For the generalized NC/xHWx layout format, the following observations apply:
Only the channel dimension, C, is grouped into x channels each.
When x = 1, each group has only one channel. Hence, the elements of one channel (that is, one group) are
arranged contiguously (in the row-major order), before proceeding to the next group (that is, next
channel). This is the same as NCHW format.
When x = C, then NC/xHWx is identical to NHWC, that is, the entire channel depth C is considered as a
single group. The case x = C can be thought of as vectorizing the entire C dimension as one big vector,
laying out all the Cs, followed by the remaining dimensions, just like NHWC.
The tensor format cudnnTensorFormat_t can also be interpreted in the following way: The NCHW INT8x32
format is really N x (C/32) x H x W x 32 (32 Cs for every W), just as the NCHW INT8x4 format is N x (C/4)
x H x W x 4 (4 Cs for every W). Hence the VECT_C name - each W is a vector (4 or 32) of Cs.
//! Eight channel format where C is padded to a multiple of 8. This format
//! is bound to FP16. It is only available for dimensions >= 3.
//! For a tensor with dimensions {N, C, H, W},
//! the memory layout is equivalent to the array with dimensions
//! [N][H][W][(C+7)/8*8], with the tensor coordinates (n, c, h, w)
//! mapping to array subscript [n][h][w][c].
//! Thirty-two wide channel vectorized row major format. This format is
//! only available for dimensions >= 3.
//! For a tensor with dimensions {N, C, H, W},
//! the memory layout is equivalent to a C array with dimensions
//! [N][(C+31)/32][H][W][32], with the tensor coordinates (n, c, h, w)
//! mapping to array subscript [n][c/32][h][w][c%32].
//! For DLA usage, this format maps to the native image format for INT8,
//! and the tensor sizes are limited to C,H,W in the range [1,8192].
Note that for the vectorized formats, the channel dimension must be zero-padded to the multiple of the
vector size. For example, if an input binding has dimensions of [16,3,224,224], kHALF data type, and kHWC8
format, then the actual-required size of the binding buffer would be 16*8*224*224*sizeof(half) bytes, even
though the engine->getBindingDimension() API will return tensor dimensions as [16,3,224,224]. The values
in the padded part (that is, where C=3,4,…,7 in this example) must be filled with zeros.
Refer to Data Format Descriptions for how the data are actually laid out in memory for these formats.
/// NCHW --> NHWC8, idx in linear plane, dst_idx is in NHWC8
__forceinline__ __device__ void convert_to_hwc8plane(const size_t idx, const size_t area, size_t* dst_idx)
//////////////////////////////// python snippet ////////////////////////////
// area = H * W
// voc = C*area
// # idx is linear plane,
// voc_idx = idx // voc
// row_idx = idx % voc // area
// col_idx = idx % voc % area
// dst_idx = voc_idx * voc + C* col_idx + row_idx # find idx in NHWC8 plane
const auto voc = area << 8; // C = 256
*dst_idx = (idx / voc * voc) + ((idx % voc / area) << 8) + (idx % voc % area);
/// NCHW --> NC/32HW32, idx in linear plane, dst_idx is in NC/32HW32 plane
__forceinline__ __device__ void convert_to_chw32plane(const size_t idx, const size_t area, size_t* dst_idx)
//////////////////////////////// python snippet ////////////////////////////
// area = H * W
// voc = 32*area
// # idx is linear plane,
// voc_idx = idx // voc
// row_idx = idx % area
// col_idx = idx // area % 32
// chw32_idx = voc_idx * voc + row_idx*32 + col_idx # find idx in NCHW32 plane
const auto voc = area << 5;
*dst_idx = (idx / voc * voc) + (idx % area << 5) + (idx / area & 31);