal separator
unit: "€", // unit
format: "%u %n", // format. %u is the placeholder for the unit, %n for the number
negativeFormat: false // format for negative numbers. If false, it defaults to the same format as positive numbers