has some common functions has some variant classes (automatically clean variant formats using, help find online ExAC and kaviar [using] and sometimes cadd if given a cadd tsv file) has some gene classes (help find online ExAC pLI, mis-z, symbol, alias using
is very useful in that it can trim redundant bases, and that it also can fill missing bases.
print clean_variant(v)
import sqlite3
import Variants
import json
V = Variants.Variants(db_conn,['20-61523355-T-C','X-153694021-C-T'])
print json.dumps(V.exac, indent=4)
In the field of genetic diagosis, end results are refreshed when new evidence is introduced. Manual inspection necessitates highlight of changes to avoid wasting time on unchanged data.
import Compare
import pandas as pd
fields_to_check = {
Compare.compare_dfs('original_df', 'new_df', 'index', fields_to_check)
You can also pass your customised compare functions as values of fields for alternative comparisons
import Compare
import pandas as pd
def filter_cb(a,b):
dc = {
if dc[b] > dc[a]: return True
else: return False
fields_to_check = {
Compare.compare_dfs('original_df', 'new_df', 'index', fields_to_check)
Or you can use closures to create some even more customised comparison methods (useful when you want to variate some cutoffs.
import Compare
import pandas as pd
def exac_cb_factory(thrd):
def exac_cb_inner(a,b):
# convert np.nan to None
# since np.nan != np.nan
a = None if pd.isnull(a) else a
b = None if pd.isnull(b) else b
# equal?
if a == b: return False
# one > thrd, one < thrd?
if sorted([a,b,thrd])[1] == thrd: return True
# both > thrd?
if min(a,b,thrd) == thrd: return False
else: return True
return exac_cb_inner
exac_cutoff = 0.01
exac_compare = exac_cb_factory(exac_cutoff)
fields_to_check = {
Compare.compare_dfs('original_df', 'new_df', 'index', fields_to_check)
When None
is given as field value, it uses good old ==
for comparison. It takes care of the case where np.nan != np.nan