- Compatibility with Backbone 1.0.0
- Tests for Backbone.sync
- Support model.save(attrs, {patch: true})
- Prefix doesn't have a problem with non-existent
var. Closed #8 - Merge branch 'bug/clean-build'
- clean build dist
- example routes use new folio#Glossary
- compile uses new folio objects
- updated deps
- Sync accepts using data param, as in #fetch({ data: { id: x } }). Closes #6.
- [example] updated devDependencies in package.json. Closes #5
- [docs] updated readme with new build instructions
- [example] cleaned up app requires
- added jquery 1.7.1
- [docs] 0.4.1
- 0.4.1 version tags in sources and dist
- updates to ignore files
- removed jakefile, added make all
- made compile functions make compatible
- changed port for example app
- moved outfiles to dist folder
- readme typos
- documentation for version 0.4.0
- rearranged README to point to new [docs]
- added codex for docs generation
- commenting for new docs
- added makefile for docs generation
- 0.4.0 link in readme
- Merge branch 'feature/commonjs'
- build using common js prefix/suffix
- prefix checks for require function
- build checks for changed prefix/suffix
- var cleanup
- no var self used in ioUnbind (model/collection)
- build using prefix/suffix - testing ready
- prefix/suffix in build tool
- commonjs prefix/suffix
- doc cleanup
- Merge branch 'feature/pull-3' (thanks @dodo)
- build pull 3
- update example
- get socket from backbone objects as well so they all can have their own socket
- Expanded comments in the example app.
- readme updates
- no comments model needed in example
- server side socket.io comments for example app
- Readme tweak.
- small readme changes … no runon sentences.
- seed locked at 0.0.10 for now
- example style tweaks - no extra lines
- jake tool has serve option
- readme typos
- major readme update
- Merge branch 'feature/example'
- ignore c9 stuffs
- cleanup
- tasks can be completed :)
- style changes, use buttons, not checkmarks
- animated remove
- template changes
- cleaner styles for example
- app supports add and delete
- dev deeps for example app
- git ignore
- starting sample express app
- Merge branch 'bug/namespace'
- include email in header notices
- backbone#sync - if leading slash in url, ignore when getting as namespace. Closes #2
- readme tweaks
- readme updates for build cycle
- renamed codex to folio in build cycle
- build at v 0.2.3
- jakefile codex 0.0.4 compat
- detects if io not passed, uses window.socket or Backbone.socket instead.
- comment updates for new docs
- readme updates on how to build
- rebuilt as 0.2.2 using new build tool
- Jakefile build tool
- removed version def from copyright.js
- removed makefile
- added package.json for node compilers
- Updated documentation comments
- Changelog init
- makefile support for iosync
- Merge branch 'feature/sync'
- Added Backbone.sync replacement for socket.io
- patch for events compact, version tick
- compact is returned