All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.4.1 (2022-09-11)
Note: Version bump only for package canada
0.4.0 (2022-09-11)
- form: expose handleSubmit function to th FaCC pattern down the tree (333f1a5)
- create "@louffee/canada-masks" package with numbers mask as its starter (ad9029d)
- create Tooltip component (269eb50)
- create TopBar composite component (a12b3a9)
- global-hooks: create useClipboard custom hook function (fe2cc34)
- text-field: create support for "mask" prop which allows systematic adoption from masks package (d82eb04)
- button: wrap OutlinedButton component with a memo high-order-component (1e3649c)
- button: wrap SoftButton component within a memo hoc (ea9e517)
- button: wrap the NeutralButton component in a memo high-order component (946c1c2)
- icon: wrap the Icon component in a memo high-order component (42e910d)
- form: We need to explicitly mount the inside of the Form component FaCC (children) with the given handleSubmit, or else the native submit and form functionalities do not work.
0.3.3 (2022-08-09)
Note: Version bump only for package canada
0.3.2 (2022-08-09)
Note: Version bump only for package canada
0.3.1 (2022-08-08)
Note: Version bump only for package canada
0.3.0 (2022-08-08)
- global-hooks: create useWindowSize hook to watch the dimensions of the window (036793e)
- add a bunch of hooks (28f0eaf)
- add useDocumentEvent hook (5e31f95)
- add useEvent hook to create events with useCallback (1986252)
- button: create a component for neutral cases - NeutralButton (1f1046f)
- button: create the OutlinedButton component (f6a42e0)
- create a package for Input component (18d2217)
- create a SoftButton package component (0a63227)
- create Icon package to provide Material Design icons (bdd01ab)
- create TextField package component 😄 (e505273)
- create the CircularProgress component (6463429)
- create the form system and strategy used @ louffee (5d515b3)
- create utility CSS classes package (f507972)
- form: create a function to invoke the base of the errorschema with type declaration (eda15eb)
- global-hooks: add useLatest hook (199a40d)
- global-hooks: create a package responsible for controlling all hooks (8f783ab)
- icon: create the icons based on the material icons API from react-icons package (f77ddd7)
- react-utils: create a package with react-related util functions (7cc4eee)
- style-system: create style system and theming package for all Canada monolith repository (cf100ba)
- typography: create a typography package component (a1cdd49)
- use npm registry in lerna configuration file (78f533a)