This repository holds the main code for recasting the 13 TeV ATLAS search for displaced vertices plus missing transverse momenta (ATLAS-SUSY-2016-08) using the parametrized efficiencies for event and displaced vertex reconstruction provided here.
This code was used in:
Please cite if you use this code :-)
The following pre-requisites must be installed before compiling the main code:
In order to compile the recasting code, run:
inside the pythiaCode folder, where a Makefile example can be found
You can run with:
For the LesHouches2017 reinterpretation. The basic required input is a (parton level) LHE or SLHA file. The output are efficiency files and cutflows (save to the "truthDV_data" folder inside Plots)
In this folder you will find:
- Makefile -- paths should be edited accordingly
- gluino_tau_0.0.slha -- the Split SUSY model spectra
- pythia8.cfg -- pythia configuration parameters
- -- the ATLAS digitized efficiencies
- parametrized_truthEff.h
- -- the recasting code for each mass, varying the lifetime
- -- the recasting code for for a fixed lifetime, varying the gluino mass
- -- the custom made detector simulation for this recast
- ToyDetector-ATLAS-tracklessjet.h
Comparison plots with the recasted limits and the ATLAS observed limits.
ATLASDV_MET_recast.pdf is a note detailing the recasting procedure. An older recasted version (without the parametrized efficiencies) is also mentioned.