This package provides a series of components that implement Looker's Design System.
To get started add the Looker Components NPM package:
npm install @looker/components
yarn: yarn add @looker/components
You'll also need to satisfy @looker/components
peer dependencies - Lodash, React, & Styled Components:
npm install lodash react react-dom styled-components
yarn: yarn add lodash react react-dom styled-components
Finally, if you're using Typescript you'll want to add the associated types for the dependencies (note @looker/components is built in Typescript and therefore has built-in types).
npm install --save-dev @types/lodash @types/react @types/react-dom @types/styled-components
yarn: yarn add --dev @types/lodash @types/react @types/react-dom @types/styled-components
To begin documenting a new component, you must first import it into allComponents.ts, and attach it the allComponents
object. This allows Gatsby to automatically add your component to the global javascript scope for use in mdx documentation.