From 8ef117212d0d304d87a1b311166bc1aba805d873 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lee Katz - Aspen Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 12:14:14 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] test for jack knife --- t/06_jackknifingHashes.t | 94 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 94 insertions(+) create mode 100644 t/06_jackknifingHashes.t diff --git a/t/06_jackknifingHashes.t b/t/06_jackknifingHashes.t new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44c844a --- /dev/null +++ b/t/06_jackknifingHashes.t @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env perl + +use strict; +use warnings; +use Data::Dumper; +use FindBin qw/$RealBin/; +use lib "$RealBin/../lib"; +use File::Basename qw/dirname/; +use Bio::TreeIO; +use IO::String; +use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/; + +use Test::More tests => 5; + +use_ok 'Mashtree'; +use Mashtree; + +$ENV{PATH}="./bin:$ENV{PATH}"; + +my $correctMashtree="((sample2:0.0020443525,sample1:0.0021037373)66:0.0000540274,sample3:0.0019622177,sample4:0.0020673526)83;"; +$correctMashtree=~s/(\d+\.)(\d+)/$1 . substr($2,0,4)/ge; # global and expression + +# Test to see if the correct tree is made +END{unlink "lambdadist.tsv"; system("rm -rf $RealBin/lambda/jackknife.tmp");} +my $mashtree=` --tempdir $RealBin/lambda/jackknife.tmp --reps 100 --numcpus 2 $RealBin/lambda/*.fastq.gz 2>/dev/null`; +if($?){ + BAIL_OUT("Mashtree exited with error"); +} +my $passed = ok(defined($mashtree)," ran and produced a string"); +$mashtree=~s/(\d+\.)(\d+)/$1 . substr($2,0,4)/ge; # global and expression + +my $fh = IO::String->new($mashtree); +my $tree = Bio::TreeIO->new(-fh=>$fh, -format=>"newick")->next_tree; +$passed = is(ref($tree),"Bio::Tree::Tree","Produced a BioPerl tree object"); +if(!$passed){ + BAIL_OUT("Tree was not produced out of this string:\n$mashtree"); +} + +subtest "Parts of the tree file intact" => sub{ + plan tests => 3; + my @nodes = $tree->get_nodes; + my @expectedBootstrap = (100, 11); + my $nodeCounter=0; + for my $node(grep {!$_->is_Leaf} @nodes){ + ok(looks_like_number($node->id), "Bootstrap is a number: ".$node->id); + note("Usually this bootstrap is around $expectedBootstrap[$nodeCounter], give or take 5%"); + $nodeCounter++; + } + + my $correctNodeString = "sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4"; + my $nodeString = join(" ", sort map{$_->id} grep { $_->is_Leaf} @nodes); + is $correctNodeString, $nodeString, "Taxon names in the tree: $nodeString"; +}; + +# Test to validate distances on the first rep +my $validDistances = 1; +my $distFile = "$RealBin/lambda/jackknife.tmp/rep1/distances.tsv"; +my $numDistErrors = 0; +open(my $distFh, "<", "$distFile") or die "ERROR reading $distFile: $!"; +my $currentQuery=""; +while(my $distance = <$distFh>){ + if($distance =~ /^\s*#\s*query\s*(.+)/i){ + $currentQuery=$1; + next; + } + + my($hit, $dist) = split(/\t/, $distance); + + if(!looks_like_number($dist)){ + diag "Found an entry that does not seem to have a number: $distance"; + $validDistances = 0; + $numDistErrors++; + } + + if($hit eq $currentQuery && $dist != 0){ + diag "Hit vs self on $hit is not 0 but is $dist"; + $validDistances = 0; + $numDistErrors++; + } + + if($dist < 0){ + diag "Found a negative distance on this line: $distance"; + $validDistances = 0; + $numDistErrors++; + } + + if($numDistErrors >= 5){ + diag "Found at least 5 distance errors. Bailing on this test."; + last; + } +} +close $distFh; +is($validDistances, 1, "Valid distances"); +