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AppScale on Rackspace

Chris Bunch edited this page May 27, 2013 · 13 revisions

AppScale can deploy on Rackspace Cloud to provide you with a quick, simple way to run AppScale on a public cloud. Follow the directions below to deploy AppScale on a single node in Rackspace.

Step 1: Setting up your Rackspace VM

  1. Sign up / Sign in to the Rackspace Cloud Control Panel

  2. Select “Create Server”

  3. Server setup:

Name server
Select Image - Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx)
Select Size - 2GB+ RAM
Select - Create Server

Be sure to store the auto-generated root password in a safe and secure place.

Step 2: Connecting to your Rackspace VM

SSH into your newly created cloud server

  1. The SSH link located on the right will launch your default terminal with an SSH session
  2. Accept the RSA key and enter the server’s root password. Note: You may also SSH into your server by finding the public IP address and using your terminal to create a secure connection.

Step 3: Building AppScale

Once the source files have successfully downloaded, start the build process by running:

sudo su
cd /root
wget -O - | sh

Step 4: Configure and start AppScale

You have successfully installed AppScale on Rackspace! To initialize AppScale navigate to ~/appscale-tools/bin and execute command ./appscale init cluster to create your AppScalefile. Edit your AppScalefile with the appropriate configuration variables save and quit. Run command ./appscale up and AppScale will automatically deploy with the configuration you supplied.

Next, you can deploy Google App Engine applications by running:

appscale deploy ~/path-to-your-app

Navigate on your host machine's browser to this address to interact with your app.

Step 5: Shutting Down AppScale and Terminating your Instance

Shut down your apps and AppScale deployment by running:

appscale down

Getting Help

If you run into any problems, please send an email to us via the AppScale Community group or join us on #appscale on freenode.

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