This is a concept inventory for things that we work on in our group
- Superconductivity
- Magnetism
- Ferro
- Anti-ferro
- Spin glass
- Spin ice
- Quantum spin hall effect
- Rashba effect
- Ferroelectricity/polarization in materials
- Phonons
- Electron-phonon coupling
- Spin-orbit coupling
- Hubbard model
- Homogeneous electron gas
- Unitary gas (contact interaction)
- Hydrogen chain
- Heisenberg model
- Ising model
- Kane-Mele model
- Kitaev model
- RVB state
- Silicon
- Diamond
- Graphene
- VO2
- Cuprates
- Perovskites
- Spinels
- Transition metal dichalchogenides
- Orbital hybridization
- Bonding/antibonding orbitals
- Coupled cluster
- Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG)
- Configuration Interaction
- Perturbation theory (MP2)
- Green function (GW and GF2)
- Density Matrix Downfolding
- Quantum Monte Carlo
- Time dependent DFT
- Density functional theory
- Numerical renormalization group
- Using shell (bash)
- Python - packages
- pandas
- seaborn
- matplotlib
- snakemake
- pyscf
- pyqmc
- virtual environments
- packaging
- Conda
- Coding standards and styles
- Debugging techniques
- Other tools
- rsync
- ssh
- ssh tunneling
Core math
- Central limit theorem
- Monte Carlo integration
- Statistical inference
- Bootstrap method
Mathematical objects useful in many-body quantum
- Berry phase
- Many-particle wave function
- Effective field theory
- Effective Hamiltonian
- Effective Lagrangian
- Topological invariant
- Mermin-Wagner theorem
- Reduced density matrices
- Born-Oppenheimer approximation