Releases: lsst-sqre/mobu
Emit body in alerts
Merge pull request #30 from lsst-sqre/tickets/DM-29321 [DM-29321] Emit response body in case of error
Switch Kernel name
Switch kernel name to lsst for robo-simon
Reduce the number of timeout errors
A bunch of times that we are waiting for a lab to spawn, we may have already hit an error and swallowed it. This should bail out earlier for those cases, which will make it try faster, and point more directly at the issue.
Add a settle timer for notebook runner
Sometimes we get these 405s on Robo-Simon when starting a notebook, and generally it's the first one. I wonder if being able to have a bit of a sleep timer before we start running them will give the lab time enough to get started.
Support for Nublado2 and better options form support
1.0.5 Merge pull request #16 from lsst-sqre/dependabot/pip/requirements/cry…
1.0.4 New json format
This rejiggers the monkey configuration to add options to be able to point at other notebook environments.
Merge pull request #12 from lsst-sqre/tickets/DM-26625 [DM-26625] Robo-Simon
Lab spawning timeout
Sometimes mobu would try forever to wait for the lab to spawn, even if it was waiting for far too long. Now we will give up after a reasonable amount of time to try again.
Fix mobu alerting
Fix some bugs where the alerts weren't being sent off.
Initial mobu release
Merge pull request #9 from lsst-sqre/tickets/DM-25835 [DM-25835] Add alert hook and call it on exception