This project provides a react-native compatible version of the IoTCentral device client. The client is Promise-based and written in Typescript.
Install the package and its dependency:
npm install react-native-azure-iotcentral-client react-native-get-random-values
react-native-get-random-values provides a polyfill for random generated numbers. This package is mandatory and needs to be imported in project root (index.js, App,js ...);
import "react-native-get-random-values";
Source code is written in Typescript so types are bundled with the package, you don't need to install any additional package
import { IoTCClient } from "react-native-azure-iotcentral-client";
const scopeId = "scopeID";
const deviceId = "deviceID";
const sasKey = "deviceKey";
const iotc = new IoTCClient(deviceId, scopeId, IOTC_CONNECT.DEVICE_KEY, sasKey);
async function main() {
await iotc.connect();
It is possible to use both group keys (SYMM_KEY) and device keys (DEVICE_KEY). When specifying a device key as sasKey option the connection type must be IOTC_CONNECT.DEVICE_KEY
After successfull connection, IOTC context is available for further commands.
All the callbacks are optional parameters and are triggered when message has reached the ingestion engine.
Send telemetry every 3 seconds
setInterval(async() => {
await iotc.sendTelemetry({
field1: value1,
field2: value2,
field3: value3
}, properties)
An optional properties object can be included in the send methods, to specify additional properties for the message (e.g. timestamp, content-type etc... ). Properties can be custom or part of the reserved ones (see list here).
await iotc.sendProperty({ fieldName: "fieldValue" });
iotc.on(IOTC_EVENTS.Properties, callback);
The callback is a function accepting a Property object. Once the new value is applied, the operation must be acknoledged to reflect it on IoTCentral app.
iotc.on(IOTC_EVENTS.Properties, async (property) => {
console.log("Received " +;
await property.ack("custom message");
iotc.on(IOTC_EVENTS.Commands, callback);
The callback is a function accepting a Command object. To reply, just call the reply function.
iotc.on(IOTC_EVENTS.Commands, async (command) => {
console.log("Received " +;
await command.reply(status, "custom message");
status is of type IIoTCCommandResponse
enum IIoTCCommandResponse {
A device can send custom data during provision process: if a device is aware of its IoT Central template Id, then it can be automatically provisioned.
Model Id can be found in the device template page.
Select the root node and click on "Edit DTDL". Note down the @id value.
Then call this method before connect():
Device auto-approval is enabled by default in IoT Central. With automatic approval a device can be provisioned without any manual action and can start sending/receiving data after status changes to "Provisioned".
To change default behavior, administrator can disable device auto-approval from Device Connection Groups page under the Permissions section. In manual approval mode, administrator has to approve the device registration to complete the provisioning process. This can be done in the Devices section.
The sample folder contains a sample React Native mobile application to play with the library.
cd ./sample
npm install
# for iOS only
cd ./ios && pod install && cd ..
npm run ios # or 'npm run android'
This sample does not use published npm package but compiled code in the parent folder. In this way you can tweak library code and easily test it through the mobile app. Every time library code changes, you need to re-build and re-install package in the mobile app.
npm run build
cd ./sample
npm install
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.